San Francisco Moves to Open Voting to Illegals

>San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Eric Mar says the political climate is right to grant illegal immigrants the right to vote

>“With Donald Trump’s racist and anti-immigrant sentiments, there is a reaction from many of us who are disgusted by those politics,” Mar said, according to Fox News. “I think that’s going to ensure there is strong Latino turnout as well as other immigrant turnout.”


Well we knew this move was coming eventually. Fuck California.

>Not a citizen
>Can vote
What the hell?

It's just SF that is doing this, and only for local elections. Not like it matters since SF already votes entirely Democratic and, more importantly, only about 30% of the city is hispanic (and declining due to skyrocketing rents). Speaking more broadly, SF has decided that they'd rather be New Haven than New York (which San Jose wants to be). Which is why the newly (re)formed Bay Area MTC is focusing on SJ-bound commutes, and not SF-bound ones. SF wants to remain a bedroom community full of old white democrats and homeless people, let them. Market Street has more feces than Skid Row. The center of economic activity in California is moving south and this is a good thing.

t. bay area resident

>Illegal Immigrant
>Right to vote

what have they done other than leech off the system to warrant the DEMOCRATIC RIGHT to vote in this country.

It's time we expelled California from the US.

>Illegal Immigrant
>Right to vote

Err Ameritards?

>Mar’s amendment would grant illegal immigrants who have children in public schools the right to vote in school elections.

>giving foreigners the powers to influence your government

This is literally fucking treason.

Just in local elections. Municipalities can determine edibility for locally elected people (Sheriffs, Coroners, Mayors, Councilmembers, school Superintendents, etc). SF has already gone full retard with this stuff, to the point where residents can petition ANY building modification (ie running a business out of my garage or removing a tree) on the basis of "neighborhood culture".

SF is isolated as a city due to it's geographic location and the fact that it's a city-county. So they get an immense amount of power over themselves. Even LA doesn't have total control over LA, since LA is but one city inside LA County.

i keep telling you fuckers we need to treat california like a rogue state

kek. Kiss gay marriage goodbye California.

So every country will start sending their bottom feeders to the US to vote for more gibs?

But wait there's more, send enough illegals and we can change the constitution and in 20 years we will have our first illegal president.

What a time to be alive.

How the fuck is this legal?

>San Francisco

nothing to see here, move along folks

Can someone nuke that dogshit state already? I'm all for Mexico taking it and erecting and Trump erecting a giant wall around it.

>right to grant illegal immigrants the right to vote

Do anyone of you lawfags know if the San Francisco Board of Supervisors actually has the power to let illegals vote?

additional information: this is also why Muni trains have to share space with car traffic. Because residents do not want to give up the space to them, and also don't want to give up free onstreet parking. This is why Muni trains are rarely faster than driving. There's also no 38 line subway or light rail either for the same reason.

this is how stupid/petty/greedy SF homeowners are and it is infuriating

seriously speaking, what needs to take place for us to be able to have a vote about ejecting california from the union?

CA's problem is that we have a prop system which is defacto direct democracy. Most legislators hate it since it usually causes problems for them as well. But nothing can be done about it.

380,000 signatures to put it on the CA ballot, then a simple majority. The state government is compelled to implement all laws passed by the state ballot until the supreme court says no.


The union torched dixie to the ground for abandoning the united states and it's rules, why aren't we doing the same thing to california?

>we need EVERYBODY to vote against trump quick give some noncitizens the right to vote
Libs should go over the wall too

Why is North Dakota so great on these maps ?
Is it because it's mostly empty of people ?

but what about for the rest of the country to say we don't want you anymore?

>san francisco homeonners are obligated to give up their property and change their neighborhoods for the worse to allow the greedy kike politicians to fill the city with a much cheap labor as possible, requiring orme development of shitholes for beaners to live in, and more infrastructure needing built for them, all by the taxpayer

haha, let the beaners sit on the train all day. who fucking cares?

Isn't it a felony to conspire to knowingly pass unconstitutional laws?

SF was never going to swing for Trump. The Trump supporters exist in the rest of the Bay Area. The Peninsula from the SM County line up to the Golden Gate is comparable to Connecticut (ie, full of rich liberals). And it's not like it matters since the majority of the population in the Bay Area is in San Jose, and most of California's population is in Los Angeles/San Diego. SF is just a dead end.

so does this mean I'll be able to vote for trump there? what kind of controls will there be? I'd be willing to drive around california and vote at every polling station, then loop around and do so again.

