When will it stop

Sexual degeneracy isn't just becoming more widespread and accepted. It's also spreading to younger and younger people. There are kids in middle school sexting now. Soon it will be elementary schoolers. Why is nothing being done to stop this.

On a side note why are white girls like ridiculously slutty. They don't seem to have any shame. We all know how black girls and latina girls have more STD's, but they still seem to have a sense of self respect. Whenever I go to a party or here about some sexual degeneracy that shit is like 90% white women.

t. virgin

Been like this for 15 years.

Good thing is social media is dying slowly and twerking on it isnt common anymore.

Girls born 00's to 90s are degenerates.

back to /r9k/ with this shit

>On a side note why are white girls like ridiculously slutty

It will stop the moment the internet is destroyed.

Sup Forums is a major part of the problem just look at half the boards here. Don't pretend that Sup Forums didn't corrupt you at a young age.

"free" internet is complete cancer and censored, non anonymous internet is THE only way to reduce degeneracy. China is right.

The consequences of too much anonymity and internet "Freedom" especially for children are too bad to be worth keeping it. So sorry, all those "anti NSA" and "internet privacy " activists are actively degenerating america

Teens just love slamming that tight pink pussy bruh. Feels so fucking wet and tight nigga, teens love sucking big dick and getting their little tiny pussies fucked hard and raw

Social media isn't dying it's just shifting. Instead of facebook it's instagram and snapchat. Snapchat is way more fucked up.

>On a side note why are white girls like ridiculously slutty.

Grew up fatherless.

Also, ISLAM is spreading more aggressively than "sexual degeneracy".

Are you blaming the jews for this.

So are men. don't pretend you're any better.

Anyone raised with the internet and parents who weren't strictly monitoring it is a degenerate, including anyone who has spent any long amount of time on Sup Forums


Are you so blind that you don't?

>Also, ISLAM is spreading more aggressively than "sexual degeneracy".
Not really. Sexual degeneracy is a way bigger problem. Especially in America.

and America's degeneracy spreads around the globe via the Internet you're using right now.

The internet is nothing more than a US military industrial complex propagnda and porn distribution system. It was never free.

I do. I was just making sure. Part of it is also shitty parenting on the part of whites.


Also to add. In the Islamic world sexual degeneracy is becoming a huge problem as well.

Average usage is dying all over the board even Snapchat.

Ask.fm and kik used to be the rage.




Can you not see that the VERY clear reason for this is technology and the internet?

places that ban/censor the net lack this degeneracy. The Amish are completely immune to it. The internet is degenerate by design.

The only way to fight it is to realize technology isn't good.

I care more about love than sex

sexual degeneracy is not being stopped because everybody thinks it's natural.
white women are slutty because white men are good providers and care more about their women than other races, therefore white women never really have to do anything.
in an idle person, degeneracy always increases.

Men don't twerk, most men are virgins until marriage oronly fucked 3 girls.

Most American girls had 56 dicks in them.

>Why is nothing being done to stop this.

Because technology is Pandora's Box, you stupid shit.

You assholes didn't really think you could get things like high-speed internet without paying a cost, did you?

>spreads around the globe

Again, not as fast as Islam.

Not to mention Muslims actually do have many children, unlike sexual degenerates.


>The only way to fight it is to realize technology isn't good.

And yet, here YOU are.

You need to jump into a fire as well.

If whites lost computer technology and had to farm again it would disappear.

It's a myth that women never had to work or move at all in the traditional family, in reality unless it was an aristocratic family women would work all day on the farm and in the household.

Modern technology changed this. The industrial revolution destroyed society by cucking us with machines

you too

Yeah love is gone. You really think a modern women is capable of love and pair bonding. Even most Chad's can't satisfy a woman nowadays.

This becomes even more apparent when you realize that in pre-industrial times sexual degeneracy was usually limited to the aristocracy.

I don't hate technology or degeneracy.
I love them. I want more.

public school kills love and pair bonding in a big way. The whole concept of compulsory education for that many years delays marriage and family to produce drones for the industrial system . It turns women into sluts and men divide into promiscuous nigger-types and virgin outcasts (neither of which can produce a healthy family)

Coal burners. Honestly if I was the father of one of these girls and fucked up this bad. I would honor kill her then commit suicide.

Fuck of shlomo.

>complain about south asians being barbaric for honor killings
>"Honestly if I was the father of one of these girls and fucked up this bad. I would honor kill her then commit suicide"
Only on Sup Forums

College kills it even more with how widespread the idea of hooking up is.

I do think that the one thing aside from total anti-technology attitudes that reduces this degeneracy is young and especially arranged marriage though.

