These are the only manly countries left in Europe, you know it's true Sup Forums
>implying austra isn't germany's little bitch
>Implying the Montain Jews aren't based.
Pick one and only one friendo
North of Éirefag here but surely Scotland is worth a spot?
the swiss?
sorry m8 but they've been completely cucked
Portuguese don't wear that
It's the Spaniards helmet
>not ideologically Sweden
>not greece
>implying there is a difference between Moortugal and the country with the most Romanian diasporas
The fuck you talking about
>0.2% muslim population here
>USA has over 3k mosques
>France has over 2300
>Portugal has 8
Does it have shit skins in it?
USA is the size of Europe mate, so if you combine European countries I'm sure here a more mosques
by who?
>Manliness == cucking to the English/Catholics/EU
Why are we not on it? Don't make me kill you with potato.
Well, I'll give you that, Portugal is manly. So manly that even their women have moustaches.
>not full of left-nationalist cucks
B-brits out
You're not even a real country.
Daily reminder that Ireland is more white than you
Khanate approves this post.
Luxembourg is the shiny diamond you find hidden deep beneath the dirt.
70% Christian.
How so? All evidence points to the Swiss being based. Wasn't there a case recently in which a Swiss town preferred to be taxed than have refugees imported?
I was expecting a romanian OP.
Indeed, but it's all your own fault.
But it could be worse. You could be ukraine, or moldova.
I wish I was a Magyar. Is there a way to become a Magyar?
We are actually better than some EU countries. Picture related.
screw you buddy
East Europe is best Europe :D youtube.com
But honestly I think we're going to drop from that group pretty fast if things don't change fast.
>Southern Portugal
>Not 100% Moor
Pic one, senhor Mouro.
How is Iceland manly?
Have you ever even met an icelandic?
Or for that matter, finns...
Ignore him. Some northern portuguese women are fine. But sluts, to be fair.
remember how our first nationalist party in the 21st century's first public meeting was raided by antifa?
we also used that helmet
Kek seriously?
These good goys created a law recently that gives Sephardi Jews free citizenship. The goys pay the welfare of course...
I agree with that my man (PORTO). Just don't assume it isn't exactly the same in Spain right next door. In fact you guys had the moor ocuppation in the south something like 200 years more after we were done with our reconquista.
Town full of millionaires took a 10 million dollar fine instead of taking 9 refugees
Finnish men are all about muh manliness. Much of that stems from insecurity tho, so there's that.
>occupied many times
Good for you
Northfag here too
Scottish are socialist faggots
finns are as cucked as swede, they just don't have the same hype.
irish as well as england is fully gay, the only thing manly about is working class people, and they are basicly chavs.
Czech and hugary are the brothels of europe. fuck all the rest
>legalized gay marriage
You don't get to talk potato.
I can't even imagine me or my wife and her son living in a country where you can't buy yourself a kebab or chinese food because the government is so despotic it's against progress.
protip: even the computer you work with is product of multiculture and globalism. Deal with it.
I remember one small village preferred to pay 200k mountain jew coins in order to not shelter only 10 mudslims.
>no Denmark
In next 50 years there will be civil war in the westen europe.
Will there be right-wing death squads
That was a millionaire swiss village. Better pay 200k in one go than having 10 rapefugees loose in the village and paying their lodging, food, medical care for years
Yeah, on a bad days I see 30% immigrant people on my way to home from work. On a good day it can be close to 0%. It's not looking too good here. Also on a bad day in Lidl aka little Africa you can see more than half of the customers being immigrant.
If we're still good, I wonder how wrecked Sweden is.
We're more manly than Finns and little Estonia. Sure, we have a lot of sandies here, but that's because our government invited them without our permission. We promptly responded by kicking them out of office, something Finland and Estonia would do (if they actually cared about their government passing unwanted laws and decisions).
That and we have Brexit and are openly saying 'multiculturalism isn't working and we've got to stop all these darkies coming'.
>army size is literally like 6,000
>16,000 strong army
plus they simply dont enjoy sandniggers. people act as if mudslimes were civilized nobody would care about they invading europe.
even so, they would still look way too hairy and ugly as fuck
>Selling your country for kebab and noodles
Wasn't worth much I guess.
An excellent decision. I wish people were wiser and not liberal.
They wouldn't be able to control their urge to rape the 10/10 model girls these millionaires would have as wives
Porto is a fucking Gypsy ghetto.
You have to live above Rio Ave to be true latin celtic northern masterrace.
Numbers do not win a battle
>No Norway
Opinion discarded
What does an army size matter if it doesen't defend your country from immigration? We had our army carrying immigrants' stuff to their houses.
most of those are very christian and poor that is why muslims dont want to go to them places
there is no excuse for them to stick around
they flood to the west because that is where the money is...if eastern europe was equally wealthy they would live there also
dont fool yourself
>ctrl+f greenland
0 results
greenland isnt in europe its in north america
>EU education system
Bullcrap. Porto is a big city, so ofc it isn't like a small village up north. Lot of people come here.