Can tourists vote as well, or do you have to be there illegally?

It's also a felony to smuggle weapons. The threat of prison is meaningless to California politicians.

1. get a California driver's license
2. call your proposal "Safe and Clean Streets for California Act" and pretend it's about taxing litter or something stupid like that, burying the "secession" bit
3. obtain 380,000 signatures
4. get it on the ballot and make sure the little blurb next to it sounds good

if it sounds good enough most people will instinctively vote for it. This is how the state was forced to give 50% of all tax revenues to schools, and how everyone here has to put "this product may cause cancer" labels on everything

beaners live at their workplace, because this is SF. The ones that commute in are white people and homeless niggers. The feces situation in BART is so bad that all the escalators they have in SF are broken so they are getting sued for ADA noncompliance

this, I think that means you can also vote multiple times, just say "¡¡ay ay, no tengo passaporte ariba ariba!!" every time

California here

This is our land gringos

The slipperiest of slopes

>the state was forced to give 50% of all tax revenues to schools
holy shit your state is fucking zany bro, I suddenly sympathize with the San Bernadino pair.

A thing that goes unmentioned here is that in California you can legally stay here if you register as an illegal alien. This is a tax scam done by the state, since aliens still have to pay income taxes but cannot take advantage of tax breaks given to regular people. The beaners are too stupid to realize that they're loosing 30-40% of their income in taxes as a result. This is why cities tolerate illegals in the first place: it's free money.

It's one of the long term effects of the cap on property taxes via Prop 13.

Of course they don't but they'll do it anyway and no one will sue and it'll never get escalated to a court high enough to tell those faggots about treason.


Sounds like Denver, tbhfam

>be lefty scum
>live in hugbox bubble
>so confident that Trump has 0% chance of winning
>never associated with anyone who supports Trump
>want to ruin democracy with gerrymandering for illegal spics nonetheless, just because you're a destructive piece of shit

why would you want it to turn it into mexico? have you been to calexico?

In seriousness I don't have anything against the Democrats here, only the people that vote for them. The legislature at least moderates itself (see assembly dems cockblocking newsom's new gun control), but regular people are fucking stupid. The Proposition process is why California is so shit. Almost anything can become law.

Well the city is basically Sodom, so doesn't surprise me the people that live there are insufferable faggots in more ways than one

San Francisco is such a kike-infested shithole. It would have been Detroit by now if it weren't for Silicon Valley next door. When it's finally harvested out to China or India like the rest of American businesses, it will collapse under its own dead weight.

I really need to get out of this state.

Pedro, no! You can't handle all that GDP!

>Eric Mar says the political climate is right to grant illegal immigrants the right to vote

In other words Americans might use their democracy to vote for Trump & Americans shouldn't be allowed to decide who they want.

How is this shit even legal? In theory I could fly to the US & vote? This is disgusting, people who are not citizens of your country should have no say in it.

This would be a good idea actually. Then we just wait for the San Andreas Armageddon which will wipe out a lot of them

Oregon is pretty good. If you stay out of Portland you can make a good living cutting logs.

Then go home, bang your retarded hipster girlfriend, shoot guns in your backyard, and talk about politics while smoking pot and drinking the best beer in the USA.

SF will get fucked eventually. Either the dotcom bubble pops and businesses leave the area entirely, or all growth is concentrated into the cities that even allow growth (all Bay Area cities, except Redwood City and San Jose, have quotas for the amount of housing and office space available in them. This is done to stop growth). SF will wind up being a very small oligarchy of homeowners high up in the hills and mostly poor and angry niggers down by the bayside.

Which is a problem, because SF voters also will not raise taxes for anything at all. As a result the city does not have enough prison cells, or enough police officers. Again this is why the feces situation on both Market Street and BART are so bad. And it will only get worse.

1906 best year of my life

Its just SF
Oakland is the sane one , the LA of the north
>inb4 LA is shit
Only flyovers that have read or watched movies about to say this and apparently Russian propagandist if those russkies from earlier on Sup Forums weren't lying

Excuse me whilst I book a flight. I'll help vote for Trump.

It still amazes me when I see kike bill maher screaming that you shouldn't need an ID to vote, but you need one to buy a pack of fucking cigarettes or a beer...

