When was America great? When did it stop being great?

When was America great? When did it stop being great?

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Post World War II.

1965 when immigration was opened up to all races.

I would say it was near the end of the cold war that the west really fell into decline.

It was great before WW1. And stopped being great with the election of FDR.

Throw a dart at any american history book, provided you tear out all pages before WWII and all pages after Regan.

It was great when we didn't have reality TV stars getting nominated for president.

Downhill since 1965...
Nail in coffin around when Kurt Cobain died

This. Fucking polio retard sucking Juden's cock. Coughlin was right

Cuckservative pls go. FDR was fine. Sorry that you can't force 70 hour work weeks anymore and that society supports its elderly.

Social programs aren't the enemy. They work fine when it's a high-trust white society.

America stopped being great when the CIA and Zionists had JFK assassinated

After that they changed from covert control to overt control

These guys are correct. 1965 is when, well, the US naturalization act of 1965 was passed. It all when to shit from there.

20's were a pretty good time for america, economy booming, also the late 40's and part of the 50's
started declining about 60's

in goy we trust

the 17th amendment is when we stopped being great

fdr was not fine. he inflated federal government to the levels we have today which goes against everything the republic stands for now. now we're mired in bureaucracy and no one is held accountable. on top of that the new deal is now known to have prolonged the great depression and the only reason the depression was even stopped was because of ww2 and us steel. he did nothing for our country

>fdr was not fine. he inflated federal government to the levels we have today which goes against everything the republic stands for now
you realize that was a temporary thing for the depression and war? income tax for example was temporary, but he died before the war ended

that faggot Truman is responsible for shit not changing, he's the same faggot that didnt let Patton go into the USSR while the military was in Europe


>When did it stop being great?
We let a half-breed nigger move into the White House.

ur mom got mired in bureaucracy (semen), held herself accountable (lusting for it), and got a new deal (mo' BBC).

Needless to say her depression was not prolonged and she is now happy.

>When was America great?

With his oily orange skin glistening in the sunlight as if he were a soggy Cheeto, his hair unkempt and messy, like a gorgeous rat’s nest. He was beautiful. His gorgeous ass flapped behind him like a mouthwatering stack of pancakes in his pants. My hunger for pancakes had never been stronger.

Dont forget the evil whites cooked marshmallows on the burning nigger corpses and made bets on which body would burn the longest while raping the black children and chanting lucifer's name.

America was really great right after World War 2. It started to decline in the 1960's. Reagan, the second George Bush, and Obama created the national debt, so that's why things are really bad now.

>When was America great?

earliest time in history was around 1776, minus the whole slavery thing. mid 1800s to early 1900s before WW1 and the fed being created are also possibilities.

>When did it stop being great?

probably some time in the late 90s.

First post, correct answer.

Spanish-American war when the US fell for the global empire meme

Before niggers and women could vote
When niggers and women could vote

With the invention of the smart phone

America was never great. It just had good luck for being surrounded by banana republics, having a huge space to send the empoverished masses and finall Europe going full retarded on the 20th century

stopped being great 2001 onwards

niggers are struggling to find jobs that will employ them for 35 hours a week you fucking cucklord, and social security is a fucking ponzi scam sold as insurance


Ever since white people showed up here


>When was America great?
The 80s
>When did it stop being great?