Post some movies and I'll see how Jewish they are
Post some movies and I'll see how Jewish they are
Are you jealous of how successful Jews are user
Is Mel Brooks alright with Sup Forums?
Battlefield Earth.
Maybe you damn Tojo
American psycho
The Greatest Story Never Told
Triumph des Willens
>Jewish content
meme magick
Fucking amazing.
The Prince of Egypt
Jews truly are involved in everything. Not even nazi propaganda is safe.
Holy shit ahahaha
dubs get
I never knew Jennifer Conolly was Jewish senpai ;_;
For Christ sake!These faggots even stoled Jesus story!
>Jewish Content
yeah they stuffed the pages in there
Hot Fuzz.
We wuz
That's a bit surprising. I'll bet she had a nose job.
>Her father was Roman Catholic of Irish and Norwegian descent. Her mother was Jewish and was educated at a yeshiva; Ilene's [(Jennifer's mother's)] family had emigrated from Poland and Russia.[4][5]
Hans Frank was a Roman Catholic. He directly organized the killing of Jews in Poland.
Moon (2009)
Whats the most jewish movie youve ever found?
came here to post this
red pilled
blessings of kek through time
Dude I was going to ask about this one.
Only reason this garbage was made is because of Jews looking out for other jews
Princess Mononoke
The Ten Commandments
he's alright with me.
i can't top that but i tried
I think it's broken
pulp fiction is 16% and 8mm is 33% but a scanner darkly is only 2%. i want to say a scanner darkly has as big of a cast as pulp fiction
mars attacks is only 11% and its probably got the biggest list of celebs in any movie and tropic thunder is 69% jewish and has a all star cast no bigger than pulp fiction really
Best animated movie coming through.
Star Wars The Force Awakens
How about this little bad boi?
>The Cuckold
Pink Flamingos
Not surprised considering its about a good looking successfully white male ladies man with no interracial relationships.
>Feminism Inshallah: A History Of Arab Feminism
I can't find anywhere that says Sandra Bullock is jewish
Thank you for good movies, Miyazaki
That site is obvious fake info
Fuck yeah
How about Pink Floyd The Wall
Yeah, that looks to be a false rumor:
> - - - - - - - - - -
>11. Sandra Bullock: False-ish. Though there was some speculation that her mother, German opera singer Helga Meyer, was Jewish, not to mention the fact that Bullock herself hired a mohel to circumcise her adopted son—wha?—Sandy B. is not Jewish.
The jew fears the samurai
Yeah a lot of stuff said her mother has a german name which people thought was jewish, but she's just german.
Fucking advertising shills.
The Jewishness of a movie should be ideological, not this consistently wrong nonsense.
WTF No way this movie isn't Jewish
Christian Bale isn't fully white so by dating a white women he was in an interracial relationship.
Hunger Games
frozen river
I just saw The Conjuring 2 this afternoon.
It's at 0.00%, which I'm happy to see.
I had a hunch it had low jew involvement, for a variety of reasons:
1. No blacks
2. Only one non-white, with a very minor, short part.
3. Promotes the strength and solidarity of British working-class communities
4. Paints a very positive portrait of Christianity as fundamentally good and as the ultimate line of defense against evil forces.
All in all, would recommend.
Dredd, the newish one.
Seems like a good Sup Forums watch since its just an hour and a half of an angry guy slaughtering degenerates.
RIP Ofra.
I have a couple of my own from another thread
Second one is bretty low.
Series about a rebellion of democracy against the communist multicultural Capitol, is it based?
What did they mean by this?
>stronk female lead
The bigs are a waste of time as well.
(((science fiction)))
>trent reznor
u fokkin wot m8?
Like the composer matters!!!
>Dota 2 on Reddit
"Passion of the Christ"
>it's a trilogy
>no wait let's split the third part into two movies
>"strong" white woman is very hesitant to directly kill anyone by herself, even to save her life
schindlers fist
>Passion of the Christ
Falling down
Escape from New York/LA
Oh fuck
Holy shite
Thought for sure Hasbro would have some kikes
Fiddler on the Roof.
Jdar is jewish.
lel yep.
the conjuring 2
just saw todayat theater
would do the little girl janet in the butt
pic related