Should whites go back to Europe?

Should whites go back to Europe?

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Sure, but only after we've removed every house and building that we've put up here.

Come and take it jose.

Let's fight for the land. See what happens :)

Mexicans are white too.....

We would go back to Europe if they didn't already give it away to fucking muslims.

Many different cultures have thought they could conquer the White Man.

The Persians thought it in 500BC.

The Punics in 250BC.

The various Moors and Muslims throughout late antiquity and the middle ages.

East Asians in our new, modern Era.

Countless other fools have tried, and we have conquered you all. Then? We set you free. The only force that could ever bring us to our knees was our own.

You think a brief moment is a sign of our downfall? Our blood was forged in the frost of mother Europe, tempered like the extremophiles which became the archetype of all true life.

We suffered the plagues, the famines, the fires, the wars, and the ruinous ideologies which sent us into darkness countless times. And every time we fell, we found a way to rise again.

Do not mistake our cuts for mortal wounds or our slumber for a lifeless corpse, unless you want to make the same mistake that all the other opportunistic hordes lost throughout the ages have made.

So by all means continue with your heckling, continue with your defilement of our legacy, continue with your delusions of victory. The sooner you wake the sleeping giant, the better.

It doesn’t matter how many of us remain when it happens, we have turned the tide against greater calamities before. Mother Earth will once again feel our marching feet on her surface, perhaps this time in true unity and perhaps this time, to your lament, with less mercy.

Muslims lived in Europe first. Whites came and colonized it.

What I don't get about the "California is Mexico" meme is that they didn't immigrate there because the land is their birthright. They went for the infrastructure and welfare. The infrastructure and welfare that whites provide.

>Mexicans are white too.....

You would be surprised how many "Mexican Intellectuals" think that Mexican is a race.

When you let them know they are white some eyes pop out or their jaws drop.

They are just too stupid to check their "papers" even though they would go get them for the income tax returns.

But Europe has already been taken over by mudslimes. Australia and America are the last bastions.

>Mexicants fuck up state
>want state they fucked up
I think we should do it, and have Anaheim still be a part of the US for obvious reasons.
We'll never give them Disneyland.


come home white man

So does that means that Latinos don't consider themselves white? Then why are they listed as white under statistics?

Nigger wut.

Whites live on Muslim land.


So they're saying Europe should be for whites? So refugees not welcome?

>California rightfully belongs to the descendants of the Spaniards who planted a flag in central america and claimed the southwest US for Spain

While the upper classes of Mexico are (unsurprisingly) white, mestizos aren't white. They're central native american/white crossbeeds, often with a little bit of black thrown in.


I think I just got autism. That goes against all factual evidence. White people were in Europe long before Islam existed.




ALL Mexicans are white even the browner ones are still genetically white its just their skin is brown to be better adapted to the harsher climate of Mexico

If their ancestors would have been born in the US they would be white

This has to be b8

I would go back to Europe if I could.

Would any other burgers willingly go back to Europe if somebody paid for the trip and worked out the population transfer logistics? I'd love for this to happen; America becomes the brown shithole it was destined to be, and white America infuses Europe with some much need testosterone


this. Marxist get BFTO by facts

>America infuses Europe with some much need testosterone
You mean cholesterol.

In so long as we remove kebab, I'd happily move to Europe and become a mountain nigger

Can we trade Europes shit skins for white burgers?

No, that is weak as fuck. The only reason whites are having problems is because we bend over and give away everything our ancestors fought for and built.

are spaniards allowed in california?

I'm more than fine with this if everyone with non-european heritage also leaves Europe.

Oh god not you again.

>Mexicans are white it's just that we evolved somewhere where we obtained dark features but if we had evolved in the far north like white people we would be white too.

Mexicans are literally so desperate to be seen as white they would completely tear apart the definition and wear its shredded remains as a hat.

Don't, be grateful for the freedoms (like guns and true freedom of speech) that us euros don't have.

>tfw I can't own anything above .22 and only if i live in the countryside.

As a cleansing crusade to reclaim Mother Europa, sure.

hispanics in general get pissy when you tell them they're white
i'm a hapa, and hispanics just think i'm white (since i don't look super chinky). i tell them they're whiter than me, they get super pissed

and muzzies back to their muzzie countries. perfect! the united states will totally break down within months, similar to zimbabwe

Nah. We're a bunch of rebellious cunts. It would only be a matter of time before we'd want a country of our own so we can have freedom again.

