how does this make Sup Forums feel
how does this make Sup Forums feel
just fuck the bill of rights, senpai
is this also a slide news story like "delete your twitter"?
what are the kikes hiding this time??
Who gives a shit?
Looks like it's time to setup a Go Fund Me for Brock Turner
I don't care
Based Brock Didn't Do Nothing
This why John Oliver was right when he pointed out how stupid elected judges are.
The judiciary has been granted the power of sentencing discretion.
Based mob rule saving democracy one riot at a time
who cares
It's kinda of a shame such a young white man's life will be ruined forever, but play stupid games win stupid prizes. He is more fuel for the feminist cunt engine. What kind of autist just fucks a girl that was laying there?
it's not like he just found her there and succumbed to his patriarchal impulses they left a party together
she wasnt even a student, either
Hes a kike & the judge was a kike, that's why he got off
>Mob rule over some girl getting blacked out and fingered
It's his fault for thinking he could touch one of the black man's possessions
Now he must deal with the consequences
Kek what difference does that make?
Ok now I wish he had raped and then murdered her.
>succumbed to his patriarchal impulses
have you read his statement? he blames society for him trying to rape her.
Someone redpill me on this case.
I heard there was a tape out there of him braging about getting high on LSD
she is a whore who wanted to be dicked by college kids
>drunk guy fingers girl
>girl to drunk to refuse
>girl says he raped her even though they were both drunk
>girl will get donations to be strong
>girl is automatically the victim and guy is disregarded
>guy will have his life ruined and have trouble finding a job and a future wife because of this shit
But at lease he still has his white cis male privilege.
>people think angry mobs should have more sway than court rulings
It was a pleasure dragging mankind into the information age. But we're witnessing the end of democracy and the rule of law. I'll miss you all.
Has anyone seen a picture of this chick yet?
I want to conduct a risk/reward analysis on his decision to leave the party with her drunk.
>1 million
>population is near 400 million
>1/400 people
That's not what happened, you should atleast read the article.
pretty sure you can't overturn a fucking court verdict with a popular petition
liberals are shit retarded
This is what a witch hunt looks like.
the Title 9 that Sup Forumsorts talk radio hosts and others are trying to throw around as a possible route around the Double-Jeopardy law that is in affect in Cali that prevents him from being retried, is null and void because she wasnt a student
just a random slut at a part who asked for it
nice unbiased source you got there
"One day, I was at work, scrolling through the news on my phone, and came across an article. In it, I read and learned for the first time about how I was found unconscious, with my hair disheveled, long necklace wrapped around my neck, bra pulled out of my dress, dress pulled off over my shoulders and pulled up above my waist, that I was butt naked all the way down to my boots, legs spread apart, and had been penetrated by a foreign object by someone I did not recognize. This was how I learned what happened to me, sitting at my desk reading the news at work. I learned what happened to me the same time everyone else in the world learned what happened to me. That’s when the pine needles in my hair made sense, they didn’t fall from a tree. He had taken off my underwear, his fingers had been inside of me. I don’t even know this person. I still don’t know this person. When I read about me like this, I said, this can’t be me, this can’t be me. I could not digest or accept any of this information. I could not imagine my family having to read about this online. I kept reading. In the next paragraph, I read something that I will never forgive; I read that according to him, I liked it. I liked it. Again, I do not have words for these feelings."
>When the policeman arrived and interviewed the evil Swede who tackled you, he was crying so hard he couldn’t speak because of what he’d seen.
Lmao. Swedish male stops rape. Swedish male is the one crying. Can't make this shit up.
The only people who use the word "powerful" to describe letters, speeches, etc. are Hoffpotards.
>bitch had a boyfriend
That explains it all.
>he is more fuel for feminazis
and THIS petition, etc, isnt more fuel for US?
>two Stanford University graduate students biking across campus spotted a freshman thrusting his body on top of an unconscious, half-naked woman behind a dumpster.
this is literally one of my top fetishes
only problem being the girl was about 7yr older than my fetish
Hopefully he dumped her ass.
>Was apparently unconscious the entire time
>It was so traumatic
Nice letter.
How about the next time you take a screenshot, you don't crop out a large portion of the article's headline?
it has the parts that matter
Who is that nig in the pick and why is he speaking out against this case? BLM fighting white supremacy, without a hint of irony, given their propensity to rape?
it's possible the swedecucks were so emotionally compromised about seeing a white man and a white girl together they concocted the story up.
I'm still not really sure how this ended up being news. I'm also not really sure how he got 6 months in jail.
Sadly, it does. This shit happens all the time.
The femishits in your country came up with the retarded notion that women are just getting raped left and right by priviliged white males. Now, after like years up spewing this shit retarded shit and after dozens of debunked cases of rape they now finally FINALLY got their boogeyman in some drunk guy who didn't just finger some drunk whore but he also is so white he has blue eyes and dark blonde hair. Fits the narrative just so fucking perfectly that this case is receiving more outrage from feminists and other gullible idiots then the 1400 girls raped in Rotherham, Britain.
Freedom of speech is the 8th deadly sin
Because he is white.
>It is so rare for a white college male to rape that it is breaking news when it happens.
They don't see the irony either.
who giiiiiiiiiiiiiives a fuck oh my god i am so fucking tired of hearing about this. its the same bullshit with the gorilla i do not care i hate every social justice idiot on my facebook right now, even moderates have STRONG POLITICAL VIEWS im so tired of all the god damn think pieces
kek, fucking buzzfeed
and no link
what a newfag cuck shill faggot
It just seems like there's no credible account of what actually happened. He was basically convicted on the testimony of two people who showed up after all the relevant events have happen.
That's 1 million Californians from the same district the judge presides over?
