For Swedebros, what do you think of Sweden Democrats? Could they take power and save Sweden?
For Swedebros, what do you think of Sweden Democrats? Could they take power and save Sweden?
Kek! Those inbreeds cant even wipe their asses.
but strong somalian bulls can
Is there really no hope? ;_;
You should know, friend.
>Implying inbreed white trash are any better than Jamal
Spotted the nigger.
Oh please.
Or a Swede whose mind has been broken by the memes and horror.
Sweden can only be saved by one thing, Norway and Denmark exterminate everyone and slowly repopulate it.
We been shitting on your small dick country ever since your country was born.
We will trash Sweden in the football
Please ban alcohol in Sweden.
Greets, a muslim from Germany.
That just hurts to read, jesus fucking christ.
Where do you get off with this bullshit when you're country is rapidly turning into a muslim third world hellhole? Kill yourself and just let Khaalid have your land and women already, it'll be faster that way.
>Could they take power
get 51% of the vote and have a majority goverment? Never gonna happen
So how would they take power
>save Sweden
can you save someone who doesnt want to be saved, someone who is standing on the brink?
Sweden Democrats are a disappointment party, i voted for them because all the other parties fucking suck. And most swedes have lost faith in the parties in parliament. They don't have very skilled politicians other than Åkesson and a few more, they would probably do a terrible job if they actually came to power. What they are doing however is forcing the other parties to take immigration seriously because the swedish people is pissed about the current situation. Our media and politicians keep telling us that we're wrong and that immigration is good but no one is buying it.
So they do a very good job at proving that most people actually disagree with the current immigration policy. People are reluctant to vote for them because of the publich shaming of anyone who is caught having "the wrong" opinions in this country. But people still vote for them because if we don't do anything about immigration we're toast.
They've been having a surge of support, shouldn't they be serious contenders come 2018?
I figured, they remind me of AfD in Germany in that aspect. The party itself doesn't seem like it could actually do a good job on its own, however it gives traction and notoriety to the people getting fed up with their situation. So SD basically puts pressure on the mainstream parties to enact reforms, right?
>They've been having a surge of support
they had in December-January, in a few polls they had about 25-27% of the vote and was the largest party, but the average polling in these 2 months were around 21% and they were a contender for second place
Now they are in the average polling around 18-19%, mostly because other right wing parties, Moderaterna (largest "right-wing" party) and Kristdemokraterna (smallest "right-wing" party) have changed their policies about migration, and have actually started to sound like Sweden Democrats in some respects when it comes to culture.
But nobody wants to have them in a goverment and still not even have their support.
What i think the so called "right-wing" parties want, is that next election they will have more support than the 3 left-wing parties and have a majority with the support of SD, and maybe they will make small changes to the current migration law and hope that Sweden Democrats will support them.
Like the other poster mentioned, they'd need an actual majority of the votes to take tower. Also, a large portion of people who vote for them are the elderly. The future of Sweden belongs to progressivism so we're pretty much fucked.
You're projecting hard, Sven
Sweden can't be saved.
Is there a possibility that all those right wing parties with similar goals could make an alternative union to counter the mainstream liberals?
What they did last election was to become the third largest party, which meant that in order to keep immigration high the red and blue parties had to band together to make sure that SD didn't get any influence.
So the politicians told the people that immigration is more important to them than financial policy, they were willing to throw all of their ideals aside just to keep immigration high. And that backfired hard.
And after the Köln incident then swedish media has finally started to talk about sexual assaults by migrants. So now the swedish right wing parties are forced to basically admit that everything they accused SD of being racist for was actually true and now they support the policies that SD has been urging for years. They had to do that or continue to lose all their supporters. So right now the mainstream polticians in sweden are proposing things that 8 months ago they would be screaming RACISM about if SD brought it up in a debate.
The social democrats have succeeded in completely ruining the public support and trust in the government in just a few months. Scandal after scandal. It's amazing. And people are getting more and more pissed. The EU is currently trying to ban semi auto firearms, something that is very popular in sweden for hunting and sport shooting. So we're really at a breaking point.
Well that was a suggestion from Jimmie Åkesson, leader of Sweden Democrats, they togheter with Moderaterna and Kristdemokraterna should get togheter after next election and try and make a majority goverment, but his suggestion was meet with nothing but a could shoulder
Altought eventually someone will either have to work over the traditional goverment blocks (left-wing and rightwing) or they have to work with Sweden Democrats, if they want a majority goverment
Because in the opinion poll the 2 traditional blocks have around 40-42% each, but Sweden have a relative-majority parlimentarism, as long as you dont have a united majority against you, your budget-bill and other bills can still be passed in the parliament
I always figured that Sweden would be one of the first countries in Europe to snap because of how much weight they have to carry from the progressive liberal agenda. Meme nigger death aside, what do you think is going to happen over the next few years?
