
I used to read this every day. Makes me sad.

>giving traffic to washington post

Be happy you don't anymore.

>Really makes you think

It makes me think of how they say it's not your average muslim's fault that muslim extremists exist.

Then it makes me think of when they say pedophilia in the Catholic church is a problem for Christians.

Then it makes me think about when they say black criminals dindu nuffin and that society is to blame.

Which brings to mind when they say whites are inherently racist and their jobs and political power should be forcibly given to minorities because of "representation".

Which brings us to articles that say women, who already do less prison time for comparable crimes than men, shouldn't be punished at all because women are just so nice and generally peaceful.

You see all of these are seemingly inconsistent and hypocritical unless you find the key that makes the logic work. That key is simple. White people and white men in particular, are evil. Everything they do or don't do is wrong. Women are godly creatures and the blacker the minority the more right they are.

It's that simple.

Can someone explain to me what "rape culture" is even supposed to mean?

Wow, really makes you think

>try to stop rapeculture
>get called racist and islamophobe by women

>"Rape Happens Here"
>Wanting to stop rape
>Set up billboard for it

What did they mean by this?

Rape culture is an Individual's problem and isn't really a culture. stop pushing collectivist propaganda down our throats.

Rape is in the air everywhere I look around
Rape is in the air every sight and every sound
and I don't know if I'm being foolish
don't know if I'm being wise
but it's something that I must believe in
and it's there when I look in your eyes

This is so incredibly silly.

Many men, namely a certain presidential candidate, speak out about the rape culture of Islam, but you don't listen, because you're hypocritical retards.

But there is a man trying to prevent rape culture from entering America.

He's the fucking republican nominee.

Yes, because when a female rapes another person is also men's fault, yes yes. Very interesting.


(((Jody allard)))

>why aren't men speaking up?

As if we could get a word in edgewise.

I dont really care. I have my own problems.

The people that "speak up" don't commit rape. If they know someone who does, they're usually disowned. My uncle is a registered sex offender, but he's a really scummy asshole so we never hang out with him anyone. My wife's uncle was a nice guy, but when it came out he was sexually abusing disabled girls on his bus route the family wrote him off.

I'm not sure how other races do it, but we're White.

40% of rapists are women. But that never gets talked about, because feminists don't consider it rape when a woman forces a man to have sex so they keep claiming that 99% of rapists are men.


If you don't want to get "raped" don't get drunk. If you don't want to get raped, don't walk through shitty areas in the dark. If you don't want to get burgled lock your door. Asking women/the left/degenerates to use common sense though is like asking them to provide facts instead of screaming insults.

>The Stanford sexual-assault victim was forced to stand trial and recount in graphic detail the atrocities that were performed on her unconscious body.
What? This doesn't make any fucking sense. How can she recount events that happened when she was unconscious?

Terrorist attacks and bombings are a muslim problem. Why aren't more muslims speaking up?

>black men rape
>Hispanic men rape
>feminists blame white men
That's probably why. When the media says "men" they mean "white men".

a stunning endorsement desu senpai oniifam 🤘🤘

It's a copout conspiracy theory made to blame men for everything

Rippy peas hanz. Don't get arrested for hatespeech now.

Because out of those 1,1 billion muslims only 1 or 2 % are crazy and bombing people. DUH

Good post Sweden.

the internet was a mistake

>Most men would probably agree that Turner’s sentencing was too lenient. That allegiance breaks down when men are asked to take a stand against rape culture in their own lives. When men laugh at jokes about rape, call women sluts or push a hesitant woman to have sex with them, they are perpetuating rape culture. Ending it requires far more from men than simply shaking their heads in disgust when they read about guys like Turner; it requires them to actively and wholeheartedly commit to dismantling a system that prioritizes their desires over women’s bodies. Even when it makes them uncomfortable. Especially when it makes them uncomfortable.

mks u thnk

It means "we" don't teach men not to rape. Disregarding the fact that rape is a crime and you get punished for it, and also disregarding the fact that if a man is drunk and unable to consent and has sex with a woman, he was theoretically raped, but practically, he is either laughed at if he complains OR if the woman was intoxicated as well, suddenly *he* is made the rapist and punished for it.
If anything there is a rape culture that condones rape of men and forces them to keep silent, because if they speak up THEY might be prosecuted.