How does pol feel about the Arab Race?
How does pol feel about the Arab Race?
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Disgusting goat fuckers
As a race, they're fine. But they've got to leave the dune coon religion behind.
How does a lion feel about hyenas?
Faggots and rapists. Islam killed all the ones that weren't.
Hot ones can stay.
Fat breeder gross broads under curtains gotta go.
They let the males kill them, and don't even eat them. Kind of off topic.
skin deep
Why is it that the term "anti-semitic" means hatred of Jews when Arabs are a semitic people too
>tfw you're not ignorant, and you realize the difference between arabs and pashtuns and afghans
>beastiality occurs in afghanistan, which is about as arabic as india
>being this ignorant
Arabs were conquerors, PERIOD. They invaded as far as Spain all the way into the one great empire of Persia.
Currently learning Arabic. It's sad that they waste away in civil war. They could've been great.
>islam is responsible for violence
yeah no
Arabs very rarely look like this. Most arab women look like camels ffs
Master race
t. Mohammad ibn al-Jarooni
Don't fall for it. Her mother is a 4'8 200 lbs. hairy troll and looked like that when she was young too.
i would guess that's a grouping strategy, in the primitive sense.
Arabs bad, Persians good
They would probably be tolerable if they got rid of the backwards religion though.
Oh wait, that's a real person with a white mother.
Average Ayyrab.
>Hot Women
>Great food
>Sweet outfits
>Backwards society and brown skin
Lazy as fuck. That is their biggest problem and also why the middle East is such a shithole, their dumbass, lazily writen religion is only second to that.
i like israel more
>beastiality only occurs in Afghanistan
>calling others ignorant while being in denial
Islam is a tool for violence, just like other religions.
Face it Mohammad, Arab culture is shit.
This, Islam shit
I get pissed off when this board mixes the whole Muslim world, Asian countries and Arab nations together. Those are three separate things.
Arabs are everything from Morocco to Iraq. The Muslims who do the vast, vast majority of the shameful and retarded things in the UK are Pakistani, these are Asians, Afghans love to fuck young boys and cattle, this is well known.
Please stop lumping us all together, we're nothing alike.
t. Egyptian
All swine should be spit-roasted
Arabs are great people, it's their religion that's the problem.
we probably wouldn't have any problems with them if it wasn't for israel
grill on pic looks cute, would shagg
but in reality 0.5/10 are looking ok....
Cucked by Islam.
>all people of whatever origin are inherently good
>only religion/culture/whichever illusionary boogieman is on topic today are evil
When will you ever learn?
i bet she has a vagina
north Africans aren't Arabs tho.
They're basically Mediterranid whites with a slightly higher admixture of African and Indo/Persian DNA. Arab and Arab-semetic people were responsible for founding dozens of civilizations across North Africa and the Levant long before Islam was enforced on the area. Islam has completely fucked them over and stifled any sort of cultural advancement past the medieval period until very recently in the aftermath of being colonized so they're culturally an extremely backwards people compared to Europe because they were stuck under a much longer Dark Age that in some areas continues into the modern day.
Wipe their religion, erase their daughter raping tribal culture, and convert them to Christianity and they'd be upstanding Caucasoid people we should consider brothers and sisters in the war against the Jews and Niggers.
Most similiar to Europeans if we compare only Races.
Shit culture and religion, literally worst group to currently exist on earth
I like arabs that don't want to kill people.
and i don't really like irael, but at least they're not sandniggers
This. Probably the third laziest people on earth and always pissed off at something.
>Arabs are closer to Europeans than North East Asians
Fucking slav numpty
Hang em all
A disgusting people who should return to the nomadic tent-dwelling life.
>currently learning Arabic
Mossad, FBI, CIA, KGB plz go.
All shitskins are inherently lazy, including jews. The only way they attain something is through bullshitting, or violence. I guess mexicans are an exception, but I dont have enough first hand experience when it comes to their work ethic.
>Hot Women
>Great food
>Sweet outfits
>Backwards society and brown skin
Literally this
Levantine girls are the hottest of all, indisputable fact
>tfw I will never have my Jordanian ex back
>North East Asians
You mean actual Asians or uralic people like Tatars and shit?
This. Theyre the most laziest and impatient group of people I've come across. Srsly, these people have a chip on their shoulders just about anything. Not to mention the rags and curtains they are always draped in. Tbh, poos imo, fair much better than these barbaric hordes
because jews came up with it, and only want it to refer to them.
Saying "anti-Jew" is like saying "anti-stubbing-your-toe" or "anti-drunk-driving." So they came up with a new term.
As long as they hate islam, pretty cute girls.
middle eastern girls are the best looking, even white girls can't compete. no wonder insecure beta manlet middle eastern boys make them wear rags, pathetic.
Japs,gooks,chinks ect
wew midf is in full swing
Europeans, Arabs and Indians are all Caucasian, so in this instance yes, seeing as how they're craniometrically so similar. Swedes are basically depigmented Indians.
lol, ofc arabs are more similiar to euros than chinks
not an argument cause thats purely subjective
dont you have dogs to be fucking?
>leaf can't read
middle eastern men are subhuman perma betas who hate women, literally r9k the race.
the women however are hot and generally nice people.
Shut up cigany
Arab "Arabs" are shit, from top to bottom. Some other Muslim ethnicities have passable to good top percentiles, but their bottom percentiles are the goat-faced goat-fucking inbreds we all know and loathe.
