What's objectively the best political ideology?
What's objectively the best political ideology?
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National Socialism
Frankly it has to be some sort of Nationalist Capitalism.
How is national socialism right wing?
>state more important than the state
Because otherwise every popular dictator with a bodycount would be left wing and we can't have that can we?
Right wing deals with allowing certain peoples to be impoverished or disposed.
Socialism means people should be given a leg up. BUT the nationalism part means it should only apply to certain people.
This, Capitalism is essentially rules of nature. The strong will always rise and the weak will be on the bottom.
Right wing, capitalistic conservatism with an emphasis on common sense laws and self-reliance, as well as fiercely protecting given rights and staying consistent on enforcement. Nationalism is key. Spending within means is key.
It's sustainable, productive, safe, common sense, and level-headed, as well as encourages innovation. Something no other ideology can claim.
Memes aside, extremists are insane people. Fascists are no better then communists.
Liberalism is the perfect ideology.
In its true sense, of course
oh jesus lord.
>essentially rules of nature
>"You can't fight nature jack, wind blows, rain falls, the strong prey upon the weak"
monsoon confirmed Sup Forumsack?
shareholder owned microstates with free-exit.
>wind blows
>rain falls
>the strong preyupon the weak
Classical Liberalism, aka liberals pre-1910
Natural order (anarcho-capitalism).
If not doable, then dynastic monarchy.
This times infinity.
Classical liberalism is best ideology
right wing libertarianism is objectively the correct answer
This, with the caveat that violence is a must to keep enemies of liberalism, like authoritarian socialist spics flooding from Mexico, out.
Technically this
>monsoon confirmed Sup Forumsack?
Wasn't it obvious from his opinion on memes?
>How is national socialism right wing?
It's not, but international socialists want to lie about it to mask their schism.
Why do you feel the need to post?
They contributed more to the conversation than your faggoty picture did.
Based ally. "Democracy" is an excellent book.
A member of the human race who is completely incapable of understanding the higher productivity of labor performed under a division of labor based on private property is not properly speaking a person… but falls instead into the same moral category as an animal – of either the harmless sort (to be domesticated and employed as a producer or consumer good, or to be enjoyed as a “free good”) or the wild and dangerous one (to be fought as a pest). On the other hand, there are members of the human species who are capable of understanding the [value of the division of labor] but...who knowingly act wrongly… [B]esides having to be tamed or even physically defeated [they] must also be punished… to make them understand the nature of their wrongdoings and hopefully teach them a lesson for the future.
--Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Socialism means people should be given a leg up
Just like how we waste billions upon billions of dollars giving niggers a "leg up" every single year?
Get fucking real, you faggot.
Being blatantly ignorant and incorrect is not contributing to the conversation.
What an incredible quote. Can't believe I've never taken the time to read his stuff.
I wonder, is this basic dissent to the currently mainstreamed hysteria considered hate speech, or something of that nature in the UK? Just curious.
Communism is stateless. It might be far left but it's the least authoritarian.
Anyone who graduated from high school should know that.
>How is national socialism right wing?
Because Hitler's "socialism" was really nationalist state capitalism
This is why nobody ever listens to anybody from Mises.
But Dr. Hoppe is right, you know?
"Commons don't exist except for the ones I believe in!"
Here's your (You)
my hispanic friend
That info graphic is just dead wrong but I would say it is either socialism or libertarianism depending on the people.
Right Wing Centrism or some kind of Pro-freedom centrism.
also, digits confirm
That's one hell of a retarded chart.
Ideology is meaningless.
People matter. Understanding negative rights matters. A fascist state that understood and respected negative rights and was conscientiously administered and peopled by whites would be an objectively good place to live. An African democracy would not.
What's the difference between Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism?
Democracy is a variant of collectivism. Communism and collectivism are not the same thing.
>Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism?
NAP for starters. And usually more nationalistic,for example Locke. Libertatianism is a hppie version of classical liberalism
He means direct democracy,which is esentialy a soft variation of communism,if it has authority over the economy.
National libertarianism
>State more important than state
Also nat soc is best
Dr. Hoppe argues that democracy degenerates moral standards, and that cultural absolutism must be accepted on order to maintain a free society. That implies "taming" or physically removing threats to liberty (i.e. communists, socialists, democrats) from society. He also advocates for the removal of "human trash" off the streets, like bums, vagrants and criminals, because they drive down the value of society.
Fucking oath
The only philosophy to moderate the excess of individualism and collectivism
>implying NatSoc isn't capitalist
Forgot to add:
>The American model – democracy – must be regarded as a historical error, economically as well as morally. Democracy promotes shortsightedness, capital waste, irresponsibility, and moral relativism. It leads to permanent compulsory income and wealth redistribution and legal uncertainty. It is counterproductive. It promotes demagoguery and egalitarianism. It is aggressive and potentially totalitarian internally, vis-à-vis its own population, as well as externally. In sum, it leads to a dramatic growth of state power, as manifested by the amount of parasitically – by means of taxation and expropriation – appropriated government income and wealth in relation to the amount of productively – through market exchange – acquired private income and wealth, and by the range and invasiveness of state legislation. Democracy is doomed to collapse, just as Soviet communism was doomed to collapse.
