What type of person listens to lofi-Ferraro?

What type of person listens to lofi-Ferraro?

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i listen 2 lo-fi ferraro and this is me.

i do
pic related is me

prove it


Cool. Fav albums by him?


marble surf


Live at Primavera Sound 2012 is his best album. anybody saying anything else is lying.


gym shorts
tumblr blog

Someone whose entire personality revolves around being tired

I'm fat
I'm wearing gym shorts rn
I don't have a tumblr blog but I like browsing them

You're correct!

i think i appreciate that his music exists more than i like listening to it

and by that i mean i dont really like listening to it but i still think it's really interesting

like i-asia having come out in 2009 is next level shit

Do you go to the gym or just wear the shorts?

someone who last experienced genuine happiness in 1998 and now feels as if they live in a fever dream

truly an artist-musician
like dean blunt, sfv acid, torn hawk, polysick

these two are accurate for me


also satan trips

Do you guys ever try to sleep to james and spencer lofi era music? What are your experiences? I woke to night sweats at one point.

Insufferable Sup Forums kiddies and cock sucking faggots.

Now the art and soundscapes of james ferraro might be unappealing to some but if you put some effort into this. A world of unknown undescribable sounds await you.


Hypnagogic Ferraro > Lo-fi/noise Ferraro > Vapour/A.I.wave Ferraro > autotuned trap bangerz Ferraro

Also this is definitely one of the greatest long-form electronic songs ever. So textured and beautiful, its really like nothing I've ever heard.

Avant teens


Isnt lofi ferraro the same as hypnogogic?

I mean those aren't clear cut definitions, there's a lot of blending going on between. when I make the distinction between Hypnagogic and Lo-fi Ferraro I'm basically showcasing the difference between Night Dolls With Hairspray/On Air to something like, say, his Skaters material, or the Dreams s/t.