She said it herself:
And more:
Former thread: Shills are sliding this.
She said it herself:
And more:
Former thread: Shills are sliding this.
Bump for glory
Don't let this thread slide
Why couldn't she have become president back then?
When did she go wrong?
What makes someone turn against her own country like that?
Bump. Fuck off hillshills
Has someone made a video yet of
Rapin Bill actually deported something like 9 million.
He passed welfare and crime reform which put more dindus in jail.
He was pretty based
Women were a mistake
what is the purpose of this bread?
educate me
Well I wonder, do any of you hold the views of 10 years ago? I don't and I can understand that she like almost any other human being will sway, especially when the group changes too.
watch the videos
spread them
enlighten voters
teach liberals
>"T-this will surely end her campaign"
Shillbot on proxy detected.
Imagine this
>35 second add
>I'm Donald Trump. I accept this endorsement and approve this message.
Why isn't this viral?
Because most Humans have core beliefs that don't actually change over time that inform who they are and how they percieve the world.
Not everyone is a psychopath who will claim support of anything they think will put them in power.
This one is more recent
bump for great justice
Mexico was a completely different place when that video was made.
It would be like someone who fought Germany during WW2 to say in 2016 "fuck, we need to stop those damn Nazis from invading Poland"
Yeah, Mexico is phantasmagorical now. Mexico is never where drugs, illegal guns and crime come from anymore. We are at war with Oceania now, remember guys?
>Mexico was a completely different place when that video was made.
You're retarded, son. Mexico has a population of 130 million people, of course all kinds of fucked up shit is going to happen when you have that many people.
What you're saying amounts to saying that all Europeans are ultranationalist terrorists just because Ukrainians are involved in a civil war.
>have core beliefs that don't actually change over time that inform who they are and how they percieve the world
Of course, the exception is being "red pilled" that's somehow not an "unnatural" change of course.
>illegal guns
Mexico has no guns unfortunately, we get those from your Walmart though, and the best marijuana comes from San Francisco, which is stupid thinking about drug dealers crossing from the US to Mexico just to sell drug
Trump is called racist for his views. Hillary had similar views and nobdoy would call her a former racist. Bias?
>getting this triggered by leafposting
Bumperino pepperchino
>This will surely end her campaign! I swear guys!
t. increasingly nervous Trump supporter
Bump time to fire up those normie social media accounts
WTF is sliding
It's pretty well known that Hillary was the brains behind Bill's entire campaign and tenure in the White House. When Bill's mother first met Hillary, she immediately said to him, "Marry that woman. She will take you places."
>trying to copy trump this late in the race
He's right. She said all this around 2006, around the time the Cartel problem began to escalate.
It's when people create various other thread for really small questions that they can literally answer by aski NC another friendly user in a thread like this one while not causing an overflow of threads causing ones that promote good quality discussion about serious things like this to be archived or forgotten.
So it was exactly the same, thanks!
Well that's a bit outside of my point, but okay. People are still tribal when looking at how they act, they don't really care for what's right or wrong, racist/bigot is just the new word for heretic.
I don't think it's bad though it's just human.
Hillary also wants to:
Pass another Assault Weapons Ban
Accept more refugees
Be Hillary Clinton
>This is what Leafs actually believe.
Well, since you showed me. Why don't the illegal immigrants move to these nice parts of Mexico instead of coming to our country, which is equal to theirs.
She must be stopped.
I mean if our country was swamped with Ukrainian immigrants who committed crimes at a higher rate I would suggest they go to another European country. A place where their fascinating and unique criminal culture would be more appreciated.
That's it! I'm a #TRUMPMISSILE!
This alone is why she will not/must not become president.
She is the apocalypse manifest in every way
the only thing he did right
You know, except the whole NAFTA thing which crashed our economy with no survivors
Post the most popular one
make this video go viral, not the mirrors. People are more likely to watch this than the ones with 500 views
You are out of control.
That would be brilliant. She's literally flip flopped on every single issue and she did while she was a political figure who ostensibly are supposed to have moral convictions.
You're right, this one is better (150.000 views in 2 days!).
What happened to that sensible woman?
What is this gif from?
bamping with yeb to keep things going
Good job m8
What song is that based on?
Hurt by Nine Inch Nails
variations on a theme
>What makes someone turn against her own country like that?
She only believe in one thing and that's doing what she's got to do
And right now that means getting the votes of all the shitskins and their liberal lovers because that's the only way she's getting into the White House. If she could run on the same platform as Trump and win even more easily that way she would in a heartbeat.
She only cares about her money, power and eventual legacy, she'll do whatever it takes. That's Understanding Hillary 101, she's more or less some kind of souped up Frank Underwood.
"She'll say anything and change nothing."
t. Barack Obama
>oy vey dose are just isolated incidents, dey happen everywhere
t. all the kikes and marxist cucks ever
I see. Thanks.
I think Trump is a cut-rate Mussolini, but I'd vote for him if she'd give me a night of several servitude.
trump bump
May auto-correct rot in Hell.
>Why couldn't she have become president back then?
She was not black.
Hillary changes her mind every 3 seconds. Trust nothing she says. Trump is more transparent and consistent.
Why the video is called "racist statements"? aren't we defending the Trump is not racist?
may all your several desires by fullfilled my friend :^)
Obama wasn't that cynical initially, he was just the typical "hey guise I'm an outsider who's totally gonna change Washington for the better!" only to find out a) they don't know how to get a damn thing done and b) they're the ones getting changed to fit the mold and end up playing the game more or less well like it was meant to be played.
Whereas Hillary was always from the beginning all about riding coattails all the way to the very top, no matter what.
Trump is not consistent, but yeah, he is more transparent. His past praise for Hillary and what a great President she'd be is a good example.
(Unless you think he didn't really believe that, but was just saying it to cozy up to somebody who might do him and his business some good -- in which case, he's not transparent either.)
So what were you actually going to say?
sexual -> several
Please this
Also checked
Now it makes sense. Thanks, neighbor.
There's a recurring theme to how donald deals with people: He never insults anyone who hasn't insulted him first.