>the dotcom bubble pops
It is going to burst, big time. Even Trump has started talking about it, and kike demon Soros took out almost a billion in Gold, basically betting against the US economy.

This time, there will be massive lines for soup kitchens and the Jews won't be able to hide it.

I really feel bad for you guys,Baja went to shit when all the chilangos and chinolos got into the state, some of them went to CA to fuck your shit, but unfortunately most of them where left in Tijuana, which right now is probably the worst shithole where all the trash from Mexico gets trow.

It's already fucked in the sense that sanctuary cities exist in CA and that increases their population, in turn they get more electoral votes in presidential elections and since CA is 70% shitskin, they always vote for Dems.

Tijuana is getting a lot better, Mexicali on the other hand...

Hey, I'm from Calexico! And yes, it's absolutely terrible.


and it'll be SF that gets hit first. San Jose may be full of liberals but the rents aren't out of control. Ed Lee has already openly admitted that SF has a permanent underclass which the city can't afford to relocate. What happens when everyone else is poor, too? The endgame of this is that someone will end up getting shot during an eviction and it'll be the '92 riots but with renters and homeless people vs homeowners.

the growth isn't enough to affect congressional appointment, CA actually lost a house seat back in 2010 due to the mortgage meltdown

>San Francisco Moves to Open Voting to Illegals
That's a joke, right?


>Sharia law

read the thread it's only for local city/county elections

>>San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Eric Mar says the political climate is right to grant illegal immigrants the right to vote

>Russian propagandist if those russkies from earlier on Sup Forums weren't lying
Please link to the thread.


hola bro!
vivan los latinos!

If illegals are voting in a Federal General Election, just threaten to throw out California from the election. We just wont count the entire State if they are actively engaging in fraud.

Ive lived in SF since i came here as a young man in the summer of 1967 just like thousands of other disallusioned young people.
Yet its truly the greatest tragedy of all that my generation and my childrens generation have turned san francisco into the most inhospitable place to live in the united states. Liberalism is about fucking the poor whites or conservatives in the asshole and moving in tons of liberal mexicans or chinese into their towns until theyre completely gone, e.x. palo alto and san leandro.
I remember a time when you could go duck hunting in the san francisco bay, and when everyone was white happy and living within their means; but now its been traded out by nancy pelosi and the board of fucking tyrannical supervisors into a place that favors Sven and his retarded shiteating family over the young 18 year old white couple forced to abort their baby because the 45% effective tax rate takes away any chance at opportunity they ever had. As a result, the only people left in San Francisco or its wealthy neighbor Marin are extremely rich sweden tier yuppies living in their 15 million dollar 4000 sq foot home or 30 gooks living in the same apartment to make rent. Fuck this place. Its full of rich scumbags who think theyre "solving" the supposedly inherent guilt of being able to own a home or apartment in san francisco because le poor minorities in oakland cant by voting Democrat and listening to NPR 24/7
Fuck these people. I remember a time when the reason the city was prosperous was because it was EASY to live here, anyone could come and, with hard but reasonable work, have a place to live and money to blow. SF is a closed society now. You need to either spend your money on 10$ bottles of water or "GET THE FUCK BACK TO THE EAST BAY WHERE YOU BELONG REEEE" theres literally a 5 dollar toll from the east bay into SF or Marin. The white liberals are all secretly racists in denial and they KNOW it

Bump so Father Time here can explain to us why he was in SF and not 'Nam.

It's not their choice to allow illegals vote in a federal election. They can fuck right off. California needs to get bombed into oblivion. Please, North Korea, nuke the the bastards until the landmass is underwater.

Honestly, my main opposition to the war was that i had knocked up my at the time girlfriend in 68. My father was 45 when i was born, and that had always resonated with me at just how long life is, and that I couldnt just go die in the jungle and leave my son or daughter to be raised by a hippe harlot floozy. My cousin died in nam in 71 and i felt simultaneous guilt and relief, that i had not been there with him, and that i hadnt died young to leave my son without a father. Especially because i knew at the time that San Francisco was going to keep changing rapidly, for the better or worse, and look at how it is today. Did i make the right decision? I dont know, but i hope God will tell me when i die

Also anyone else feel free to ask questions about this degenerate hellhole that used to be my favorite place on earth


What was with the free love thing with hippies? Didn't they know about STDs and pregnancy?

California has been shit for a long time now. Kill it and all the trash in it.

It's okay then.

>Which is a problem, because SF voters also will not raise taxes for anything at all.

