Why couldnt Bernie be less of a cuck

His policies are way better than trump's, except he has to be a massive cuck for some reason. Trump is a globalist, zionist, authoritarian stooge, while Bernie is social democrat, anti establishment, anti israel, pacifistic, anti free trade, and a bulwark against the corporate takeover of society. BUT then he has to ruin it all by riding nigger dick and sucking up to SJWs his whole campaign. FUCKING WHY

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Bump. Why is it that democrats are all fucking cucks when it comes to social policy? Democrats > republicans in every way except in the fact that they're cucks. Are these jewish tricks? Getting good goys to vote for republican which is the ultimate bluepill, just so they dont have to be cucked?




fuck off faggot

Got back to Toronto

Not an argument dipshit

>open borders commie cuck that would frequently bend over for Clinton while wasting his time attacking Trump

Did you not see the part where i said "EXCEPT HES A KEK'

>no sources
>doesn't know what Zionist means.
Delicious Sage.


trump literally said "Jews are my greatest ally and I stand behind jews with everything,antisemitism shouldnt ever be tolerated"

zionist is someone who supports the state of israel, which trump has done, strongly. i guess youre the one who doesnt know what it means

Thats all im saying. His economic, domestic, and foreign policy are all vastly superior, minus the fact that he sucks up to SJWs. Trump is a globalist and a zionist. The only reason Sup Forums supports him is because he panders to the alt right. Don't deny it

>Trump is a globalist, zionist, authoritarian stooge, while Bernie is social democrat, anti establishment, anti israel, pacifistic, anti free trade, and a bulwark against the corporate takeover of society
Massive bait.
Stop shitposting. Why are you shills trying to disable the board with all this clutter? What's the endgame there?
>bernie is anti-israel
What a fucking retard.
He lived in Israel.
He ALWAYS defends Israel you stupid fuck.


>no source, again
Canada, you're not Australian. Leave it to the professionals

Identity politics is a neoliberal ruse

bernie is open borders and actually vehemently defends israel. he even wants to give illegals (in america, not israel) free college. i hope you are trolling, trudeau.

you need a source to look up the definition of zionist? Man, i really hope whoever wins fixes your education system

>Economic and foreign policy are superior

Completely removing the funding of the US military and taxing the top 20% of the US populace 100% of their income wouldn't even cover half of what his proposed social programs would cost.

Also you're Canadian we know first hand how shitty, underfunded and underperforming our health care system is.

None of his policies are good because they're nonsensical. I suppose if you ignore reality his policies are good but that's all they are, fantasy.

Are you serious?
The part were you claimed trump said that he supported Jew's. At least try to keep up bud.

its always the canadians that love leftist

>the definition of zionist
>someone who supports the state of Israel
That's rather vague. Did you mean:
>supports the existence of a Jewish homeland in Palestine for Jews only
If that's your definition, then the Nazis were zionists too. I don't really disagree with ethno-states. Most nationalists don't; ethno-states are the ideal state, better than cosmopolitican civic nationalities.

Bernie supports the existence of Israel.
Trump supports the existence of Israel.
David Duke supports the existence of Israel.
Hitler supported the existence of Israel.

Wait... are you an Achmed?

>bernie is open border

Hence why i said his only drawback is being a cuck (open borders)

>vehemently defends israel


Israeli kikes are literally scared shitless of a Bernie presidency

> he even wants to give illegals (in america, not israel) free college

Again, i said everything about him is good, MINUS his cuck tier policies

This shill is ignoring me because I'm btfo'ing his nonsense. Not sure what his angle is, but I suspect he's Mudslime shill of some sort.


Oh i dunno, how about the fact that he sucked their dicks at the jewish conservative conference or whatever, and said israel is america's greatest ally


>“I have a Jewish daughter. This wasn’t in the plan, but I’m very glad it happened,” Trump said at the event, held in Manhattan. On Israel, he said, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

> On Israel, he said, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

>We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

>not zionist

k buddy

they might be scared of him, according to kikes whom i have no reason to trust, but that doesnt change the fact that he vehemently supports them. in this video he actually gets pissed and says shut up to people in the audience who are criticizing israel.


>then the Nazis were zionists too.

Is that why they incinerated 6 million of them?


Liberal does not mean left. Progressives as close to the opposite of liberalism as you can get while still being on the left.

m8 that video is from 2 years ago. Trump flip flopped on positions from a few months ago. Sometimes he even flip flops on issues within a few days. Bernie is pro palestine in the israel palestine conflict, which basically means he's anti israel


Bernie isnt a socialist, you parroting idiot. He's a capitalist who supports a welfare state

>supporting Jew's is bad.
>using this meme as a point against trump unironically.
Canada everybody.