I honestly think with enough enforcement of the law and eugenic incentives (no need for unjust persecution), any race could be reformed or improved, and the darker half of the Caucasian super-race would probably show the greatest improvement.
That said, war is inevitable, Islam delenda est, and we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, so their creme da la creme might go out with their bathwater in the more likely scenarios where the good guys win, even without excessive malice applied to the whole Arab populations.
I find alot of Persian women beautiful..
but fuck their culture
how is that quote relevant?
The men are absolute trash. The women are literally 10/10 when they are high test, but even Mudslime women who come to the west wind up becoming degenerate eventually. The truth is, we need rules and laws to keep women in line. Even their religion can't do it when they get here.
>t. Finnrasian
Women make up the majority of stem students if i'm not mistaken. Persian women aren't property unlike saudi women.
midf & jidf in full swing promoting race mixing with semites
Semites per se aren't a different race.
The Maltese are Semites.
i never promoted race mixing, but come to think of it, white - middle eastern kids are pretty much white. so if you are going to race mix keep it caucasian.
Didn't know that...
They are Muslim though right ?
Too bad they didn't stick with Zorastarianism
kek. who ever said italians were white? semitic boundaries end with italy desu
Flips and thais are technically asian, but would you consider them the same as japs and koreans?
>implying you won't race mix with an erhiopian at like pic related
Stop hating yourself, Eestibrah.
islam is a screwy religion and it does condone violence, HOWEVER if you peeled the onion back and understood things such as the tribes in afghanistan, the struggle foe the kurds, the plight of azerbaijan, you begin to see that religion plays a role in the middle east but only by examining each culture and people individually will we ever sort out this mess.
if you want to be stupid, bigoted, and not solve any problems in the middle east, say "ISLAM IS THE PROBLEM" and enjoy being lazy instead of searching for the truth
read above
no, i just wanted to learn it. it's a good hobby.
Arabs are dumb.
why i would downgrade my celtic genes. No thanks
got an arab friend that is a loose catholic, hes bretty cool tbfh
>who ever said italians were white?
Anyone who had a definition of "white" that was defined on defending us from outside races rather than denigrating other subsets of the white race. Cuck.
That reasoning actually supports my argument.
A Lebanese or a Christian isn't the same thing as a Saudi or a peasant Egyptian.
They all are what they all are, though, just like anyone else.
Arab isn't a fucking race, maybe we should lump Slavs, Celts, Southern Europeans and Armenians as Nordic and Germanic
>a doctor from Aleppo
Yeah man i just hate doctors. We need less of them I hope this doctor doesn't come to my country.
They stink
I don't care
o shut it faggot, they may have fought off semites in the past but you and i know well that the semitic boundaries do end somewhere in the central italy, spain and portugal
"White" is quite an ambigious term. That said macaronis are barely european outside northern italy.
Plagued by islam and inbreeding
second post best post. The Middle East was on the same level as Europe prior to Islam. When the muslim Bedouins conquered Egypt, the population was 14 million and the agricultural center of the ancient world. When Napoleon stepped foot in Egypt over a thousand years later, the population was 2.5 million and mostly desert. Persian and Levantine non-muslims are basically whites when it comes to behavior, and often could pass as southern Italians.
No one said exceptions don’t exist. Im sure there are also several doctors, engineers, etc among the billion + Indian population for example.
Islam IS the problem. Its the only Religion that hasn't had a referendum. Its the current year, and if you're still defending Islam then you're a sexist for allowing them to suppress women.
they didn't have as much African blood mixed in with their race as they did now. They were not white back then, but their race still has degraded since the times of Egypt.
That's more so from inbreeding than miscegenation. Niggers flooded into Northern Africa because they converted to shitslam, but the Levant was generally unaffected by that.
Persians, Levantine, and Israel's are literally the best the ME has to offer.
Israelis stand up for each no matter what, have each other's back. Culturally they put a lot of emphasis on education and success which is good for the world in general.
Levantine's, in my opinion, are not full on durka. Their temperament is completely different to other Arabs. They "culturally" Muslim. Girls are qt's and pretty conservative.
I dont know why Persians get such a bad rep on /int. I've genuinely never met a more hardworking group of people. They come here and within one generation their children are doctors, engineers, businessmen, at the very least work for the government. They put a lot of stress on education and success and I've never met a religious one. Although some can be really fucking snooty and overly nationalistic despite living half a world away..
fucking kill yourself you generalization faggot. you are lazy so you call them all bad. die, nigger
it's not the only problem
America kept a puppet regime in charge for years on end. When they lost it, they endorsed two sides for a war that killed one million people
>Islam IS the problem about you DON'T FUCKING SELL ANTHRAX TO THEM THEN
Arabs are greasy cowards whose women would leave them in a heartbeat if they didn't beat them into submission. They are severely inbred as well.
That chick is going to age like rancid goat cheese
>uses exceptions to prove that something is universally true and that everything else is generalizing
>calls me a niggers
Do you expect me to post poverty and IQ statistics?
Some can be good, some can be bad; just like any other race. however Saudis are all lazy as shit and retarded. Fuck Saudis.
Israel yes, rest no. As for your hard on for persians, they are just like Indians, interms of similar appearances and demeanor.