>showed up after all the relevant events have happen.
>were there to see him thrusting himself onto her unconscious body
yeah, i think they saw enough.
>Hes a kike
He wasn't convicted for dry humping her though.
this is just young people getting wild and having fun. what's the big deal Women are dumb cunts with no sense of honor.
In Soviet Russia, ass dumps you.
>assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated woman,
whatever you say, buddy.
>meet girl at frat party
>both drunk
>fingerbangs her outside the house
>she passes out due to drunkenness
>He's too drunk to realize
>dry humps her while both fully clothed
How is this story so big exactly? A woman isn't responsible for her behavior while intoxicated but a man is?
He fucked a whore and she lied and said he raped her
Yeah I'm sure that was a result of the dry humping and not related to he two other accounts he was convicted of.
I bet 80% of those signatures are bot scripts.
but we must protect our immigrant loving white women scum
She was several years older than him and specifically went to a college party to get drunk and laid. She consented to everything.
Can you believe white guys would testify that this guy raped her? She was drunk. What happens if you are pounding some drunk bitches and she passes out from orgasm then some cucked cowardly white traitors walks up and says she was unconscious?. The girl even said that SHE didn't want him to go to jail! Don't you find that relevant?
>believing Sup Forums version of the story
>not reading the actual criminal complaint
the girl was unconscious. you realize people actually get raped, right? are there actually people who still don't realize Sup Forums is satire?
imo they should have given the kid the chair or at least a few decades of solitary to torture him. if you don't think rapists should be punished to the maximum extent of law, you need to go back to your safe space on reddit.
if you're dumb enough to have sex with a girl that drunk in an alley on a college campus, you deserve to be in prison for being such a shithead
this post is why you are a virgin you fucking faggot
So the libs can say this judge was bias for the defendant because they are both white.
But libs also say the Mexican judge presiding over the Trump U case cannot be bias.
stay trigged. i think its time you go back to your safe space.
She wasn't raped though, she was sexually assaulted. Two of those charges were thrown out.
>she wasn't raped
you mean he wasn't found guilty of rape. i guess if we go by your logic, nicole simpson wasn't murdered either then because oj was found innocent.
Proof that democracy was a mistake.
I wonder... what is the percentage of women on /poll/? 5%?
Just wondering...
Redpill me on Brock Turner Sup Forums
din do nuffin?
I'm so fucking tired of hearing about this.
She claims she doesn't remember anything after she started drinking. Complete blackout. Ummm... OK...
He claims she consented to everything. Ummm... OK...
Who the fuck knows? Nobody knows. What's worse, this shit happens every weekend on practically every college campus. And we want to just hang this one guy because he fits the narrative, instead of actually addressing the real problem of underage binge drinking and reckless behavior.
They found no evidence of penis in vagina intercourse. That's why those charges were thrown out.
Sure - by the definition of the law in California, no it was not technically rape. But you should realize some states, including Minnesota, Nebraska and New Mexico, have laws against sexual assault but don’t charge specifically using the term “rape." Beyond what semantics we use, I just don't believe in the rehabilitation aka light sentences liberals love to give out especially for crimes this disgusting. Not sure why some "conservatives" have become so soft on some crimes like this and feel bad for the accusers when there is so much evidence against them? I have a feeling its because this kid is white. If he were middle eastern you would be singing a different tune.
One a side note, there are a lot of effects feminism has that negatively impacts men, but have some common sense here. Read the criminal complaint. I don't care what race or gender you are, if you do what he did, you deserve hard time at the very least.
Get based.
>girl has a boyfriend
>girl goes to party, drinks too much, dances with a guy and agrees to go to his dorm
>she couldnt wait, is horny and she takes off her panties
>they are in a backalley and he asks if he can finger her, asking for consent as incucked into him by rape culture
>hes half drunk too, 2 swedes come shouting at him
>he runs as any man in a situation like this would
>he gets caught
>she blacks out
>wakes up later, everyone telling her shes been raped
>remembers she has a boyfriend and went to a party and kissed a guy and basically cheated on him
>how convenient
>omg i got raped
>says she is traumatised and "ruined" writes a 13 pages "poignant" letter so that the whole world knows that she is a whore and has no more value on the market
she intoxicated herself to the point of blacking out, the guy wasnt as drunk so baka hes responsible for her
irony is, if she spent the night with her bf she wouldve backed in and not out
Don't we have like double jeopardy laws that are kind of a big deal?
>two swedish men see white man having sex with white woman
>assume it must be rape because such an occurrence does not happen in Sweden
Thank god captain sweden was there to save that women from the oppresive cis-gendered white male
You are innocent until PROVEN guilty.
There is no proof.
So he is innocent.
Suck my dick, tumblrette.
>Get based.
You have no idea what that means do you? I'm tempted to say this is masterfully crafted bait but it's slightly too subtle. It's either that or you're a transplant straight from tumblr.
>why can't we just throw people in prison without evidence!!!! ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!1111
Why do they keep calling it a rape case if nobody was raped?
what an insensitive thing to ask
The biggest crime of social media is thinking that just because a bunch of people agree on something, doesnt make it right.
Same with Sup Forums and alot of topics.
Even the article calls her a "rape survivor"
Being fiddled for 20 minutes while passed out is now considered equivalent to a young boy being forcibly sodomized by some mentally-ill faggot.
Faggots arent pedos.
When will this meme end?
This is probably the most disgusting.
Or even girls who were drugged and abused for god knows how long before they woke up.
Or the woman in India who got gang raped and then penetrated with an iron rod?
>implying I made a statement anywhere about all homos being pedophiles
On the contrary though you seem to implying that their is no such thing as a faggot who is also a pedophile.