Do you have any friends?

Do you have any friends?




I have a dog, does that count?

you don't have any friends?

a few

>When you think you have friends but unsure whether they consider you a friend

No. I am a recluse


No, and I'm almost a schizoid, so I don't really care

I just realized I don't.


I just have my mom's cat and Sup Forums

after highschool the amount of people I associate with has decreased, but I wouldn't say dramatically. I still have close friends.


All my friends are here

>live in normalia
>no buds

Yes but i want will be a totalally user. I don't have the bravery to abandom them. I don't have anymore the force to exit of my house


My roommate is kind of a friend but I don't know what constitutes true friendship.
If by friends you mean people who I will be in touch with even if we didn't have to interact, then no.
But I'm doing fine finding temporary filler friends every job I work at or place I move in

I already have drugs. You'd be amazed how full my room gets with people who wave and speak to me when batshit high on ketamine. Very gezellig.

But to answer your question, yes i have.

you are my cringy friends
i hate you all but hey friends are friends

Yes, but I don't like most of them and only hang out with them because I'm an insecure fuck who is terrified of being alone. Which is probably worse than not having any.


Five or six friends, tons of acquaintances.

Yes I play video games with them



Same here :(

>people actually try to be my friends since kindergarten but I'm too insecure and don't really like 90% of them
>later complain about not having any friends

I hate myself

All of this

and lot of them are females ;)