What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
Ethiopian shower powder
>your product is advertised as salt
It only has 25% sodium
bump for interest
how can a mineral be kosher or unkosher?
>one of the most common commodities on planet Earth
What's the other 75%? Air?
percent of daily value, retard
I always thought Jew salt was just regular salt but in bigger chunks.
>it's salt
>25% sodium
Hold up
>it only has 25% salt in the salt
Hahaha fucking jews
kosher is a general term for a product that is allowed for consumption by jewwish law.
it can food made in accordance.
it can be machinery made in accordance.
it can be a business that follows the necessary rules.
Kosher Salt nigger. Not bad tbqh
if i pick up a natural chunk of salt of the ground that no man has ever touched(I'm in a salt mine for some reason) is it kosher?
No you're a goy
Also you're probably need to pick it up a certain way.
Are you jewish?
Is pork sold is isreal?
>they sucked out as many sub-atomic particles as they could to save money
Pure Sodium Chloride, no iodine.
buy some 'fleur de sel' from Guérande
that's the best quality
that Kosher salt you're showing is a scam
Maybe they feel ripped off buying regular table salt.
not sure.
think so.
but you can't sell it as kosher. you need to pay a rabbi to be you kosher inspector (like health inspector)
this is for Jews to, you can't just say it's kosher
>but you can't sell it as kosher. you need to pay a rabbi to be you kosher inspector (like health inspector)
You guys are fucking weird as shit.
Its fuckin salt, cant you read?
thanks i actually feel like i learned something today on Sup Forums
only since the 90s
the Russian populace is hated for pushing legislation to legalize it.
you can only grow pigs in 5 non Muslim non jewwish villages and only on concrete (pigs can't touch the holy land)
>you need to pay a rabbi
why am i not surprised
It's a protected market, nothing weird about it. It guarantee's that money paid by jew will go in the hands of another jew.
the term of the day is :
"mash-gee-ah Kash-root"
>the h is the flem sound
it means kosher supervisor or kosher inspector
Don't eat that shit, real goy's use this.
for you
One serving size has 25% of your daily value of salt. That doesn't mean it is 25% salt.
>Not knowing how to read nutrition facts
Retard detected.
because Jews are jewing jews
>nothing weird about special Jew salt that is literally just salt
Okay dere Schmule, whatever you say bud.
It was originally called Koshering (And still is on some brands). It is used in the koshering ritual or process.
Kosher salt has flat crystal flakes, which have more surface area to put on meat, which draws out moisture more efficiently.
Kosher salt is great to get a good maillard reaction on your meat.
lol nice reference
salt that a rabbi pee'd on
>product that is allowed for consumption by jewwish law
no conspiracy here goy it's pure coincidence
Salt. They stuck a star on it and now they can charge an extra 500% for it.
bong cleaner
kikes are so autstic
You see 'kosher' anywhere on this board? You better leave.
The pink boards are made from pig skin.
That's awesome
Kosher salt is named after the fact that they use it to 'kosher' meats. Its a harsher, bigger grained version of salt. Its good for cooking. not so much as table salt, though.
It's salt used to make meat kosher.
t. Jewish.
So, Good manufacturing practice Jewish edition?
kosher salt is the superior culinary choice.
iodized salt is only for baking.
It's salt that a Jewish rabbi has performed the ritual of dragging his coin purse made from infant foreskins through it seven times while chanting Islamophobic slurs in Yiddish.
These retards don't care what it actually is. They just made a "jew thread" because they heard on r/Sup Forums that Sup Forums is for memeing and uneducated antisemitism (as opposed to educated antisemitism).
people like this are the reason so many people are fat
it's salt.
You put it on food, or rub it directly into open wounds. It can even be put on your driveway in icy weather, to keep the Jews out
Secularists like you are so misinformed.
Salt is kosher, handled by a Jew or not. The only time you need to worry about a goy making something assur is with wine.
kosher salt is a misnomer, the meme started when people confused koshering salt, salt that is used specifically to dra blood from meat to make it kosher, was mislabeled.
Fucking Israelis don't know basic kashrut Halacha. Get the fuck out of egrets yisrael ya tipshi manyak.
>>>> /ck/
> essential for BBQ, brisket, pickling and some slaws.
we had this thread yesterday