Is this what Sup Forums is like IRL. I feel sorry for you
Rape culture
>uses the muh fee fees communist propaganda
>goes straight to insults
seems more like US IRL not Sup Forums desu
>wearing a boob-job rationalization bra
Whoa.. that guy might have gotten somewhere he if wasn't so angry and aggressive...
kek, no not really. Result would have been the same.
Still, he's an embarrassment.
>first five seconds
lmao dem angry irish genes
Feminist landwhales are perpetually obsessed with rape because no guy will fuck them.
The problem is when their brainwashing affects girls that are fuckable.
Sup Forums irl is quiet and subdued. they get all of their repressed energy and frustration out by coming here to shit post about it.
I don't understand what that shirt is trying to say.
Women are eternal children. They latch onto men because they are weak and they hate each other. Women can never be friends with each other.
hey man she's gotta get attention to them somehow. that's what women do. you think she dresses like that for no reason? heh. it's like saying female volleyball players wear those short-ass shorts for any logical reason, when there is absolutely no reason to.
I think it means that you shouldn't stare at her boobs, unless you are chad of course.
oh man this guy isn't afraid of anything
tearing through the social fabric
it is a truly righteous autism of the gods
I bet he wouldn't do that to a group of nigger males
haha i like watching radical agenda every now and then, guy struggles between his inner fash and his old anarchic views.
leads to some funny rants.
>5 seconds in
>hear some angry retard screaming
If I wanted that shit I could be watching RTL right now. Closed the tab.
Its a feminazi twist on a maybelline cosmetics ad
Why would he? You can be ready to battle, but still be smart enough to know when you're going to get your ass handed to you.
Niggers just shoot first because they can't handle the bantz, so no point in trying to argue with them. They're not mentally capable of dealing with opposing views.
he's right though. the women won't be satisfied until society is overturned. he called it perpetual revolution, and that's an apt term.
i personally wouldn't go and yell at people, but then again what are you supposed to do to these people? they don't listen to any sort of reason, they just continue in their childish bullshit.
may as well yell at them. god knows they throw enough bullshit our way.
>righteous autism of the gods
Heh. Yeah maybe. Isn't that what they want though?
I just skipped throught it. But I saw the "rape can be anything and you need these or those magic words so that it isn't rape" bit. Discussions usually don't go anywhere after this retardation comes up.
I'd just go "ehh whatever I gotta go" and walk away.
Maybe people should just call them dumb fucking cunts instead. Because that's what they are. They call us worst things and want to put innocent men in prison in a whim, so why not.
Chris "Kike On A Spike" Cantwell
It's Milo.
What does the shirt mean apart from "look at my b-cup"?
>I don't understand what that shirt is trying to say.
She had a boob job.
>when Sup Forums gets rejected
LMAO who cares if she had a boob job
Sup Forums gets all pissy when you try to tell them the truth about their shitty nobody actors