yfw trump wins
shit wrong image
We did it, you guys. We beat the Cunt. Now it's time to Make America Great Again!
The leftist butthurt will be the most glorious thing ever. Great time to be alive.
Just like how Romney won?
And if he doesn't win?
We have to win, senpai. We have to beat the Cunt.
everything will be fine
Does anyone remember all those posts going
>it's going to be a looooong walk back to tumblr
Crossing my testicles for you America.
thread needs more gifs
I'll likely be killing myself otherwise, his presence in this election is the only thing keeping me afloat at the moment
>Hillary will be forced to delete her account
must suck to be American right now, you know that whatever happens the future potus will be the worst ever.
>inb4 Trump will maga
its a meme you stupid fuck.
This gon b gud.
Wew lad you can't talk your country has been shit since the beginning of time and will be shit until the heat death of earth.
i hope he wins and hillary keels over the next day and then bill dies of aids.