
Part and Parcel edition

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i imagine that needs updating


eating watermelon straight out of the fridge
bit cold on the teeth

Pass the Parcel?

>mfw i troll u



>if you're going to do this stupid meme at least do it right

shane brannigan goes to show the internet can do anything on TV but more entertainingly

would be interesting to see if other countries have had similar scandals with their scummy muzzers

*it's your turn in never have i ever*


Those ear tattoos are fucking grim.

>one of the biggest news stories in America right now is that a governor spent time with his wife and children on state-owned property outside of his state-owned property
why do yanks go out of their way to manufacture controversy?


they probably suppressed it even harder than our leftists did.

Wanked with a dildo in my bum after 6 beers.

Never have I ever put anything in my butt

>if you're going to do this stupid meme at least do it right

just unfiltered germany
i'll give them a second chance

state-owned property that he himself ordered closed.

Did I vote for Britain to leave the EU? Yes, I believed and still believe we were better off out

Do I oppose Scottish independence? No, absolutely not, every nation should rule itself.

Do I like pints? Nah, empty calories mate.

Do I like cigarettes? Nope, would rather not get cancer, lost my gran to it.

Do I hate pakis? Nope, made a great contribution to this country

Do I wear the same 3 pairs of socks despite owning 20+ pairs? Yes

Do I rate Pogba? No, no I do not rate Pogba

forgotten what happened the last time Germany was given a second chance? and then a third?

more about how he shut down the entire beachfront so him and his fat fucking family could soak up all the sunlight

watching this bbc1 thing
very concerning

Is it about bees?

State property was closed to the public. He isn't "the public". It's like catching the queen sitting in her garden for fuck sake.

>Do I like pints? Nah, empty calories mate.
>Do I hate pakis? Nope, made a great contribution to this country


back to work tomorrow after last week and yesterday off
might 'cide

funny how acid attacks have suddenly becoming a thing as soon as a white bloke attacks a couple of pakis with acid.

don't really get people who play video games that involve grinding, it's usually pretty obvious that they're unemployed or have autism because nobody else would come home from work to do more work in a virtual world

>Do I like pints? Nah, empty calories mate.

>Do I hate pakis? Nope, made a great contribution to this country

Find the nonce hunters interesting

Think they had a rough childhood

NEED this clarifying right now. If there is a BBC documentary on about bees right now might get up to turn on the telly

>State property was closed to the public
because HE closed it on purpose so he could use it. you're retarded

>they've even gone to NI to catches nonces
good lads

wasps m8

nah rotherham lad

>mfw inbetween jobs

its about muslim nonces and how they were allowed to operate for decades by leftist councils.

>implying the treaty of versailles wasnt autistic

my life and the absolute state thereof

>Do I like pints? Nah, empty calories mate.

>Do I hate pakis? Nope, made a great contribution to this country


>how can I prove that yanks aren't obsessed with manufactured controversy?
>I've got it!
>*makes this post*

Might contact the Nonce Hunter if he wanted me to make him an intro theme song.

This fucking BBC documentary.

Fucking state of this nation

oo arr been drinking cider i have

if you really believe that you're retarded

Me: racism is bad.

White girls: ???

Me: henlo u smol beans, teh racism makes me a heckin sad pupper

White girls: say no more, we'll stop.

me in the middle


because fuck you thats why


>because HE closed it on purpose so he could use it.
maybe he closed it for some other reason

I gathered that he shutdown the beach front for some other reason but decided to go to it himself

think I'm going to break up with the gf of 1.5 years

Ah yes, this so called BBC documentary red pilling the nation

I'm sure they're talking about how the sex gangs operated, who they were, how they were covered up, how they are still ongoi....

Oh, they're just talking about the media reaction to the scandal. Ok.

Ayrton Senna one?

because it's not true, and no one in the news even is claiming that it is. the stories are just framed in a way to make that incorrect conclusion


frankly guffawing at the idea that racemixing will end racism

this is probably my favourite post of the past month at least

Hope Poleaboo is watching this BBC documentary on Rochdale

bit coincidental that he shut it down then went himself you retarded fuck

This is partly why Runescape never appealed to me.

Much more appealing to come home from school and spend 6 hours playing habbo hotel and unlocking the mysteries of stacking virtual furniture.

rorkes come in all colours

He died

>parents + craigslist + work 1 day/week


Skepta was offered an MBE and turned it down the cross dressing bender

he didn't specifically shut down the beach, he shut down the state government because the legislature was in a gridlock.
When the state government shuts down, so do state parks.


jazz concert on the radio is really good any of you lads want to listen to the live broadcast?

hello you fucking nigger

What exactly did are kev mean by this video?

The start of this BBC documentary:

>The girls targeted were white and the men that did it were pakis

Fucking hell can't believe BBC allowed that

yeah its quite obvious that they are just targeting nonces as a way to take out their aggressions.

imo noncing is just a sick fetish and there are much worst fetishes like being gay

the public wasn't allowed on the part of the beach he was on in the first place, my good friend


business idea: publicly execute all nonces

only 20 mg diazepam and one cigarette left

skepta is based

crackhead though

don't care

>This BBC documentary

couldn't tell you, bit odd though

>Fat, middle aged man at work (call centre)
>Refuses to sit next to women
>Sometimes they place a girl next to him
>He'll either start hitting the desk until they move or make a wall with books and folders
>He also shoves hand towels down the toilet, regularly blocking them
>Before I joined he apparantly took a shit in the cubicles with the door open
>They can't fire him because he's clearly austistic
>He's not the only one that does this

Really do enjoy my work colleagues companionship.

I'm glad I spend more time with them than anyone else.

They ordered Pizza Hut for us today too for meeting our targets like good runts.

I've had 4 shits today following eating only two slices.

LOVE that haircut

skeppy is more British than you'll ever be

Got a whole bottle next to me lad ngl
Running low on phenibut tho

lost my grip on a 160kg deadlift earlier (PB is 190)

sounds like a complete freak desu

>not spending hours scamming people in runescape
you missed out

skepta is a fucking crackhead

Honestly couldn't work in a call centre. Fucking hell.

what a dirty bint

fancy her tho

a dog born in a stable is not a horse, niggy