>basically admit that everything they accused SD of being racist for was actually true
remember last debate when Jan Björklund (pic related) bascially said that some migrants have a diffrent culture and view of women and said that people are afriad to say that and talk about this issues because they will be called Islamophobes, and Jimmie Åkesson bascially said,
>"well thats funny because thats what ive been saying a long time and you yourself have branded me a racist"
i had a chuckle at that
Nothing can save Sweden. It's too late now.
With a leader like Jimmie 'we need Somalis to breed with Swedes so they can integrate' Åkesson I doubt there is any hope.
SD tries to brand itself civic nationalist and takes softer position then let's say DF. However, Björn Soder and Jimmie are die-hard ethnic nationalist. Given the chance they would ethnically cleanse Sweden.
Things are moving in the right direction. Right now people are pushing for harder penalties for criminals because our system of trying to rehabilitate doesn't work on shitskins so longer prison time is the only way to prevent them from hurting more people. Clamping down on immigrants who lie about their age is also a big agenda right now because the commies and hippies have refused to believe that someone could possibly lie for financial benefits.
Still a long way to go though, but the problems are so big right now that only the most gullible idiots can ignore them. Sadly those idiots all work in the media.
We'll have problems for decades to come because of how stupid we've been but i guess we'll move towards the american policy of throwing them all in jail because no matter how nice we are to them they'll never become civilized people.
>We'll have problems for decades to come
no doubt, so i dont think Sweden Democrats are something that is gonna disapper, no matter how the other right-wing parties act or do not act
No, people will remember that it was those parties who caused the problems. They'll suffer from their betrayal of our trust for a long time. And rightfully so.
100% kosher controlled opposition at this point. There used to be good people in there, but they've all been purged or sidelined.
Let me put it this way:
any Republican candidate in the U.S including Jeb is more "conservative" than Jimmie and Sweden Democrats.
they are fucking Jew traitor scumbags who should probably be hanged, with the exception of 1 or 2 top members who are ethnic nationalists, Björn Söder being one.
its true, they should be heiling on the streets and shout white power like they did in the 90s when they had 0,02% of the vote
They are a joke. There is only one group who truly can save Sweden from Jewish trickery.
That seems like a big issue, either the right is way too lax or way too extreme to be taken seriously as a political faction and alternative to the mainstream oligarchy.
You know, it really isn't quite that bad compared to how we have it in the United States. You have less people, but in general proportion our nigger problem is just about as bad as your immigrant problem. However despite that Trump is most likely going to win this election and there's a rise of conservatism and white nationalism throughout the country. It just needs a spark, and I think with Brexit and Trump and probably several other referendums and awakenings in the coming future things are going to start turning around in Europe.
did i say that?
i'm saying SD is a useless party that can't and won't do anything of value to better this country. and i actually voted for them in 2010 to get them into the parliament.
just fuck off. i'm literally sitting here laughing at the fucking sd cunts who thought these faggots would make anything better.
just fucking arm yourself and join SMR, we are not winning democratically anyway. but sure, i'm not gonna stop anyone from voting SD, it's still the 'least bad' choice.
> The most jew-infested party in Sweden
> Saving Sweden
wew lad
>did i say that?
>just fucking arm yourself and join SMR
bascially a guy sitting in his mom basment crying for race-war
>i'm not gonna stop anyone from voting SD
do what you want, i dont even vote SD
Read this the are doing realpolitik. Could have done non-cuck DF style, but whatever.
source: three of us are poker-drinking buddies
Nope, he's prob an arab immigrant.
i've heard that argument from the start but i don't buy it, I just don't.
i'm convinced Björn Söder is an ethnic nationalist for various reasons, but no fucking way that Åkesson is or Karlsson or any other kike in that party except on the youth level. and they split with their youth wing because it was too "extreme".
>Could have done non-cuck DF style
thats what they are doing bascially
you have to take into consideration that Denmark and their debate climate is like 10-15 years ahead of us
DF isnt ethnic nationalist if thats what you think
People like Orban or Trump have no problem getting votes. I'm not really asking for more than that.
Nice to see other countries go through the same edgy nationalist fights we have in America.
