Your Favorite Album Cover of 2017?

What in your opinion is the most aesthetically pleasing album cover of 2017?
Don't give a fuck about how the music sounds, but which is your favorite cover?

too bad the music was completely uninteresting

dope choice




not bad

Singles and Annie dies


what is this beauty



If we're gonna be real





Reminds me of Genesis

i thought this looked bretty nize

feels cursed

>death grips is fully
kek what the fuck kinda phrase is that

I better reply to it just in case


by far


also the best project music wise that came out this year

Music was decent too.

Music was underwhelming but I've spent a lot of time looking at this


hate rap, love this album art because it reminds me of the '80s hardcore scene


Terrazzo is fucking bomb


It would actually be perfect if it was reflecting the top part of his face, seeing the rest of it under the water ruined this cover for me.

this, for the exact same rational


It looks like yu-gi-oh cards
So does this

Runner Ups
Pretty Good



It looks too much like a Prisma filter for me.

Unironically cover of the decade





bc I kno qrabic


This. Terrible album tho

Really looks like obscure Italian dadprog or smthn