#TheCuckening2K16 youtu.be
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>"educate" the fuck out of your ignorant ass
I like how he wears a mask as if he is saying something so dangerous that it puts his life under mortal Danger
This kid is trash, his vid is trash, don't give this dildo rage dollars
>you will never be beta enough to turn your girlfriend into a lesbian
>taking opinons from a youtuber who's claim to fame is talking about fail pictures
Literally who gives a shit?
Threadly reminder outside of the kiddy fiddling this guy put a plastic box on his turtle out in the sun and was surprised when he basically cooked it alive.
I hope this gives further context.
What's the problem? He's telling the truth. Are you guys anti-women?
It's about making women equal to men... but why not also about making men equal to women?
He has a massive viewer base, Sup Forums views ain't doing shit all
You need to leave Sven
Please stop shilling this guy here. He's legitimatelly mentally ill and needs help.
He's turned 3 women away from him, one turning gay and one being locked up in a mental ward.
To top it off he's a vegan that tells people how much of a horrible piece of shit they are for eating meat.
Plus he lied about his wifes still birth and recorded her having a seisure or something like that just for that sweet youtube money.
I mean fuck just looking at OP's picture you can tell he's not all there.
No you need to leave, sexist. Feminism is equality between the genders, it literally says so in all dictionaries. Stop pulling definitions out of your ass.
That makes me sad
No Swede on Sup Forums can possibly be this much of a living stereotype.
I smell proxybait.
>feminism exists to make women equal to men
>poll results show women are equal to men
>is mad when people want feminism to end
>played yourself.mp3
The guy who abused his wife is telling us about feminism?
I have been friends with this girl for over 6 years. Now she blocked me on gchat and what not because she couldn't handle the red pill.
>I heard you liked being cucked
does she Sup Forums?
You need to leave proxyfag
Just ignore all discussions about politics if you actually care about female company. You'll literally never find a woman who agrees with your red-pill views, even traditional women have thinly-masked liberal views.
>posting faggot attention whore youtube streamers
you don't belong here
Probably because you're fucking stupid.
>Agree with terms
>Terms are broken
Those assault statistics are rigged because they use questions like "have you ever been asked out on a date when you didn't want to be" and if they say yes then it's assault. The situation you described to her was 100% sexual assault. Retard.
Do feminists not understand that with a statistic like that, it implies that 1 in 3 men are rapists. The girl in question has a father and two brothers. So by feminist logic, one of the men in her immediate family has raped someone.
Half his viewerbase disagree with his shit most of the time. His YouTube "career" has literallly consisted of being marginally relative with periods of hysteria and frankly pathetic displays of behaviour akin to an autistic child on MDMA.
>Are you guys anti-women?
welcome to Sup Forums, cockbreath.
I see it's your first day here.
It might be sexual assault, but it isn't rape. When I think of rape, I think of aggravated sexual assault.
If a girl consents to the act of sex, regardless of if protection is used or not, she consented to the act of sex.
Feminists will believe whatever they want to believe. Ordinary girls, most of whom don't call themselves feminists, still believe whatever they see from (what looks to be) a reputable source, and if you argue against it you'll just come across as an edgy sexist, even if everything you say is completely valid.
The recidivism and repeat offender rates for rape are pretty high. You could have 1/30 men being rapists but every rapist raping an average of 10 times.
But I agree that it's stupid.
We need Sargon of Akkad to BTFO this guy :^)
At least some of you are catching on.
And the discussion you were having was sexual assaults on campus. Regardless of the definitions, arguing semantics doesn't work to convince people of your point. If you want to get people to swallow the red pill, you have to show them things. Show them the questionnaires people use to determine sexual assault rates. Ask them who stands to profit from it. They have to swallow it themselves, it can't just be shoved down their throats.
oh who am i kidding i'd rail the fuck out of blaire
There was no way to get to that point. She was so severely triggered that she ignored me almost immediately.
This is something else I've noticed when dealing with leftists in general. You challenge their opinion or a point they've made, and instead of intelligently debating, they just get upset and "don't want to hear it."
It's really dizzying to believe this asshole with no apparent talents, no charisma of any kind has over 2 million subs. He picks a topic and calls the others names like some 12 year old girl.
>it's a "Sup Forums talks about e-celebrities" thread
Your queen is an old hag.
Nigger I saw your posts, I saw the exact moment you fucked up. Quit your bitching and get good.
I love that cut in the video of him contradicting himself about feminism at 6:45
At least I'm trying to spread the red pills instead of shitposting on Sup Forums
Nigga you ARE shitposting on Sup Forums
>Not Australian
>Not Romanian
>Posting content relevant to thread
>Cuck comes in and starts talking shit and begins to derail thread.
You sure you're not confused bruh?