While SMR is based as fuck and reminiscent of what SD used to be back in the day, modern SD is probably the most likely way that the migrant crisis can be addressed properly it seems. It's like the difference between voting Republican and voting American NatSoc. Even if you believe in the more radical party, the more popular party with an actual chance of winning immediate elections is still better than the opposition. This sort of infighting is only divide et impera for the liberals and kikes to win.
Oh wow, so ur telling me Jimmie is stupid for accepting muslim hating Israel's support
DF certainly is. They reject notion of Denmark being multi-ethnic nation and openly proclaim that ethnic Danes should be a majority for years to come.
Jimmie goes full Stalin on a party and split with SDU, because he sincerely sure that civic platform would give him PM place and ability to go full ethnic. He wants total control over party, that's it.
>People like Orban or Trump have no problem getting votes.
Well they arent really white nationalist now are they?
They at most talk about culture, also America and its race-politics differ alot from Europe
>DF certainly is.
Nope, they only talk about culture, sure they dont deny that ethnic-swedes exists, neither does Sweden Democrats
>They reject notion of Denmark being multi-ethnic nation
In what way?
They dont want to throw out all non-whites from the country, they only want to decrese migration, and keep making it harder to come to Sweden, just like Sweden Democrats
Never. It's illegal to not love Muslims and you can do jail time for it.
i have nothing against SD voters and your analogy with Republicans is good. As with Republicans, SD voters are largely more in touch with the real world, more critical thinking, more independent minded etc.
I only get pissed off when I point out the obvious issues with SD and that I don't think THEY THEMSELVES ultimately will make any real change, and someone comes and says "HURR DURR WELL MAYBE THEY SHOULD SCREAM SIEG HEIL AND WAVE SWASTIKAS AROUND AGAIN".
SD should exist as a major 'moderate' party but they can only pave the way for real change. they've become too corrupt and impacted by the perks of being in parliament and have taken ACTIVE STEPS away from nationalist policies and have done horrible things that the party should not have allowed.
Full control? Jimmie has almost no control over the party anymore. Mattias Karlsson has hijacked it ever since Jimmie took time off for "stress syndrome".
I honestly think SD could get uncucked simply by kicking out 3-4 top people who are arguably infiltrators -- Mattias Karlsson, Rickard Jomshof, Kent Ekeroth and Linus Bylund. These people are pure fucking cancer.
>Kent Ekeroth
I can respect that. The point being is that there needs to be a way for the Swedish people to express their political beliefs without repression. SD gives them a voice to oppose immigration and reflect just how much of Sweden is finally fed up with their cucked overlords. A moderate right wing party could pave the way to reduce the strength of the left, and more radical and less corrupt right wing parties can compete from under that umbrella that SD would make when and if it becomes a majority.
Hopefully that's the path your politics will go in the future. Though I don't know what you guys are going to do with all of the fucking subhumans you've let in because they're going to be a constant problem for Europe and her demographics for potentially centuries to come.
Scandinavian men look so feminem
Jewish indoctrination is real. Blondes are unmanly, uncircumcised penises are bad.
I went to the same class in high school as that guy waving the flag.
He was a little bitch back then.
Stuff like that rarely changes desu. He's just in that party to be edgy.
>kent ekeroth
I think it's just his tight shirt and metrosexual hair cut
I never really got this, blondes have an awful reputation here too.
A right wing edgelord is better than a left wing edgelord... barely.
Jimmies were rustled
>Blondes are stupid
Gee i wonder who could be behind this.
Snälla incestvän. Detta är ingen cringetråd.
Caliphate of londonistan kek
The story of Islam is using birthrate, conformism, intensity of belief, migration and violence to take over as much land as possible. The central story, their equivalent of the Gospels, is about Muhammad Muslimizing the city of Yathrib and remaking it the utopian "Medina," then using the strength his new base gave him to turn around and Muslimize his birthplace, Mecca.
The crazy conspiracy theory is literally the plot of their holy book.
Var han en bottom?
SD in Iowa?
Hopefully the world gets redpilled on Islam soon enough. The Jews I think may have accidentally sowed the seeds against religion when they started dogging Christianity, and I think if that same vindication carried over to Islam and how much fucking worse it is it would be popularly viewed as the cancer it really is.
Is it true that you face public ridicule in Sweden if you're known to be an SD supporter? I know of someone who voted SD in the last elections, but told me that she'd never tell anyone, including her family, that she voted for them
You get called a "racist".
