Degenerate video's and pics thread
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there is no god
Dumb cunt
>retire on 40%
It's not my fault you didn't listen to people when they said 401k matches are like getting free money. Because 401k matches are like getting free money.
My financial advisor told me to do 10% at worst, preferably 15%. Can't wait to sit on my ass at 65 and read books all day.
Why is that lanky bitch gifting a bunch of Canadians?
how the fuck? Like how. I can't fathom. How can anybody be that brainwashed by liberalism?!
>I'm not going to bore you with huge blocks of text
>Proceeds to do it anyways
Niggers and shitskins are easy mode, lets up the ante and stick to white degeneracy.
This isn't actually degenerate it's the truth.
>was curious about some other guys
>i feel like he's overreacting
Grade A cunt right there.
Like you need to give a nigger a reason not to work.
I'm somehow surprised that niggers are retarded.
This has to be a joke, people don't actually say shit lord when they're not shitposting do they?
I can't fathom how this guy even put up with being in a relationship with this cunt in the first place.
>unless u goin bk 2 slp
>at 2:18pm
That upvote
lost. holy shit this is how i imagine your average Sup Forums poster
True, niggers are lazy. And most of them would not work even if there was enough for everyone. But what he did say was not a lie. Our current capitalist system is basically entirely jewish all obsessed with money and productivity, not good wholesome honorable work.
What am I seeing here? Are they both whores or something?
>select images of juice
The thread still exists.
10/10 would read again.
that's a man, no?
It's almost as if these people are just making shit up...
11/10 fantasy for making up these things 2bh
So it was like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? Fun!
At least it's a straight couple.
Yeah I'll give them that still faggots though
he's right you know
>this really makes me think
There is this gem of a video where 3 niggers sitting on the front porch being asked a question. They can't fathomed the question. I wonder if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
Anyway. Here is a video of black single women in the US.
fucking KEK
I bet she's hiding something
They'll probably grow out of the worst of it. Too bad the internet will always remember, heh
That was quite the read, but I lost
OMG here it is!
I bet the weak little shit commited suicide.
Bitch doesn't know what pain or niggas in the struggle is all about.
LOL Jared is fucking Alpha as fuck. Women are weak willed narcissists who will always be the underdog. This made my day, ty
She's got a point
Do you have the next part?
Is this the "ebonics" language? Is it just a PC term for illiterate?
I have no fucking clue what this means, and I was always a top grade English student.
>I'm not a cheater!
Cheats on fiancé for months.
Sup Forums, I present: The Vaginal Jew.
how did I manage to read all of this is beyond me
It's a dialect. African American Vernacular English is how linguists refer to it.
But the spelling is just how niggers spell. They think it's cool.
This was so amazing I'm pretty sure my balls just grew three sizes bigger.
This I need more of that gold.
>and his girlfriend is going to leave him
What a thick fucking cunt. Her coworker was cheating on HIS girlfriend with her, and deserved what he got from Jared. Fucking idiot degenerates, I have no clue how they even walk and breathe at the same time.
first time I saw this I thought it was a parody
but it's not... it is real. why
not one normal person
Dad confronted his kid about game addiction, said to either shoot him or stop playing the games.
So the kid killed himself instead lel
WTF happened?
Did he drop on the floor laughing I really can't tell, this all just happened so fast
Here's how it probably went down, she's not telling the entire fucking story.
>long term relationship
>he's probably a guy who has his life together
>he's happy since most men settle and don't wanna deal with dating anymore passed a certain point and don't get as many advances from women, so he thinks that's pretty much the love department taken care of
>she's bored because she is not getting as much sexual satisfaction as she thinks she can from chad in the office
>he feels something is off but doesn't say anything because men usually don't
>she brings up topics on sluts and tries slowly tries to bring him over to the liberal idea of "Open Relationship", which is really code for "The Woman Shouldn't Be Held to Strict Monogamy"
>this is backed up by the "I have nothing against girls who like to sleep around..." comment, which was probably a response in a conversation she brought up
>she eventually thinks she's soften him up enough to make the big push for the "Slut License"
>he nopes the fuck out of there
>she realizes that she just lost her meal ticket because she believed that Huffington Post article titled "Why Your Man Should Allow You To Have Sex With Anyone You Wish, and He Should Pay You Alimony Anyway"
I read a similar Reddit post about some woman that cheated on this decent guy, but then when he found out, he proceeded to destroy her life and fucked every relative she had.
I have a question, if someone could help: Is there any proof that women cheat more or want to cheat more or are biologically more likely to cheat? I've been seeing these publications pushing for "Open Relationships" as of late
>i'm genetically fucked and this is everyone else's problem
okay lady, if you agree to remove any pets from your life because i'm allergic
>[Speech 30%]
Should've get Child at Heart
The chick is a bitch. But then again so are the three women. And so is the boyfriend. I mean the boyfriend fucked with people unrelated to the situation. Let's do it this way. Let's say you are a father, and this girl is your daughter, and this guy seduced one of your other daughters and your niece, and your daughters friend and fucked up your families dynamics. Are you saying you wouldn't kill the man?
>"My son can't handle fucking peanuts so all your kids should eat carrot sticks because of his faggot ass"
Jesus. Just go to thailand or something.
She obviously does not tell it all how it was.
Jared probably earns a dime, have yacht, can afford detective to look for this bitch, pay monthly bills for whores to fly to him and so on.
And "poor" coworker is only poor compared to him. She tried to get to some of jareds eaning friends or got this "book shop date" the way she got with Jared, but does not want to disclose the scheme for competing gold diggers.
Kek, dat file name.
Is this a prank or is he weak as fuck, that kid should have been dead from the stomping
>Dad daring his depressed son to shoot himself
>Kid does it
I could be wrong though
I'd totally sidechick that fine piece of ass
So what is the translation of Shequeenia's text, anyway?
What the fuck just happened here? Was he being robbed?