Orthodox Jews and Indians do it and they manage to still have large families, arranged marriages, and premarital sex is taboo even though they also are involved heavily in tech and modern life


Don't ever fall into the marriage trap

Most marriages will last 5 years tops, the woman gets bored, fucks chads, and you got two kids you see each weekend who won't love you and will grow up to be entitled degenerates

Fuck you, boring loser.
Your uggo ass just can't stand that you have no friends and get no ass.

Stop being so fat and start shaving once a day and you might get some action.
Also, cocaine.

coal burning is a fringe issue compared to the larger issue of sexual "liberation". Sup Forums tends to be hypocritical and turn a blind eye to degeneracy if the people involved are white and straight.

I refuse to give in. I refuse to accept love is gone.

A life without love and the chance to raise a family is not one worth living. Nothing else matters. Not anything. Certainly Not my life.

If I can't fufill my primary function as a man. Then I should die.

They also isolate themselves. Orthodox jews barely interact with the outside world and ostracize any member who breaks the rules. Indians that come here become just as degenerate after one generation since they don't isolate.

I know. I was just referring to the specific scenario in the pic.

I feel you, but I'm also realizing that there's nothing wrong with celibacy if you do it for a purpose. (being an incel porn addict doesn't count).

I got a good job and will be out of debt within a year, just started working out. It I can't find a wife in 4-5 years I'm off to be a hermit somewhere remote.

Having a family means fuck-all.
Do something important in life, like Linus Pauling or Thomas Edison did.

Then kill yourself. The chances of finding a women who is worth are zero. Especially if you are from the lower classes. Considering how degenerate the media is getting by the day your kids will probably grow up to be degenerate. If you want true marriage and love join the amish or move to some secluded town in Asia or Africa.

Just try hard in life, make good money, and fuck as many women as possible without getting married then

Thomas Edison was a fucking shabbos goy. He helped set in motion the degeneracy that haunts us today.

> muh degeneracy

Humans have always been "degenerate". Keep your morals, but don't force them on me.

I'm not sure where I stand on the Edison/Tesla thing.

On one hand Edison company monopolized the power grid and Tesla's technology was suppressed, but on the other hand Tesla talks about literally communicating with fallen angels.

Nothing is more important than reproduction and love.

Then maybe Sup Forums should shut down. Stop fighting. Give up on everything.

Forget about trump. Forget about brexit. Forget about Jews.

There's clearly nothing left to save is there

Okay. Tesla then. Either way.

>Nothing is more important than reproduction and love.
Yeah, maybe if you're a nigger and that's all your puny brain can comprehend.

Better men ain't got time for that stupid shit.


I mean if you want to go the degenerate route sure. Ideally men should just withdraw and become hermits. If enough did that then it might force a change. The problem is that men are just as complacent in this degeneracy is women.

Casual Sex is empty. And only makes me feel more pain.

Fallen angels is code for the cabal.

On one side you have women complaining about rape culture.
On the same side you have women advocating for Islam.
On the same side you have women that don't want to be treated like sexual objects
On the same side you have women that dress half naked and shake their ass and show you their cameltoes through their yoga pants.

If you try to think too much about this you're going to give yourself a headache. Just let things be, you won't change anything. Time will.

someone pls post the bibi quote about fighting extremism by breaking hope, thats what these bullshit threads do
plenty of good women out there, its your job to redpill them. don't start with the holohoax, instead do things like, hey what do you think of this pic
also sage all d/c threads

By nature yes, but we had strict social and societal norms to control it. that's what religion was. Why do you think their are honor killings and stoning for adultery in almost every ancient society.

>There's clearly nothing left to save is there
You say this jokingly but a few more generations like this and there truly wont be anything to save.

>Why do you think their are honor killings and stoning for adultery in almost every ancient society.

For the same reason there was no indoor plumbing. Because those morons were unevolved savages.

Your "primary function" is something that bugs do every day.

Reproduction is the goal of mindless life, not the goal of sentient beings. You have something approaching free will, you can break the mindless chain and become truly happy.

Time doesn't change anything. Time just pushes along what is already the case. That means more degeneracy.

We evolved too much. I wish I was born in the 40s and got to die a old man now

The romans went mad partly because their indoor plumbing had lead.

>plenty of good women out there, its your job to redpill them. don't start with the holohoax, instead do things like, hey what do you think of this pic
Red-pilling modern women is near impossible. They benefit a lot from the current system in their youth. Women are also bad at cost-benefit analysis. The only red-pilled women i've met are in their 40's and this is usually because they realize how bad modern sexual liberation is for them long-term. By then though it is too late.


you talk like you're on the verge of a panic attack

Why is it savage to try and maintain social cohesion through strict laws and strong punishment.