Big deal here to most people. It's basically the same as killing yourself here.
win? no
have a major influence in parliament and country political descisions after next election? no doubt about it
they allready a force to be recon with in national politics, despite that sjw's lefties parties try to deny it
Here in America we get called racist so much we almost have started wearing it like a badge of honor.
After everyone gets drowned in the whole liberal culture to the point of being unable to express their beliefs, fellow "racists" will start banding together and their cracking liberal voices will lose volume. I mean they've called Trump racist constantly so much to the point that "racist" has almost become played out over here outside of leftist circles. Everyone is called racist. It's just how leftists respond to people who don't agree with them.
Bulldog fight under carpet.
In what way? In their official party programme. They outright deny that Denmark is multi-ethnic society and want to halt all non-Western migration. A lot of party members spoke for nationality revokation of migrants brought in past years and deportation.
it has been known for people to get fired for being around SD politicians
Just think, in some bizarro world - there is a version of this universe where in Sweden firing somebody for their political affiliation is illegal.
SD has so sick gainz, probably 30% solid after this summer.
GR8 B8 M8!
the gang of four is what makes SD great.
Kent Ekeroth is not among the four, and I think he has bad rethoric skills and damages the party a bit, but kent is what swedish media and politicians deserve. I like it when Kent goes all out on the politically correct... he's such a party pooper and really wrecks their coze atmosphere. Kent is also SDs jewish alibi and even if you don't like it, it serves it's purpose, without Kent anti-semic accusation rethoric coule be a problem, and it isn't with Kent.
Bet srs, Kent would have been thrown out of SD if he wasn't a Jews... He is too inflamatory. Ol' zealous kike Kent :D
Jomshof is the hidden gem tho! He's a synth-poper! Here is some music with Richard!
In time to put pressure on the election for 2018 you think?
They are controlled opposition just like Trump. The only thing that'll save the west now is a revolution.
oh yeah! There was something called "the ketchup effect" that has to do with stigmatization of nationalists in sweden and "das racis" etc, extremely much so in sweden partly because an organization called "Expo" wich is infact a leftist propaganda club was concidered "experts" in swedish media and among goverment organizations.
The complete lestist hijack of swedish media and goverment organizations has partly fallen, the "ketchup effect" took place around 1,5 years ago when the "december deal" (all parties except SD come togeather to make sure noone is oppositional until 2022) was not liked buy the public, and sd went from maybe 13% in election till maybe 20-25% a year ago. Then the rapefugees came, and people are fucking fed up, and people don't belive in lefstist bullshit anymore.
Election 2018, S will have 25%-40%, probably in the lower range.
>Election 2018, S will have 25%-40%, probably in the lower range.
SD will have 25%-40%
>"the ketchup effect"
BTW, it , mean: nothing comes out of the bottle, until all come at once, because the stigma loses power and people that where held back for maybe 2 years will go over to SD when friends and family will accept you as SD supporter.
>thinking it can go above 30%
Limiting immigration is not enough. Mass deportations of people who are already citizens of your nation, as well as denying women the vote is the only thing that will help.
Swedish anons:
Do you visit the "flashback" forum?
Is it popular in Sweden?
I was thinking of posting a map there of migrant crime in Sweden since 2010 but I can't make an account for some reason, it won't accept my captcha answers.
>Do you visit the "flashback" forum?
>Is it popular in Sweden?
>I was thinking of posting a map there of migrant crime in Sweden since 2010 but I can't make an account for some reason, it won't accept my captcha answers.
Don't bother. People who visit flashback are already aware of the migrate crisis and its many problems.
>Do you visit the "flashback" forum?
>>Is it popular in Sweden?
>I was thinking of posting a map there of migrant crime in Sweden since 2010 but I can't make an account for some reason, it won't accept my captcha answers.
Already alot of high quality material posted by posters there but it is all in Swedish.
if they play their cards right, their last apperance was actually not retarded. They fucking named the jew, Soros in part.
I didn't get the whole speech, but I think they've grown since I fucked their webpages for the keks of it
Gosh that's nice to read. Sweden gets a bad rep for how horribly cucked some of their politicians can be, but the people aren't braindead. A moderate nationalist party getting 30% of the vote is a force to be reckoned with and this radical leftist propaganda and constant assault on people who want law and order is eventually going to go past the tipping point and make them look even better in comparison. The speed at which SD has grown in the polls is amazing despite how horrible isolated and targeted they are on all fronts.
>For Swedebros, what do you think of Sweden Democrats?
It's our only option
>Could they take power and save Sweden?
No, we can't be saved.
They are too late.
It's all too late.