What genders are recognised in your country?

What genders are recognised in your country?




all of them

list them please

Usually, forms have options for 'male', 'female' and 'other'.
I suppose 'other' technically includes everything, including the weird genders Americans keep inventing.

I came so fucking hard to a shopped porn pic of her a few days ago. Some lucky bastards actually got to have sex with Barbs.


The nigger gang-bang?

What is Aliagender?

I'm not even memeing here, is anyone here familiar enough with this guy's pic to explain the perceived distinction between female and femme?

>The nigger gang-bang?


Look at how cute she looks here.

yes femme is the oppsite of butch, or in normie term, feminine lesbian

Degenerate nigger sperms have coated this face :(

an "other" gender, or none-of-the-above-gender

I feel such a square not knowing what all these gender are. Damn

Do the people who refer to themselves as Epicene even know what it is?

I've never seen any of forms etc with gender options other than the two actual genders

they are identities constructs so technically you don't need to "know"

Oh well I can't stop loving this adorable face. I just can't you know....

But surely there is something that defines it. If you choose not to use male/female, then what reason is there to use some other gender pronoun?

protection, among other things

From what?

the world, being non-binary allows them the facade of non-conformity

White people were a mistake

So are you saying that don't even understand the gender they identify as?

Studying medicine, I' had the chance to speak to a XY female with a faulty SRY (something that initiates male features). Looks female, no womb, no testis, no offspring, it's very distressing to discover. That's very reasonable...

This self-identity is ridiculous. I hope that there will never be a case where prostate cancer or something is missed in someone who is so adamantly rebellious in their identity that they will reject reality...

Asian male (Feminine)

Hi Hilly

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?

All genders.

both of them