I want to get into the X-Men series. Any particular order I should watch them in...

I want to get into the X-Men series. Any particular order I should watch them in? Are there any movies I should just skip?

>Are there any movies I should just skip?

all of them

In release order 1-2-3- First Class- DOFP - Apo

Skip the Wolverine Movies. You can watch Deadpool as a standalone but you'll get more out of it if you watch the 6 main movies first.

Just watch the 90's cartoon, skip all the movies.

read the Byrne/Claremont comics from the 70's instead

>i like herky jerky off model animation and terrible voice acting

Muh nostalgia

The cartoon was shit

Release order, including The Wolverine, but there is no real reason to watch X-Men Origins as later films have no problem contradicting it.

Watch out though, Apocalypse is one duff note to end on. Maybe don't bother and enjoy the Future Past ending.

it was great when I was 12 tho

DoFP was kino. Apocalypse, The Wolverine, First Class, and Deadpool were decent. The rest are pretty bad, but you can watch them if you really have a boner for Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart like me.

Japan Wolverine is better than Xmen 3

it has earned it's existence though

>( ( I n S t e r e o ) )

X-Men, x2, x3 (it makes dofp extra tasty), first class, dofp, apocalypse. all the wolverines were terrible but origins had sabertooth but imo not a very satisfying one (not actors fault).

01) [2003] X-Men 2: X-Men United [CAPEKINO]
02) [2014] X-Men: Days of Future Past
03) [2011] X-Men: First Class [CAPEKINO]
04) [2017] Logan (Predicted)
05) [2016] Deadpool
06) [2013] The Wolverine
07) [2000] X-Men
08) [2016] X-Men: Apocalypse
09) [2006] X-Men 3: The Last Stand
10) [2009] X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Everything down to X-Men is good.
X-Men: Apocalypse is mostly just boring. Fassbender has some brilliant scenes, though.

X-Men 3 is really bad. You can skip it if you don't want to watch the Wolverine. Nothing that happens in X3 has any real affect on what happens in XM:DoFP as any mutants that die in X3 can just be assumed to have been killed by Sentinels. If you want to watch The Wolverine, then the only thing that you need to know from X3 is that Jean Gray comes back to life with no explanation and then Wolverine kills her. Kelsey Grammer as Beast is fantastic, but he's ultimately not worth it.

I'd recommend X-Men Origins: Wolverine as a film to get drunk and watch. It's so bad it's good.

Watch in the order.

X-Men -> X-Men 2 -> The Wolverine -> X-Men Origins: Wolverine -> X-Men: First Class -> X-Men: DoFP

>i want to get into something

Deadpool barely counts as an X-Men movie. Aside from a brief mention of the actors who play Xavier, it has no connection to the others.

Can be enjoyed standalone, doesn't matter if you watch any others first.

Watch X2

Skip the rest

Some parts of X2 have aged terribly. DofP is better, First Class arguably is too.

I'd suggest just watching them in the order they come out it, but feel free to skip the third movie. Bryan Singer thinks that movie was a mistake. It's okay, but really doesn't go well with the rest.

Origins Wolverine is so so much better than The Last Stand. X3 is at the bottom of the list for me.

>are there any movies I should just skip

All of them tbqh

Maybe a little bit, but it's perfectly skippable and you need to watch X3 to understand parts of DOTFP. No need to torture yourself with The Wolverine.

watch them all man
the first one is kinda boring, but they're all fun and interesting to watch, my favourite xmen film is still xmen 2, followed closely by first class

Watch X-Men and X2.

Skip everything made after that. Nothing good has come of the series.