>delet this
What now, Trumpies? Not even your God-Emperor can come back to this. Hillary confirmed Twitter queen
>delet this
What now, Trumpies? Not even your God-Emperor can come back to this. Hillary confirmed Twitter queen
welcome to yesterday
he already did tho
i was impressed for once because he actually improved on what was in my brain
Calm down Abdullah
Deletd than go fo yo
I think the "How long did this take" bit sounded a bit lame
I mean I get wanting to draw attention to the fact that she relies on others to speak for her, but it literally took five minutes, tweets are all logged
came to post this
This is ironic shitposting, right? There is no way even her supporters would think this was in any way, shape or form a strong showing from her, right?
His tweet reply was Meh tier... He missed the chance to OBLITERATE her. Heck, even Rence Pribus's comeback was better...
What should have been:
Hillary: Delete your account.
Trump: Un-Delete your 33,000 emails
Trump: You mean like your 33,000 emails?
Something quick and quippy... the successful come backs formula is to match the simplicity of the attack with an equally simple, yet more heavily loaded return.
Also it took too long to reply by Trump standards.
>something an 8 year old would say is now a "sick burn"
leftshits are just the most awful people
his comeback was perfect
No, it simply wasn't. It was good for politician standards and for Trump standards it was fairly average.
But the "how long did it take" portion at the beginning really took the steam out of it.
He should have IMMEDIATELY hit her with the e-mails... or with Bengazi... or somthing big... then that becomes the story and dominates the cycle.
Right now, hillary's tweet is trending amazingly well and she's dominated a day of news cycle ... That's a pretty big hit to Trump.
His team needs to recognize it and step the game up....
"delete your account" is a twitter meme said all the time on twitter, so once again she comes off as trying to act young.
i don't know what you mean by "tweets are all logged". you could plan a tweet like that ahead of time. it's not like she actually responded to the substance of what he said. "ooooooh, hillary! next time trump calls you crooked on twitter, say this!"
hello hilldog
Furthermore, because so much air-time was devoted to the "delete" tweet, it sucked air time away from some other large developments:
Like the "criminal investigation" news on the same day as the Obama endorsement.
If Trump had stayed quiet, those other developments which were more damaging to Hillary would have seen more light.
Also, the "Google" search suggestions vid was released yesterday and was muted by the "delete tweet" buzz...
Hillary's tweet was lame and obviously not from her, but you have to hand it to her team, that was a win for them... and they have a lot of firepower and money....
It took a day to pass UK censorship. But it's old news now.
Either case, Trump's retort was a misfire... Rince Pribus's tweet from trump would have been a lot more effective...
Twitter engagement is only so much. Intelligent voters have bigger stories to be concerned with -- Afghanistan & Paki emails for starters. Those swayed by tweets likely wouldn't vote in the first place.
>yaaas queeen
Not a shill...don't waste time on this either way. That cycle is dieing down and will be forgotten. It was a missed opportunity for the Don... but there will be PLENTY others....
>What now, Trumpies?
We've moved on you slow piece of shit.
Literally nobody cares
It just makes her sound like a whiny bitch
Are you serious OP?
Are you clinically retarded?
Because that tweet is so immature and stupid that it's hilarious.
>the Jew would have reported stories they're actively trying to cover up if only Trump stayed quiet
>surely the Jew wouldn't have just wrote the same story about how Trump was too scared to reply to a Stronk Woman™ because the Jew is all about reporting the facts honestly
Here is your (((you)))
"Undelete your emails, felon. zZz" woulda been pretty next level, i guess
>has to step his game up against "DELETE THIS!!!"
Either shill or autist
This sounds like the peak of her campaign, and it's only June.
Looks like Hillary is fucked now...
Some Draw Fag needs to make a Hillary version of this image
Can't really argue against "DELET THIS" It's like someone raging during an argument and saying a single "Fuck You"
it was a decent tweet but he missed a great opportunity
This word is the hallmark of failed negative campaigning.
The difference in numbers is too big.
Guess I'm a #HillBot now!
it's alright
remember, twitter/the internet isn't republican central
bots .
>trending amazingly well
What is a botnet
Thing was everyone else on twitter had jumped on the "like your emails response.
Over half the retweets are people commenting how lame of a tweet it is.
>Literally "Please delete your account, you hurt peoples feelings"
Hillary confirmed for damage controlling suicide watch
You've completely convinced me, friend
I'm now a #Clintoris
yes, there never was.
This is false. Stop doing what you're doing.
My friend Mohammed misses Qaddafi Libya. Green flag was dope as fuck.
God, you Correct the Record shills are something else.
How much does Crooked Hillary scream at you and beat you if you don't meet your word quota for the day?
The Hillary sub on plebbit was going hysterical over it. They think she's the new queen of the internet.