Democratic Socialism is Socialism with a different coat of paint.

Every one of his policies in the economic and domestic are socialist because they remove choice from the individual and increase governmental control

oh so now that you've been proven wrong, you change the subject. filtered

hes a liar. he also said he wanted to audit the fed then bailed out at the last minute after he spoke to a certain group of people.

Do you even know what socialism is? It means that workers own the means of production. That isn't what bernie advocates. He is a social democrat, not a democratic socialist. He doesn't propose that the government should take hold of key industries, he doesn't propose anything like that. He's basically a capitalist that wants to try to imitate the welfare state that exists in europe

> A self-proclaimed democratic socialist or social democrat,[3] Sanders is pro-labor and favors greater economic equality.


>supports open borders

You are clearly shitposting now.


Keep your head up dude, i'm sorry with what's going on over there.

>> A self-proclaimed democratic socialist

Except that's a false label and he's actually wrong in perpetuating it, since none of his policies adhere to socialism. He's a social democrat

You tell me, that's the position you're taking (by counterexample).

Except that he consistently proposes massive taxation and regulation of corporations and the wealthy and actively promotes a series of social policies that even taxing the top 20% 100% of their income and completely defunding the US military wouldn't even cover half of the costs of his programs.

He's a self proclaimed Democratic socialist who has a kindergartners understanding of economics because his only answer to funding his programs is to take it from the banks and Wall Street

>The Haavara agreement - Germany created Israel

thats a dank coin

Yes im aware of the nazi plans that youre referring to. But they were only plans, and they didnt even attempt to implement them, which means they were never truly zionist. In the end, obviously they werent zionists since the course of action that they took was to exterminate them, not to give them a state

>Except that he consistently proposes massive taxation and regulation of corporations and the wealthy and actively promotes a series of social policies that even taxing the top 20% 100% of their income and completely defunding the US military wouldn't even cover half of the costs of his programs.

And how is any of that socialism? It's not. It's social democracy... please learn the difference

>He's a self proclaimed Democratic socialist

Yes and it's an incorrect label and i have no idea why he perpetuates the incorrect label

Read this article if you're confused on the difference between a socialist and social democrat


Okay cool, I was using the wrong label.

It doesn't debunk the fact that his policies are literally retarded and unfeasible

>are literally retarded and unfeasible

Why? Because they tax rich people and corporations more? Why is that unfeasible?

>they were only plans, and they didnt even attempt to implement them
COmpletely irrelevant to the point made here >Bernie supports the existence of Israel.
>Trump supports the existence of Israel.
>David Duke supports the existence of Israel.
>Hitler supported the existence of Israel.

Not only are you wrong, your definition is irrelevant and nonsensical. You might as well be talking about Gandhi and Hitler both being vegetarians. Its irrelevant to anything of substance.

because he needs their votes and they're more likely to vote than the stoner demographic?

To fund his social programs you'd need to find literally trillions of dollars. As I said taxing the top 20% 100% of their income and completely defunding the military wouldn't cover half of the proposed costs.

His policies will more than double the annual deficit which in turn will massively increase US debt over his term.

It's unfeasible because the reality would bankrupt the US

Who benefits from identity politics? Is the 'left' winning thanks to identity politics? Clinton is, not Sanders

But they wished to and would have implemented them if they had the opportunity. Extermination began well into the war.

>Trump is a globalist

>Hitler supported the existence of Israel.

No he didnt... he supported gassing them then burning their bodies in ovens you stupid fuck

You dont become a multibillionaire without being a globalist

trump is just as much a cuck bernie is. But if both decided not to be, i think bernie would be a better choice.


You're kidding right? He's sucked Israeli cock time and fucking time again.

Here's him at AIPAC (good goy competition basically) with his mouth full of pure kosher uncircumcised Israeli dick for around 30 minutes. Even said he's proud of his daughter's soon to be beautifiul jewish baby

Bernie refused to even attend this shit even though it's pretty much essential for candidate.

A "globalist" in the political arena implies that they are opposed to national sovereignty. I have a 401k which invest 30% of it in multinational stocks. Does that make me a globalist too? Suck a dick, you angry Bernout

>first says he can't bring up any evidence of Trump supporting Jews
>evidence is presented

Discussing contingency plans is one thing, talking like defeat is a fait accompli is another. The Dems are pushing hard to shove Bernie out quickly. (One has to wonder why.) Let's not join in. Let's believe what Bernie has said rather than what the mass media tells you.

Bernie says he is still competing. Votes are still being counted. He is going to the convention.

At least here, let's show him the respect he isn't getting elsewhere. He deserves that. When he's done, he'll tell us.