Could you do this for your woman Sup Forums?
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No, but thankfully I don't live in a shithole where that would happen.
They were small, didn't seem to be ready for a fight (and weren't fighting as a team). So in my case yeah *probably*, but just because of raw strength and them not being ready for it. I really *should* win this, but I don't really know how to fight though, so lots of random chance too.
Be in a fake vid?
For sure mane.
Seems fake.
I wouldn't have chanced ruining my coat.
Also, you don't turn back for something this trivial. It could be some gyppo gang cunts waiting to rope a solitary lad into getting a hammering or getting shanked.
Then your gf is on her own.
Heh yeah and they could have been armed too. If they pull out a blade I'm fucked; I won't know how to wrestle it away.
Only need to get caught once with a blade chap and you're rekt.
Be wise and walk on. Avoid shitty places like underpasses completely.
That looks real
How the fuck do you ko someone in one punch
I have been outnumbered before and still won without the benefits of Dad Mode.
Connect with the jaw at the right angle. Thump him properly he goes to sleep.
By hitting them on the right place at the right time.
This is the UK lol
This is better tbqh pham
Is the guy who was knocked out wearing a yarmulke?
my woman?
what woman?
Even if I could i would be thrown in jail.
or be stabbed to death.
Worst thing you can do is ko a lad on the street. The initial smack won't kill them but the pavement on the back of his scone will.
You can die from a good punch in the face. I wouldn't know what's the best way to do it. But it's really not a good place to have a lot of force applied.
story, what happened after?
Two coal burners fighting. Jesus.
Jab to the corner of the jaw displacing it sideways.
Uppercut to the base of the nose shocking the brain.
Strong punches in the ear can also drop someone to the ground even if they don't get KO'd.
what the is fuck this don't even
I seriously doubt anyone would let their skull bounce off a concrete floor just for the sake of authenticity
He moved to Montreal.
There is no magic button faggot, you hit them with enough force to rattle their brain in their skull
>2 crackheads chilling just in front of a security camera
>they throw something at a girl because it's so much fucking fun lol xD
>knocked out by 2 punches that didn't connect
I think so.
Paramount is their safety though. I wouldn't have walked back into that situation if I were with my wife and kid. I would have moved them along.
Doesn't matter how tough you are or how much you've trained if one of them were packing heat and you weren't.
Be tough, but be smart. Going back into that wasn't smart, even though he got the easy double KO.
>Uppercut to the base of the nose shocking the brain.
You don't do that. That's a fuckin' manslaughter sentence too.
It takes 5lb of pressure to knock someone out. A child could literally knock a fully grown man out because of this, especially if their jaw is open which brings you around to an old mobster trick
>Offer someone a cigarette
>Give them a light
>Anyone who smokes know that the jaw isn't closed and is more or less hanging loose when you light a cigarette
>Quick knock to the chin while the wait for a light
This is how you get yourselves pickpocketed or stabbed. World is not fun place to elave nowdays.
Could I? Hell if I know. Haven't scrapped in a while but I still lift. Would I try? You can bet on that. Strong protection instinct runs in my family, for better or for worse.
Neat! How do you practice this?
Yeah Yeah Yeah the right one on the button.
Where do you train bro?
The shit you're spewing is the same shit girls say about they know one that could kick your ass.
But no seriously, where do you train and what disciplines?
Oh you don't?
Well colour me fucking shocked! You sounded very knowledgeable. Really
>That's a fuckin' manslaughter sentence too
No you can't kill someone like that unless they hit their heads on the fall.
you wouldn't be saying that if it happened to someone you care about. quit being a pussy.
>ITT: doctors and fighting experts
Pretty much any punch with enough force to throw the head back quickly enough. I think it's something about the liquids in the head or parts of the head getting dislocated due to the sudden movement, similar how you can lose consciousness in a fighter jet with too high g-forces working on your body.
You can and, when they crack their head on concrete that too.
You're smarter than that Spaniard.
Is boxing that rare in Austria?
fake and gay
No, but she could.
I'm not sure I understand this correctly, but there's a difference between "strength" training and "power" training. Most weight lifting is strength training (but you always gain some power at the same time). I think if you practice lifting the weights *fast* (possibly with less weight) it'll make your punches more powerful. Maybe it's obvious.. I'm just not sure though. My punches felt weak even though I could lift heavy. You can see mobsters weight training with fast movements on TV sometimes.
