Thoughts on the IRA Sup Forums?
Did they do anything wrong?
Thoughts on the IRA Sup Forums?
Did they do anything wrong?
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Yes. They're all cunts.
they targeted civilians so yes
They're terrorists.
Terrorists funded by the US until they had a taste of their own medicine.
The British were imperialist cunts and treated the Irish like shit forever
Catholocism is a false teaching of Christianity though
They chimped out, so not nice IRA.
>defending your country's culture makes you a terrorist
I bet you think the sons of Oden are "neo-nazis" as well
Why would the United States fund a leftist quasi-marxist insurgency destabilizing a Western ally during the cold war?
The IRA were just a bunch of Irish terrorists chimping out as if they were niggers.
>Killing fellow Christian civilians just because they worship jesus the wrong way.
>let in thousands of shitskins without raising a potato.
litterally sweden tier
Butthurt Anglos detected.
>this is what Americans actually believe
>taking crops from a country that's starving to death
Lol, Wew lad
>defending your country's culture makes you a terrorist
Does your logic extend to Al Qaeda and the Viet Kong?
Just taking out the trash. you admit that you guys did treat them like shit?
Lol, what are you doing lad? Do you even know what you're talking about?
Just let countries govern and decide things for them selves
We took the crops since we had a World War going on and we needed to feed our troops, some also made it to trading. If the Irish understood crop rotation and maybe they might not of died like rats.
Like Cuba? Or Korea? Or Vietnam? Or Iran?
We weren't 'Imperialist Cunts'.
The Irish were Lazy Drunkards who clung onto what little culture they had because they were bitter about joining the Empire. Like the Americans, they automatically blamed all their problems on their masters.
'Paddy! I slept and drunk for the past 8 months and the crops 'ave naught tid but fay-el!'
'Aw, tis but no matta, patrick, we'll simply say it was the evil English Tax. Who cares bout all dat infrastructyor they've been givin us!'
It's always opportunistic revolutionaries who want power so blame everything on whoever is higher than them.
>implying all americans are pro-interventionism
Tsk, tsk, Jafar.
>Implying your opinions matter when your country takes action.
During the war of independence 1/3 of Americans were pro British, but that didn't matter in the end did it.
4:1 ratio
Overrated as fuck, didn't really do much, Americans think they were some kind of Hollywood action heroes because the lying media portrays them that way.
The original IRA were pretty based and justified. The PIRA were a bunch of cunts who intentionally targeted civilians. The PIRA are nigger-tier.
Yes. They don't understand that survival of traditions and language is not shooting britbongs
That's what the Brits liked, kek
Also, I'm literally beating the meat to all your tears anglos. Could you bottle some so I could use it as lube?
>we had a world war going on
>the famine was in early 1840's
anglo scum never cease to amaze me with their stupidity
before 1920 based
after 1920 democracy hating, Middle Eastern tier terrorists
Up the IRA!
Come out ye black and tans. Fight me like a man.
Tiocfaidh ár lá!
>1/3 of IRA deaths were friendly fire or pre-mature explosions
Why not just use the whiskey you already distill from your Mum's Ass?
both sides were bad
>commit literal genocide against a people and brag about it
NI here
>were they actually the good guys,
Yeah, sure. They shot up churches, bombed religious festivals, planted nail bombs in pubs, blew up schoolboys, murdered people for being the wrong religion, tortured women to death for being insufficiently Catholic and courageously killed a race horse. Not to mention the time the bravely planted a bomb at the Ministry of Agriculture which, as we all know, was an oppressive emblem of British imperialism.
And the fact that they funded their operations by peddling drugs in their own neighbourhoods and murdering shopkeepers who wouldn't pay protection money doesn't make them bad guys.
The Northern Irish got what they wanted in staying a part of UK
then a minority start blowing up children in Ireland and England, pretty much exactly the same as Taliban
Whoops, said "world war" instead. The Anglo-Afghan war happened then.
>inb4 yeah yeah right you meant that
Faggot. Where are you? I will literally bottle you, like I have done to many fenians singing their filthy songs before.
they had cool songs
the only song i can whistle or sing is "Broad black brimmer" which i have to remind myself not to sing at the airport,
i dont give a shit about their politics but their songs were good
kek whats the matter William, pissed off since your Glorious troops of Empire lost to some piss poor, ill equipped mick peasents?
