What does Sup Forums think about golden dawn?
The last hope for greece
Niggers and turk rape babies
stfu nigger muslim
from everything ive seen they're pretty fucking based. don't know if they're controlled opposition though, so i dont know if they're worth getting excited about.
they officially deny the holocaust though
its in Greek though
so basically he's saying the holocaust didn't happen and it's so obvious it's not worth talking about?
that's what i got from a shitty translator.
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I think they are pretty cool guys.
Ever since I was a little boy I dreamed of being a member of a right wing death squad.
A jew denied to talk with Kasidiaris because he said that Golden Dawn are holocaust deniers.Then Kasidiaris inside the Greek parliamnet said that "of course we are holocaust deniers".Then jew puppets went nuts and started attacking him and telling him that in Germany and in other european countrys they imprison the holocaust deniers
Haha Weev is an actual fucking hobbit.
Kasidiaris is a beast. youtube.com
you're lucky to have such an orator on the nationalist right
lierally neo-nazis
Let me tell you ,it feels really good
kek, they were killing it with the uniforms until i noticed they all just have a random assortment of motorcycle helmets by their feet
Its like if the brown-shirts got all their stuff at a flee market
They must have a certain uniform and a black helmet but not any particular brand
Goddamn fascists are such passionate speakers. They make every language sound cool
The only reason they need security is because faggot insane leftist keep attacking them.
how much of the vote do they get?
Still have momentum?
Yes they have much momentum.Kasidiaris is running for Athens mayor and the polls show him at 17% , and other polls show him first
>nat soc retards
Yeah, nationalist socialsm will definitely work, goy, trust us.
yes and they have their own security squads
Why in the fuck would the greek people elect a literal communist over these magnificent bastards?
would jews deny the holocaust?
maybe because they havent felt the problems yet
I don't give a fuck what le ebil j00s would do. You economy is fucked up because of the immense government spendings on gibsmedats. What does Golden Dawn offer? Continuation of these dibsmedats. Enjoy your poverty.
If the alternative is suicide then I think we should give it a shot again. I'd rather our countries would have been in the same situation as Japan, alas ... they are not.
Soon all white Europeans who don't flee will be forced to pick allies in a war, the Nazis will be one of the better ones.
I think that you are jealous and you would love to have a Golden Dawn in America.
->You will never get oaid to beat up commies,leftists and niggers
->You will never be a member of the only one holocaust denyinh party in the modern world.
->You will never be member of a right wing death squad
feels bad, right?
G.D. lol. Bunch of backstabbing inbreda. Controlled opposition as fuck. Pimps, protection money, drugs, rubbing shoulders with shipping tycoons and recently Putin's buttboys.
Because for the moment trying to get more money out of the EU improves their life more than heading right and get cut off.
As long as they are poor and migrants can easily get to richer European countries the migrant situation isn't a huge deal for them.
Το ξέρεις ότι Κασιδιάρης θα βγει δήμαρχος , σωστά;
No he's not. he's just a short jew
Dawn is breaking.
GOAT waifu
τράβα στο reddit
Gyro version of Skinheads. In the oven with them.
Do Golden Dawn and the KKE fight?
Their leader Mixaloliakos and his wife own a 'hotel' (the kind where you rent rooms by the hour) that employs immigrant workers. Lol.
>muh golden Dawn
Golden Dawn has recorded basically no growth since 2012 when they first got elected, they have no future whatsoever.
They are a fringe party of neonazi thugs, they have nothing in common with actually based nationalist leaders like Farage and Trump.
Golden dawn beat up so hard KKE members they stopped attacking them and they keep beating up commies , so its just Golden Dawn hunting down commies
Best Twilight movie of the series.
>no growth since 2012
Have the refugees stopped taking public resources in Greece in order to properly gauge their policies?
If they are tied down by EU issues then obviously you are seeing an EU failure.
Mixaloliakos the great führer. A true aryan.
Just read up on these guys, it blows my mind that they are framed as the evil thugs when leftists plant bombs in their offices every few years and have gunned their members down in front of the party headquarters
I don't really understand what you mean by this but most of the regular people that don't like immigration side with New Democracy, the generic right wing party.
New Democracy did a pretty decent job with immigration back in 2012-2015, it was Syriza who fucked things up in that respect.
Golden Dawn is very extreme and can never hope to actually win, unless they reform themselves completely, abolish their troops (they actually have a military sector or something like that) and have actually intelligent people as PMs.
Excluding Mihaloliakos and Kasidiaris not a single GD PM has a college degree.
Golden Dawn members have killed at least 2 people though (Fyssas and a pakistani immigrant).
Leftists have killed 2 golden dawn members, so it's even.
golden dawn doesn't sneak into leftwing party headquarters to plant bombs tho
Fyssas's murder was quite dirty though, it was like 15 vs 1 and the killer stabbed him with a knife while Fyssas was unarmed.
Generally both the Golden Dawn and Antifa are thugs, it's pretty sad that there is no proper nationalist party in Greece.
Arvaniths , Saihinidis and many more have high degreees
^this desu
Well they should be on the spotlight more though.
The ones I see the most (Lagos, Panagiotaros , Kasidiaris , Pappas) don't come off as intelligent at all.
Kasidiaris did seem promising back in 2012 but nowadays I can't stand seeing him, he's way more angry than he was
Back in the day their führer planted bombs in cinemas when they had Soviet films. People died and lost limbs. Magically he just served some time only for the 'missing' army explosives. Get the picture? Controlled as fuck.
>current year
>no evil punk gf
Kasidiaris is still very promising.I think he angrier because things are much worse
Shit skin Muzzie
Get droned.
I wish they'd tone down the image *without* toning down the message.
Love this speech.
NatSoc is an ideology for a mob
he just fucking speaks over the president without even answering him! he just keeps talking!! i'm dying of laughter its so awesome hahaha