Daily reminder that Snowden did the right thing and that its perfectly okay to disagree with Trump on this issue while still being a Trump supporter.
Daily reminder that Snowden did the right thing and that its perfectly okay to disagree with Trump on this issue while...
so close
You're honestly completely right.
As long as he gets a fair trial. I'm okay with whatever the verdict.
I know, and its a no-brainer, it just annoys me that in some threads people will be competing to be the first one to say they never liked him just because Trump is against him when if Trump was pro-Snowden they would just side with that and cite it as another example of him being on the side of the public.
Daily reminder that Snowden is a Russian spook that leaked totally harmless surveillance programs meant to catch terrorists and foreign spies in order to sow distrust in the government in order to weaken America
He can't until the justice department/white house stop trying to prosecute him under the espionage act.
In a fair trial he would be able to say "I was a whistle-blower because I tried to expose wrongdoing because I thought it was in the public interest" and in that case he would probably get off without prison time.
Under the espionage act he isn't allowed to claim he was trying to expose wrongdoing etc so it would basically him showing up and being silent while the prosecution presents a case against him and he can't respond with anything that would matter, i.e. its not a fair trial.
He has said if he were allowed to use the whistle-blower defense he would come back to face trial now.
Is that post meant to be a joke or do you seriously believe that?
The latter.
Why would the government spy on it's own citizen for any reason other than catching criminals and foreign spies?
Because it allows the government to use the info it gathers to pressure people in situations where they want them to act a certain way, i.e. if some senators are saying they won't vote for some Patriot Act-type stuff that curtails civil liberties then they might get a note saying "we know you're fucking your secretary so vote this way on this bill etc"
Even if that isn't official policy there are always still secret groups and sub-groups who are told they can brake the law because its an emergency etc.
They would never let all that info go to the public willingly also because what I just said applies to all the people in foreign countries all around the world who they would want to manipulate too.
America is not Russia, it is a modern* western democracy.
*ok, the 2nd amendment is a outdated relic but still
You are just being sarcastic, I detected it in your last post but I wasn't entirely sure but now I see that you are just playing around.
Typical dumb amerifat, the why reason the russian ploy is working is because you buy into the whole Snowden™ scare
Snowden is a traitor.
>SPQR fags btfo
Dont need a reminder my IQ is higher than 100.
He's an attention seeking idealist liberal faggot
He could have leaked everything privately and not run away
He's been in Russia for awhile now, you would think they would get him a replacement nose piece for his glasses. Yeah, totally a real person and not just a brand.
He did the right thing, but something about him really pisses me off.
He's like the personification of a softer version of reddit. It's really hard to like him personally.
I don't personally care what you believe as long as your vote is cast for Trump when it comes time.
An insane mental patient escaped for the day and a lifelong couch potato have the same value of vote as you do. That should be a chilling illustration.
Hes nothing like reddit.
>actually cares about why he does it, not just a publicity stunt
Hes the opposite of reddit.
He went against everyone to do the right thing.
>pic related
Classic italian monkey man
but if that's appropriate for what he did, then so be it. he an hero'd. he knew what he was doing. let his lawyer make the case.
either way, i won't see him as a traitor. legal positivists can let the decisions of a court define the english language for them, and thus their worldview, but not me.
Inclined to agree. Its a somewhat grey issue but he seems to be an autistic liberal with a martyr complex except no balls to actually face the rack. He is literally a traitor by definition regardless of whether you think it was justified or not.
I think Trump could have played up the issue better by framing it as more corruption by the Obama administration, since Obama seems to be out for Snowden's blood.
>believes 100% that he's right
>muh metadata that requires a court order to use
daily reminder than 99.9% of what he leaked was purely related to foreign intelligence and had absolutely nothing to do with domestic surveillance or alleged violations of civil liberties of American citizens
not only did he cause massive irreperable damage to our foreign intelligence operations, he also damaged our image and created a hysteria totally out of proportion with the actual facts of what was revealed
Leftist faggot
Daily reminder that regardless of the moral correctness or incorrectness of what he did, it's still illegal and still treason. I'd say I probably agree with it mostly, but it's still treason
>He is literally a traitor by definition regardless of whether you think it was justified or not.
see >the decisions of a court define the english language
enjoy your orwellian future
This. He and his friends came to my country to push a leftist coalition in 2014. Glorious Trump will have him killed, and I will cheer
He endangered the lives of people on the ground by forking over huge amounts of unparsed data to a foreign government.
He did not sort or even read the shit he turned over.
That's unforgivable. There are guys on the ground implanted in places that would scare the fuck out of even seasoned veterans that could have woken up at 2am one day with a bullet about to reshape the back of their head and they'd never even know how it came to that.
The Constitution very strictly defines treason. You rarely see treason convictions because of how strict it is
>joined the army to fight ragheads
Pick uno.
He is right.
Whats your point?
nobody agrees with Trump outside the memes, he stop being a reasonable option when he startet to take donations, this is could be really bad for the burgers, but it would still be worst with her
>He endangered the lives of people on the ground by forking over huge amounts of unparsed data to a foreign government.
He handed them over to newspapers.
>trusting american government
>nobody agrees with Trump outside the memes
Build the fucking Wall, you spic. I agree with him in most of his stances. I'm not too hot on his gay views/tranny-shit views, and I think a few others that I can't remember, but at least those ones are actually by the constitution and he says it should be 10th amendment shit. Go kill yourself
It says it on the cover.
"Land of the free"
You have nothing to fear, unless you are a terrorist or a spy
>unparsed data
Completely untrue, he was very selective in what data he exposed.
This is one of the main differences between him and bradley manning.
>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Could you point to a document that he released that falls under this definition and explain how it either levies war against the US or adheres to there enemies.
>If I run away from prosecution I can never be technically guilty of anything!
>t. Snowden
See I think it was treason by definition, but in court he should be able to make the case that it was warranted because of unconstitutional corruption int eh government which most Americans share as a sentiment. As it stands that argument wont even be made because the coward ran away to Russia.
If he stayed and faced the courts I would be the first in line to hail him as a hero, but running away is like accidentally death you then proceed to cover up and make worse.
We're not free. Taxes keep us slaves.
“Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.”
>We're not free. Taxes keep us slaves.
Ah now i understand, you're another of those "libertarians" that want go abolish the state and all that jazz.
Keep lapping up that vodka Ivan
So you're saying you'd be willing to leave your life in the hands of a corrupt government that you just exposed and embarrassed on the chance that you'd get a fair trial, for some abstract moral principle?
If you're not doing anything wrong, then why does it matter.
I know that's a shit-tier argument, but there's gotta be some truth to it