Oh, so your one of them
Donegal, fuck off
How did they get guns? Isn't that near impossible in the UK?
>Literal genocide
Which IRA are we talking about?
The Official IRA were the best.
Do you blame all of the UK's problems on the EU?
I think they got some from the US and some from Gadaffi's Libya.
Yes they should have killed more. Far too nice
>claims to be a nationalist
>supports the IRA
You plastic paddys man I swear
>Muh heritage burger arrives
>Avoids the topic. Goes for Jimmy Rustling tactic.
Come make me you mick
Didn't really have much to do with religious differences really, Prot/Catholic lines were also Nationalist/Unionist and Irish/British lines
get fucked
Colonel Gaddafi
>guis we need to feed our 5,000 man army and 13,000 person entourage
>well m'lord we have plenty of food in the fields of england to feed them 100 times over, dont worry about it sir!
>nah bro, lets fucking export all the food of ireland
seriously anglo, stop grasping at straws
And that accounts for only a 100 deaths over 30 years. And they killed 763 soldiers.
And don't forget they co-run your assembly.
>Northern Irish
Top kek
>The people who weren't unionists were nationalists
Stop fucking lying to them you ginger cunt
this is true
americans sent money and guns to them and gadaffi armed them too
>What are the colonies?
Look at the whole picture.
See pic
you faggots are actually retarded if you think im talking about provo potato nigs, theyre the literal reason my family left ireland, im talking about the Easter uprising and that whole thing lmao
fuck the brits
>Trying to distance himself from a conversation he lost. GG nigga.
ah yes because all the colonies that are for the sole purpose of profit via cash crops and agrarian exports dont have enough surplus food to feed themselves so we need to empty the bread basket of an entire one of our other colonies
kill yourself
>And don't forget they co-run your assembly.
This is why my country is fucked. Forced power sharing with terrorists as leaders and getting paid by tax payers. Hope the Troubles 2 starts up and the best men win, at least then the country will stand for something and be principled. Hate this bullshit peace process that is superficial, people I know still get attacked and the peace process certainly hasn't kept me from gettin ginto violence.
tfw plastic paddies armed and funded the ira
youre the retarded britbong that cant distinguish between the 2, i said peasents or farmers or some shit, not drunken retards with mask
>You will never be in the KKK and hang this uppity potato niggers father before he squirms out of his cock
Feels bad
>The brits did not seize food from private landowners and distribute it to the irish.
>Therefore they stole food from the irish.
Wew lad
I'm nearly dry, some more tears please
The only thing wrong is that UK had to keep Northern Ireland
They took the Israeli playbook of Palestine and didn't think nothing would happen
I never known farms instantly prop up out of no where when you set up a colony. You need to set up a farm before you get the produce. What is going to feed you or what are you going to use to trade?
Can't even win at this point.
Why are you in the UK if you hate it so much?
read on michael collins
specificaly how he doxxed all of the redcoats alphabet spys and irish traiters
then he killed them all at the same time
there is an entertaining movie that gives the gist
How is it tears? I can't wait until the violence kicks off again. NI is still violent as fuck, nobody is looking at it though. My dad's friend got kneecapped last year by paras and died, no news story or anything. Man in Belfast got fucked bottled and slashed by youths last night for no reason. Let's have it, I say.
Denied welfare money.
>what is NI
>what are border towns
they put their flag on us illegally
>Glorious USA lost to farmers in Vietnam
they embraced Islamofucks as their brothers
used to sympathise, but fuck the IRA if they wanna suck muslim cock
I hate them so god damn much.
>abloobloobloo I'm such a victim of circumstance
You voted to stay.
Would the rest of the uk prefer if NI wasnt apart of it anymore?
Tá tú ag insint bréaige.
You're talking out your arse.
>No news story
Wise up hun
You seem to be misinformed colgate
>wasn't apart
so wasn't not part?
this has been deemed a type 10 britcuck proxt bait thread all abort
You know what i mean
so much britbong butthurt in this thread
our day will come, royal scum.