I honestly believe France is the greatest country in the world

I honestly believe France is the greatest country in the world.

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Yea, I think the same


i'd like to move there

me too

It's one of the few countries I respect.




but check these dubs

France sucks

>France is

was maybe

LOL, Italy is superior in every way



Thank you, fellow Frenchman.
I think the same of your country.

France best ally.

>LOL, Italy is superior in every way

France is what Italy wished to be

Same that there so many French people living there.

It's good for a vacation. But I'm glad you like your own country. You do you.

I'm planning on doing a master's degree abroad and France is my first.
J'apprends le français, mais je suis encore un débutant.
And France has the best literature


You should very honestly consider suicide

check this 6

je t'aime


Tell me why and are you the American tourist.

Someone is mad about the nukes, am i rite ?


Italy should be balkanized

french best civilisation that ever existed :)

>best country
>no hentai

If your gay

ladies first

animale please....


that album is 10/10

I like this country but you're exaggerating
This country is far from being perfect nor any good since a long time
If you believe France is the greatest country in the world you're either really deluded or a faggy parisian

i fuck your journalist in hentai and give her eat whale meat

t. Ahmed

Just from an outsiders perspective Paris is the absolute worst part of France.

And I spent quite a lot of itme in France because I dated a French/Swedish girl and her family had what I'd consider to be almost a palace on cotê-de-azur.

It won't be after Macron & En Marche privatize everything.

what countries do you think are better? just curious

they have irl hentai

>everybody who disagrees with me is a sandnigger

Germany, UK for example

Try number 5 or 6

you got me there jap

french are subhumans and france is a shitskin country

>Germany, UK for example


france is shit
like poland

I am Greek

I agree

shitskin spotted

I have blue eyes and pink nipples so that means I'm 100% white. Better luck next time, germ.

Excellent post.

Hear that third worlders? France is the greatest country in the world. Stop risking your lives to get from it to ours. Thanks.

it means that you are a retarded mongrel

england and france
shitskin countries

>An American commie

What the fuck ?


nice haircut you fucking dork

Nadia toffa?

its an american mongrel



The only impressive thing to ever come out of France was Napoleon, and he was Sicilian

which makes him Greek


france is shit tier

geb dir mal Mühe, so schreibt der nicht

agreed, France has the best litterature, poesie, culture is regard as a noble thing. The country itself is godly beautiful, the lands, mountains, rivers... architecture of village have a real soul you can almost feel...in every place you have hundreds sometimes thousands of years of history to look upon. TYou have a great variety of weather form the north to the south, the languague is extremely beautiful and raffinate. France has the best military history in the world with the greatest number of victory, People who complain about living here are complete faggot or foreigner are just jealous

france is shit
french are subhumans

is this serious

t. mamadou


I love France! I come from here

t. ibkey

by some coincidence, I happen to totally share your opinion

this is a paysage of France

a taste of unparalelled grandeur

it is said the Gods are jealous of our country

and in their anger and jealousy, they inflicted England on the world to ruin it for eternity

I like France, but it's a shame different native cultures in this country are being oppressed to let them dissappear.

slavs are subhumans

i do not
shitskin france

arabs fuck french women in the ass

now called allah in france

france is a shitskin country

fuck france

Why did you abandon the patriarchal cross, France?

you are a sad, pathetic, negativ loser. You accomplish nothing here. Seek help before it's too late

france is a shitskin country

Napoleon was from Corsica, you uneducated kurwa

>aucune référence au royaume
>pire : une décapitation

which makes him Greek

i said what i have to said, now i won't reply to you anymore and everybody should do the same.

france is still a shitskin country

>Napoleon was from Corsica

wrong, he was Greek

Je suis grec

Can France compete with Greece?
I think not

france is cancer




Can't die of cancer if you drown in denbt first.

how do you explain scandinavia then?

Sure, France is the greatest country in the world.

My favourite country is Greece


this is not quebec

I am greek

we all are

Okay, I can agree with that
Dude, they're even worse than US