>France team
>France team
>Swiss Albanian
there are more whites than the previous cup, and no more sandniggers
Proud to see Europe becoming a new Brazil! Diversity is wonderful, believe me.
Let me guess: top right is the Albanian?
at least my boy Giroud is 10/10
>not becoming a new Africa
s-shut up
You think this is funny ? because its not.
>implying this isn't our future a well
I wouldn't laugh if I were you
Shut up, cheesemaker
It's pretty funny actually.
France is an African nation. I'm actually shocked there's not more blacks on the team
>tfw american who barely watches soccer but loves fifa
>play career mode
>buy pogba and play him at CDM
>mfw he's a literal god
France is an African country though.
mfw romanian scum is whiter than french team
>be passionate french soccer fan
>wait 32 years (your whole life) to host the euros
>it finally happens
>80% of your team is various niggers and foreigners
>still have to act excited or be ostracized
The biggest fans of povertyball here are blacks, arabs and white trash. Literally the shittiest sport in existence.
France is a black country. Whats so shocking?
God damn i love being white
What does italy know? You are mediteranean hairy shitskins lol
You are so fucking mad right now
Especially now we got rid of Negrotelli
I'd hate to be in that jungle of a locker room
See, gypsy
That looks turk at best. But what can I say? For an italian that's mili white
It's true. But still.
Damn Romania how come your team looks like a German Aryan postcard taken in 1939 if you're filled with Gypsies?
Not kidding faggot, was watching them sining the anathem when the camera just kept recording niggers.
I was like ''wtf is going on?''
it´s even worse. They´ve banned the delinquent benzema and lost diarra because an injury. Literally a nigger non-european national team.
I never understood football.
Why the fuck people from other countries or ethnicities are allowed to join to a foreign team?
It should be 100% people from that country and not 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants too.
t-they were all born in France
how is it bad to ban a piece of shit who blackmail his teammate ?
I love it. You nordicists are really the modern niggers.
Everything you have is thanks to Anglos and Southern Europeans. You stand on the shoulder of giants in pure ignorance of what they have given you then you say they aren't white. They aren't civilization builders, artists, philosophers and culture creators.
You nordic and germanic cucks are ruining europe again because of your inability to learn basic history.
meh I don't care, football is shit just idiots running for a ball.
Is the fact that I find sub saharan Africans to be the ugliest mofos around a sufficient reason to not want them? I feel like it's not a strong enough motive.
What sport do you like? I've always appreciated how white tennis is
Matuidi is an honorary white though
I like Archery, as a kid a had a bow and every day I was out practicing. too bad I haven't done it since then
Is this the mongol genes in me?
t. Bozgor
>Vlad the Wlach
you tell me, pierre. I´m only pointing out that under normal circumstances you should add two more niggers to the picture. Really disgusting, bro. Deschamps thinks that with 10 chimps you got more chances of winning a football championship but he fails to understand that it ain´t 1998 anymore. Football has evolved physically and tactically a lot.
How to spot Albozergs:
Albanians usually have bony long rat faces, very thin lips and big, often crooked or hooked noses.
The guy on the right is a typical Albanian.
Im Transylvanian not a dirty sourthern or eastern gyppo.
I don't even understand how can any French support their team.
You might aswell root for Kongo or Nigeria.
You don't know what is the worst yet.
Peoples called for racism when benzema didnt got elect for euro 2016.
I mean they scream racism but hey !
there is only 2 fucking white in the team
top kek
Can we just settle this once and for all and acknowledge the fact that cycling is the true white man's hobby ?
What matter is what is in the head.
You genuine racists make us all good bad.
France just scored a goal on Romania in the football game so now its 1-0
>tfw learned how to ride a bycycle when I was 14
>1 Albanian out of 11 has a rat face
t. siptar
it was a clear foul. Another rigged tournament. Fucking uefa, fucking eurocup and fucking champions league.
Are Italians white?
Are you at least going to admit that you're retarded?
well it least this time its not north african
Until the negro steals your bike
Bottom right got thankfully replaced by a half-nog.
Personally I dislike Özil the most, he is a good player but all of the other, as far as I know, have at least one German parent, Özil is a complete Turk.
That's an Islamified Greek
I have a hard time finding these Romanian names Latin.
no offense romanbros
Almost no blacks, except for Rezá and eritreans (and they're all shit)
Germany won the handball world cup with a 100% white team.
stay jelly,and fuck off
Go back to Albania, mudslime.
I guess this is just a side effect of handling black money.
I thought his father was this American.
prvo,Hrvat sam.
drugo,jebo ti isus mater,ako jedan lik izgleda ko cigan,a deset ih izgleda normalno,onda je ovih deset tipicno,a ne onaj jedan.
bog te jebo kako nemogu podnit idiote poput tebe
trece,ubij se
Are you me ?
Why are white people so weak and bad at sports lmao
You managed to learn Croatian. Good for you, Šiptar.
as I said,kill yourself.
Gypsies can't afford to play on the national team
So we choose people that can make their own money.
>Be Romania
>tfw my dad forced me to ride a bike at 6
>first time on a bike, crashing full speed into a wall, damaging my dick. not able to pee for 2 days.
Blacks can't synchronize themself to practice bike.
Same thing with natation.
Basically blacks are just good to run, jump and hit, whenever you need to learn an "unatural' set of movement, they can't do it.