Who are your favourite Jews? Off the top of my head the most based Jews are Milo and Jesus.
Based Jews
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Favorite Jew in France
Gaad saad and based mom are Jews.
>two degenerate faggots are his favorite kikes
Wizard King Solomon is my favorite Jew.
The ones that have slept with me
Milo is a retarded faggot and Jesus is a true jew,unlike the "jews" of today who are just inbred arabs
Favourite jew is smoked jew
Jesus was a judean. Not a Jew. Jews are Khazar followers of Judaism.
Bibi Netanyahu, Murray Rothbard, Walter Block, Barry Goldwater (half), Stanley Kubrick, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Meir Kahane,
So many based Jews.
Oh I forgot this woman. I have a fetish for pollinating the womb of an Ashkenazi Jew to give my offspring a high IQ and superior genetics.
Ralph Bakshi
If you wanted superior genetics you'd cut your dick off syrupnigger.
t. incarcerated negro
fuck off
Yeah I used to think ayn rand was cool but she was a woman after all so can we blame her for having crap ideas?
I appreciate Kubrick and all the science and math Jews.
Gene Ween. He's only half Jewish though.
Milo is a faggot and doesn't represent the real alt right. Sure his views on male rights and feminism are pretty spot on but he's also an attention whore and actual whore of a degenerate. He needs to fuck off trying to hijack a real movement for money and fame.
>the alt-right is only one idea that can only be represented by one type of person
alt-right doesn't mean stormfront or neo-nazi. those are already their own thing, idiot.
John Carpenter.
billy joel is a good kike too.
but maybe only in his music. i don't know about his personal life and behavior.
David Cole, Bobby Fischer and Stanley Kubrick
Don't be a fool. Sup Forums likes the treason, not the traitor.
>David Cole
top kek
The ultimate red pill is that jews have the best genetics and are the master race and cannot be stopped.
it's only a redpill if it's not completely obvious
I will tolerate Kikes in the USA as long as Trump is in office to expose their plots.
If they stop their attacks and embrace the GodEmperor, it will be as marking their doors with the blood of a lamb, so that the NeckBearded Death Squads shall pass them over.
If he loses, we'll blame them, and then it's game on.
Either way our enemies are weaker than they appear.
Their time shorter than they think.
>surrounded by jews
>daughter converted to orthodox judaism, grandchildren are raised jewish
>same daughter who runs his company instead of the sons
oh yeah, trump is SO anti-jewish. you have to develop terrible relationships with jews in order to succeed in NY and Florida real estate.
literally more supportive of Israel than Clinton, which is hard to achieve without being Netanyahu.
you're a fucking retard.
The Jewfish. I've seen better profiles on crown moulding.
Not my favourite but there was a Jew who was by the orders of hitler in Nazi Germany was spared from the death camps he was a doctee who saved Hitler's life I forgot his name unfortunately
Soros, he's just wants to watch the world burn like us.
2nd for rothbard, enemy of the state
"Alt-righters" who sperg about Milo are stormfaggots who feel betrayed because their faggotry is not going mainstream like they thought.
I always name Billy Joel in these threads because I absolutely love his music. Second best musician in the 80s after Freddie Mercury. I hear that Billy can come off as a cunt and has little man syndrome since he's 5'4... I also get the feeling that he secretly wishes he was an Italian.
What's her name? :^)
>willingly giving something vs being forced to give something at gunpoint
Rand always has been and always will be right. She never disavowed charity, just forced charity in either giving or receiving.
She's basically a modern version of Aristotle, which isn't that easy do dismiss as being satanic or whatever.
Ayn Rand, the one and only.
But she was never a jew, so it's not really valid.
>I also get the feeling that he secretly wishes he was an Italian.
I honestly thought he was Italian lol.
I think a lot of New York jews wish they were Italian. There's even a name for jewish guys who act like italian tough guys - "jewgene" haha
actually, i remember one now.
Any Jew that isn't alive.