>...bums and inferior people will likely support his egalitarian policies, whereas geniuses and superior people will not. For [this] reason...a democratic ruler undertakes little to actively expel those people whose presence within the country constitutes a negative externality (human trash which drives individual property values down).
~Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe
meritocratic socialism
Didnt Hoppe defended the Church as the greatest thing in Europe's history? And he believes that organizations like the church should rule over nations states? Maybe I am confussing him with someone else,you seem to be very knowledgeable about him
America is not a direct democracy. In fact there's no direct democracies anywhere in the world and there haven't been for the past 2000 years.
What a dumb fuck this Dr, Hoppe must be.
As I said in previous posts, he explains in his book "Democracy, The God That Failed" that both democracy and monarchy are flawed systems and should be replaced by market anarchism (or "natural order"). However, the point of the book is to argue that, between democracy and monarchy, monarchy will be the lesser of two evils, since the monarch will be the "private owner" over his Kingdom. This will lead to far better policies, social and economic-wise, as the monarch will be hold 100% accountable for his actions and the development of his or her Kingdom.
He says the perfect world would consist of thousands of independently-run micro-states, similar to Hong Kong or Liechtenstein, privately-owned and supportive of the free flow of capital, goods and people between nations. Essentially a "free-for-all" competition between nations and their respective policies.
Democracy and representative governments are just one step removed from each other, and the latter adds the new problem of each representative having the voting power of hundreds of thousands.
Who is that saucy wench?
that picture confuses the fuck out of me
>Democracy and representative governments are just one step removed from each other,
No, no, stop right there. Representation prevents the abuses of fleeting whims of the public. We elect politicians to perform in the future based on their position on the issues in the past (rear view mirror effect).
There are literally dozens of differences, but until you are educated enough to know at least some of them you are banned from poisoning the thread any further.
Because conservatives are all rayciss fashiss scum whereas liberals are all butterflies and angels, shitlord
because you conflate what the socialist part actually means
its basically state capitalism for an exclusive group
>extreme right-wing
>state more important than state
Fuck no. What a horrible paradigm.
The system in which personal freedoms are ensured by a basic constitution and the state only exists to make sure that these rights are infringed upon by no one
Anarcho Primitivism
So if a corporation is dumping toxic waste on your fence line, you think you have a right to protest?
So if the government is saying you can't fuck a woman or a man or a watermelon you think you have a right to do it anyway?
So if the government is saying you can't remove a gerbil (if you're a woman you can remove a fetus) you think you have a right to decide for yourself?
Congratulations, you're a liberal.
What was wrong about it?
>state more important than the state
I was just giving the definition. Nothing I said indicated my preferance.
Socially, of course. I don't give a fuck how someone chooses to live their life, as long as they don't interfere with mine I won't interfere with them. The government's only job is to make sure that no one is imposing themselves upon its citizens.
>state more important than the state
>state more important than the state
Liberalism is extremist.
Might agree with nationalist capitalism, but what do you mean by that? What makes it different from what you're calling capitalism?
"Extremism" in and of itself isn't necessarily wrong. That term implies that having unpopular--ie, extreme--beliefs makes those beliefs inherently incorrect. But popularity isn't a proper measure of what's correct.
domestic libertarianism with protectionism when it comes to international affairs. Strong border security with an ethnically/culturally homogeneous people. State is not directly involved with issuing morality, meaning it defaults to a conservative frame, because things like anti-discrimination require action of government (such as through the civil rights act)
I still believe in the virtues of democracy, but universal suffrage was a mistake. Voting rights are limited to white land-owning males. Jews are banned.
Libertarianism is an autistic person's reading of classical liberalism. It tries to reduce everything to axioms.
this guy.
Original late 19th Marxist Social Democracy* as practiced by the Social Democratic Federation post-Hyndman.
*These two things are not exclusive, or at least they didn't used to be.
> fascism is on the right.jpg
Another retarded gradation.
>state more important than the state
they have that in somalia i believe you should check it out..youd totally survive longer than a week ;)
god damn the expanded stuff in dune is so weird
You're stupid! You don't understand what right and left mean! Please gas yourself!
Because the whole left vs right wing is just another meme to divide and conquer. Of course having a linear spectrum makes zero sense.
Where are my fellow Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists?
Murray "unleash the police" Rothbard would've totally been a Trump supporter. The guy was a jew but he was probably one of the only good ones (holocaust revisionist and hung out with goys like David Duke). He was alt right as fuck. His personal protoge is Hans-Hermann "physical removal" Hoppe, after all.
at daycare
Marxism-Leninism > Social Democracy desu senpai