I'm just autistic and let off steam here. Never had a panic attack in real life.

>I don't know how lead works the post

>this much projection

He has a point, I was a fucking man whore in high school and college. I was an absolute piece of trash. It's not just women.

Well if history has proven something is that life is a cicle. After times of plenty there are always times of degeneracy which lead to times of poverty and despair which lead to times of strong values and austericism.

>white women dancing the nigrata

I'm triggered.

Should have used steel.

You're romanticizing the past. You never lived it. Stop. Just stop. Your woe-is-me shit is foolish. Stop caring about yourself, and start living your life for the thrill of the journey. It's fucking fun when you do, trust me.

its all women.

I'll just pray that God gives me a terminal illness

There's a big difference between something like the fall of rome, which affected a few million people at the time, and the fall of modern society, which will affect billions.

We're going to go from a peaceful world that basically never sees war while shitposting online to rioting in the streets in the dark. The fall is going to be harder than anything anyone in a first world country can fathom.

Theres one way to stop degeneracy.

It involves public executions

You just sound bitter, mate. It's not your fault you weren't born attractive, don't be so upset.

And you think people won't learn from that? You think they'll keep sinking? Many countries are trying to stop this slowly but surely and when they see the riots, normies will change as well.

At least that's what I want to think. Maybe you're right and this is the end.

Are you nuts? Serious question.

I mean, I'm nuts, but in a happy go lucky "I'm going to enjoy the madness and experience" kinda way.

You need to get a little crazy in you and start living for the experience.
For example, don't do cocaine because you wanna feel good. Do cocaine because it's interesting.

Chad's help push degeneracy. They benefit the most from sexual degeneracy.

I don't consume anything but Food and water

>tfw was lucky enough to be born into a government family

never got any of this shit, mom and dad were formal and nice. i got my unrelenting attitude from various family friends who were military.

this current day "if you're not actively engaged in fucking everything that moves you're a loser" shit would not fly in my family any day of the week. my family wasn't abusive, it was firm. we all had respect for each other and no person had power over another because of some arbitrary status.

didn't even go to private school senpai, i went to a local public school with a few things arranged so i could go to a "private tutor" (aka shooting and driving around a property like mad) a few times every week.

nobody has any respect for themselves or the others around them. everyone goes and memorizes vague "facts" for their "education" so they can go and become an investment manager or some wild shit, and in the mean while they fuck like rabbits and commit crime.

Got nothing to do with looks. I'm attractive.

Loose sexual morality kills social cohesion. And nationalism and culture.

Humanity has never had a worldwide collapse since civilization started. Sure civs collapsed,but they were isolated enough were it didn't cause a domino affect to other civs.

I feel you user, by the time I was 17 I was already considered an "old virgin" in my college class, promiscuity amongst the younger generation is so rife, girls and boys tossing their bodies around like pieces of meat, it's disgusting.. 22 now and managed to find and marry a girl with at least half a brain who knows this shit is wrong, the problem is with the media, the music, fading of our Christian values, all together it creates this awful slut/player culture amongst the youth.

Chad are only a minority, most women (80) percent are whores.

I can't feel for a slut, or want to marry one.

RIP in peace

>government family


There's your problem. You limit yourself.
Those who shun limitations live happy lives. We're always pushing into new territory and getting closer to the sun. We even get burned a few times, but that's just a minor hiccup.

Chad's are a minority, but women whore themselves out just for the chance at getting one. When I was in college and a a football player or basketball player came in women would suddenly congregate all just to get a chance to get his attention. Even women in relationships had no shame.

Unlike you I'm not an atheist

Yeah. You either be a chad or stay single and avoid women.

I rather not deal with women at all anymore.

dad used to work in intelligence, mum was in the ADF. i was kept pretty well under wraps as a result.

Its not schools that kill love and pair bonding. It's hookup culture and promiscuity. Both of which women, as the gatekeepers of sex, are solely responsible for. The more a woman sluts around the less she is able to pair bond and be a good wife and mother for her children.

Most people would prefer a piece of gum that's still in the wrapper or at least only chewed on by a few people then placed back in the wrapper than one that's been chewed by 30+ people and then stuck under a desk somewhere.

The funny thing is that even these Chads can't keep a women anymore. Most of their girlfriends are complete whores who also dump them or cheat on them.

>>government family

In Australia, the heads of each government party adopt a child every 10 years or so. Said child lives with higher ranking members of said government sometimes for weeks at a time. When the child is 18 he/she arranged to marry another grown up government child of the opposite sex and given a government position in the Australia parliament and thus works their way up in the party to one day potentially lead.

Look up Tony Abbots wiki, pretty interesting some of the accounts he gives.

also see this user