Besides, my mother is from Guimarães and my father is from Mirandela. Can't get much more north than that.
>Rio Ave
Everything south of Melgaço is Moorish in my book
Yes. They would come here if we would have wealth BUT the problem is not the wealth.
The problem is the MEDIA and the education system.
If they were anti immigrant you wouldnt have any of them.
Because they would be kicked out and Nigel would be your PM.
Ireland will fight the world, after they've finished with each other
The mudslimes and niggers want more than just ficki, ficki gib poosie. They want that "free" money from the various governments that take them in.
>Iceland is on there
You do realize Iceland is one of the most feminist and leftist countries in the world right? The majority of people in power in Iceland are women.
>the countries in OP pic have 1%< muslims
>have you been here for a week or so? how come you never encountered this pic before?
Gypsy call out vids always crack me up
Who needs numbers when you are portuguese
“There is no people like the Portuguese, tomorrow will have one of the worst confrontations, I checked the front lines one more time, I saw many barefooted soldiers, captains that didn’t even have a sword, I found a sentinel patrolling with a musket without doglock, which means, the musket wouldn’t protect him in case he’d be attacked. From the hillside, a group of unarmed volunteers appeared and offered their services, I asked with what, they said they were counting on their bags filled with stones. Such honorable and incredible people I was allowed to lead.”
— Wilhelm, the Count of Schaumburg-Lippe, who led the Portuguese army during the Fantastic War. (When the war ended, the Count of Lippe refused to receive any payment offered from his services to the Portuguese crown.)
True, they would seek to go into eastern Europe if they had the wealth, but there's no denying those countries are also much more conservative, racist, religious and so on than Britain, France or Germany.
If Finland build a wall betwen our people and immigrants like Hungary did, it would be pushed over by our own people, not immigrants. It would probably not even finish because of the resistance.
We're named after a woman, we spent the last 700 years getting fucked and we're full of leftists.
Sorry but if you live south of Casais you are a moor.
Melgaço is in the border with Galicia
>all this butthurt ITT
I'm sorry if your country is a muslim infested shithole where people are ashamed of their heritage, but fuck off
>60% white with nigger president
>Orwellian Caliphate
It seems almost impossible that your country has become cucked. I mean, Finland is the country that blessed the world with the White Death.
Porto is a ugly city.
A ghost of a city with a lot of potential. Crawling with crackheads, gypsies and degenerates in decaying buildings.
Guimarães' ppl are two-faced, treacherous gypsy rape babies.
Source: lived there 6 years.
I live just 20 minutes from Bracarae Augustae in a noice quiet town.
Meanwhile America has blessed the world with burgers and fat.
burgers are tasty tho
Porto is ugly. Sure thing buddy. Also,
>Guimarães' ppl are two-faced, treacherous gypsy rape babies.
Topkek, no point in arguing with you
I guess you haven't been to Porto in the last 5 years. That or you lived in the shitty part of town like a poorfag
here's a more accurate picture
I think that some WW2 heroes don't mean shit in a world of absolute wealth, progression and liberalism. I'm sure America has great war heroes too but what do they mean anymore? = Absolutely nothing.
People should stop sucking up to old dead men and make their own world, like the men they idolize did. None of those guys are coming back and they don't represent modern times.
Irelan is slowly becoming more pussified every. Here in Cork i see these fucking youngsters with these rediculuous haircuts. Got that where you live op?
So toilet scrubbing and begging are considered manly now?
ah here now them lads no how to fight all the same come out here to cobh and i'll fight ya kid
Why would I want to come out to the favellas of Cork to some dirty traveller?
>Frenchfag here too
Nazis are socialist faggots
Can't deny we are cucks. I would do something about it but it's siesta time
I go to Porto every fucking weekend. It's full of decaying buildings everywhere. it fucking sucks.
You twats must be riding your daddies' cars when you go there if you aren't bothered all the fucking time by disgusting crackheads, that is, if you are old enough to drive... either that, or you masturbate to Pinto da Costa while hearing Porto's anthem
>inb4 not lampião nem lagarto
Also, yes, guimarães mentality is a fucking shame to the north. The only honest man to ever lived there was Egas Moniz, King Afonso's tutor, because the king himself, as you may know, betrayed his cousin and beat his mother.
But you can always visit the city during a football match and see for yourself what kind of niggers live there.
some talk off you i can smell the knocknaheeney camp fire off of ya
i'll give you a knock. Come down to dublin
wasn't that this enforced EU cuck law though?
like that you have to pay a crazy sum for every refugee not taken?
these assholes are insane.
theres nothing in dublin except chavs