Sorry but when you carry 10mm there is no need to fight.
i could, if i had a gf
So you would pull a gun on someone who wanted to fight you? Bit extreme
i seriously hope for the sake of that mans life, he did not pull that knife out of his head,
if it managed to even slightly penetrate the skull, he'd be completely fine as long as the hole is sealed by the knife, as soon as he takes it out, blood streams in to his brain and he is toast forever.
Irish Gypsy fight lids.
Not in america. It's the first reaction if someone disagrees with you too I think.
>You can
How? You're literally hitting a pillow when hitting the nose. You're hitting cartilagous, there's no way you can damage the brain.
The knock out happens because you produce a shock to the head and any cause of death from that uppercut would be from a side effect like choking on his own blood, cracking his skull on the fall, being epileptic or something like that.
> you don't turn back for something this trivial
there's no audio, they might have said something unforgivable.
I agree with the rest of what you said though.
Oh look it's a video from the land of apathetic AI robots who occasionally experiment with emotions.
I only attract whores
So, no.
Yes, which is why when people attack me they always bring a MINIMUM of five six friends. And even then they still cower and tremble. 99.99% of men are just shit talking pussies - they virtually always run from me. The gigantic exception to that rule is cops. Regardless of their natural corage levels, they never run. It's actually one of the only things I like about piggies.
scuse me
Armed self-defense is a form of suicide for the aggressor. When police are involved, it's suicide by cop.
If i had one.
one hundred pushups, one hundred situps, one hundred squats then a 10 km run, every day.
>there's no way you can damage the brain
The brain moves around in the head. You hit the head, the brain moves. It it accelerates then decelerates quickly enough you get brain damage.
There are certain areas you can hit in the body that have sensitive nerves that when struck may knock someone out.
You're right that rattling someone real well is going to have the same effect but certain areas have an advantage over others.
Just two guys? Easy.
that first motherfucker dropped with full force onto concrete, if this is fake that guy deserves oscar
Oi, no one is tuffer than me, mate!
Oh wait..
White males need to start learning how to fight again.
you crush their temple and flood their brain with excess blood. Bonus points if you cause a mouth foaming seizure that ends in their death and them expelling their bowels all over the pavement.
They're tough cunts.
>white women
>people think this is real
>get punched in the head
>head shakes
>brain shakes in the head
>brain bumps against your skull
>brain.exe has stopped working
>wake up after a few seconds wondering what happened
Absolutely, I'm not going to risk injury because some subhuman mudslime wants to pick a fight with me.
This is why you guys are going to impose Sharia Law on a national level within 5 years, Brits have fallen from grace since the end of the 2nd world war.
Outside of Hong Kong you learn to punch by age 10 at the latest. Coloured belts don't make you immune to sucker punches and lucky hits - yes you'll probably dodge more but in the street you'll get hit in the back of the head, dick+balls and shanked by the strangers friend.
I'm a skeleton so probably not, but I'd throw a good 3 feet of bone down one of their throats so she could run away at least.
anything for a viral video
i dare you to lean back and fall to your head without even moving a muscle.
For you
What the fuck are they talking about at the end?
Still an impressive fight.
Arguing about family stuff.
its impossible to fall back down and not move at all while conscious
>It it accelerates then decelerates quickly enough you get brain damage
You can only physically cause TBI to an infant. Adult males are not that fragile nor men are so strong to cause the brain to ricochet like in a car crash.
The worst thing you can cause him, from the punch alone, is a tremendous headache or a grade 2 whiplash if you're really that strong.
There is no magic button, yes certain areas are more vulnerable like the jaw since the way its connected will be more likely to cause a brain rattle but power is the end all be all for a knock out. Too many dumb fucks think there is a magic button like they never watched a fight or been hit in the jaw before
Was this some gypsy tournament or was it a personal beef? I thought it was the former at first, but it seems like it's the latter.
What a weird thing to do and film.
Just watched that. That was fucking brutal and better than any professional boxing match i'd seen in years.
Hard as fucking nails. Seriously the white population in the UK and Europe need to watch shit like this.
They have family rivalries. They're not genetically Irish, or Brit although current Irish are the same as Brits. Picts maybe?
Say what you want about jippo culture but it breeds some fucking hard bastards.
>There is no magic button
>certain areas are more vulnerable
That's what the first guy said, user. It's harder to KO someone by punching them straight in the forehead than hooking them in the chin.
>Was this some gypsy tournament or was it a personal beef?
Both. Inter-clan animosity and personal feuds run for years, the families use their fighters (who are like champions) as a means to channel and settle disputes through "fair fighting". The fights have referees and rules, often with large sums bet on the outcome.
>when a rare is also stupid
Shem, that's not a rare flag.
I've literally seen Fiji islands more than that flag.