As you sow, so shall you reap. Wait until the Socialists take over the Democratic Party from the Globalists. And then it'll be straight outta Venezuela. They'll be taxed to kingdom come for new gimmeidats followed by emmigration and then it'll look like Detroit. Especially after Tech dies from creating Lemon Markets for Brussels.

They took acid the wrong way plain and simple. Acid overwhelms all your emotions, even seemingly incompatable ones like happy and sad. I pity most people whove never done it because theyve never felt the pure joy, sorrow, fear, love, sadness, or pain. You feel so unbelievably full of happiness that the only thing that could compare is the birth of a child. See, the bulk of my generation took this and said, i need to give this love to everyone!! But the reality is that feelings are personal, and the joy is much less pure if its diluted by being handed out indiscriminately to every fucker on the planet. You have to give your love to the people who matter, you have to feel sorrow over something that matters.
They were really just too hedonistic and not sentimental enough. Timothy Leary was the catalyst of this method of taking LSD, whereas Neal Cassady preached an acid gospel of purity, American exceptionalism, and true personal friendship. Leary turned it into a meaningless communist sexfest and i wish i killed the bastard in the middle 60s before things took off.

Fuck dude youre so edgy
Dont forget God's sun shines down on every square inch of America, and California is within her borders. We MUST retake this state and others that have fallen to degeneracy. Were the largest state in population. If you yhink your comfy Montana or Arizona will be spared once this giant domino falls, think again, we are the first and final nail in the American coffin.

It's a vote scam because even though illegal immigrants can't "vote", they DO count towards the population census that determines how many House Reps the state gets in the House of Representatives.

A Supreme Court case is currently pending that asks the Supreme Court if that is Constitutional or if states should only be allowed to count eligible voter population towards the distribution of electors and representatives. If illegals and felons were removed from the count California's power over Presidential elections would diminish.

And then, mysteriously, Scalia died before it was decided. Pure coincidence

If youre referring to my son though, all I can say is that it was a different time and having a kid was much less big a deal, today every Gen Xer has told their Millenial children that having kids is the END of everything in life, because their precious dreams of earning enough meaningless good boy point dollarydoos to live in San Francisco will be le crushed!! Ive lived in the city since 67 and raised 6 children, 4 boys 2 girls, and desu it wasnt even a fucking struggle. I was a cook at a restaurant, i still own my same house I bought in cash in 1972. Things changed for the younger generation when they decided theyd ALL rather have comfy office and desk jobs and just let nonwhites do all the other labor to produce the goods and services they "need" as a result, the amount of available comfy jobs declined and its just been a rat race of who can get them to be able to live here. Nobody making under 20 dollars an hour lives here anymore because San Francisco decided in the 80s that it was just "too special" to be like Des Moines or Portland or some other average city, and that its totally feasible to have 90% of the population be graphic designers and financial consultants

Interesting perspective.

Very interesting. Thank you for answering.

>You have to give your love to the people who matter, you have to feel sorrow over something that matters.
Realest thing I read all day.

SF's "socialists" are not like those in Seattle or Portland. The people that run SF are Chicago style Democrats. Their base are homeowners who are totally paranoid of anything remotely against them. And, taken to the extreme, the result is the same as Venezuela. Taxes are required to keep streets safe and clean, and homeowners should have the right to do what they wish with their property.

local elections, only non-police states will understand

when i went to get my wisdom teeth taken out, i couldn't get it done due to my ID being expired even though i whopped out a fat wad of cash at the counter, but sure enough that same day i could go and vote here in indiana. the brown future is here!

>San Francisco

When will that place vanish up its own asshole like it did on South Park?

No worries man, thank you for asking. Individualism can and does lead into nationalism. It is the end result, because the individual is just a sum of his or her parents, going back for millenia.

we need to invade california and crush them.

It's because North Dakota is mostly Germans and Norwegians with almost zero shitskins.

How the fuck can illegals vote for the US presidency, does that mean I can go vote for whoever I want with no consequence and it will be valid? Because if I can I will bring some buddies to vote Trump.

I don't understand, why?

>Don't need to provide any kind of proof you're an illegal
>1m Americans from the surrounding area swarm into San Francisco and cast their own vote
>Can't cancel these votes because no one is sure who the fuck anyone is
>1m votes is more than the entire population of San Fagcisco

Why do these people (assuming that's what they're supposed to be) never think logically?