Whites going back to Europe would make Europe overpowered, more than either it or America have ever been.

Actually, if Europeans fled to America, the same effect would happen.

I started to accept this rhetoric but Europe is being taken over by others too, there is no where for us to go.

That's fine, any self-respecting American white man hates California anyway. Take it, we do t want it, keep the Jews. We won't be there to help when it falls in the Pacific.

The future is a clean slate; it doesn't have to be that way.

Meh, I am so demoralized even that shit means nothing.

Wonder if they'll apply for the commonwealth...

So is the Spanish half of Mexicans going to jump out of them and go back too?

your data is wrong, but fundamentally yes, most mexicans -even the metizos- have european lineage as well.

So telling americans to go back to europe as to make room for the "rightful" hispanics is equally nonsensical.


Ideally all white people would live in Europe. Niggers in Africa. Kebab in middle east etc..

Europe would flourish & the rest of them, except the Asians, would go to shit without us.

I wouldn't mind living in an all white Europe but we would have to do what said. They only want this land because we built it up. It would be just another third world shithole if mexicans were in charge.

If there was some Spanish Civil War type deal in Europe, I would definitely try to move over and fight. But America is an incredibly powerful nation and we have the right to be here. "America" is a white Anglo creation. It would be stupid to give up it's vast lands without a fight.

Truth... and we're letting women, and liberal men with the testosterone levels of women give it all away.

this is all wishful bullshit until Whites pull their heads out of their asses and manage to get angry and hateful again.

We have the means, but we lack the will.

Seriously, it's not necessary to be liked by everyone in the world. White people just want to be liked.

Do Americans consider themselves as belonging to this continent or not?

The conquistadors conquered Mexico , So even if Mexicans have some Indian blood they are all at least one-quarter Spanish, which means they are members of the white race.

If whites have to go back to Europe, we're taking hispanics with us because they're European too. Might as well drop off all niggers on the Ivory Coast where were first took their dumb asses from. Leave America for the redskin degenerates who'll just sit around and do nothing but get drunk and fuck dogs.

I wouldn't have a problem at all. It's so funny when niggers and spics say this acting like it's some horrible thing. If it wasn't for the past few years with the marxist merkel bringing in mudslimes it would be considered the greatest place on earth. Especially now that non hispanic whites are just barely above 50% here. I still wouldn't mind at all moving to norway or iceland

>I don't know anything about Slovenia to make a comeback

Well done

Whiteness comes from Spain.

True-blood Mexicans are "redskin".

Hispanics are Spanish inbred. Genetic lottery decides skin color.

Mexico is Spain's bitch. Stop being Spain's bitch they want to be taken seriously.

Lmao I love how you nerdy crackers are Proud Aryan Crusaders on an anime forum, but on the streets you get your ASS BEAT


How does having 1/4 white and 3/4 asian make you white pedro?

By who?

>one quarter white
>that means you're a member of the white race
No, it means you're a mongrel.
If I fill a glass 3/4 of the way with liquid shit, and then put a drop of milk in there, would you say it's milk? Would you drink it?


We own it, especially the land bought from Natives themselves.

Illegals don't belong. Period.

There's no point arguing semantics.

Most Americans fail to understand this, let me enlighten you. There are 2 major groups in Europe. First one are the bluepilled people, they make up more than half of the population in every European country except East Europe. They see you as an enemy, as the white oppressor. To them, we don't need more whites, so this group hates you. The second one are the redpilled people, they know Americans are responsible for globalism. They know how you cucked us from the inside out throughout NATO and EU. They know how you backed up Jews in their master plan of destroying a white Europe, so they hate you too. I don't even need to talk about Russians which hate you more than Jews hate Arabs for making their country bankrupt. There's no place for you in Europe.

>whites create a great thing
>brown people come in and god NUH UH THAT THINGS OURS WE WUZ HERE FIRST WE MADE IT
>great thing becomes shit

Keep talking nigger. Your day will come.

No, we should burn our enemies in a hole, and outlaw the naming of cities, counties, etc with hispanic or non-traditional American names, as it has contributed to society's' fragmentation in Califagia, we must be ONE people only, everyone else are outsiders or enemies.

whites were here first

so only like 1% of hispanics are full native so what are they gonna do? shoot themselves in the face?

What I mean is, when you think of your ancestors, do you think of the Puritans or the English?

It wasn't that long ago when we got so pissed off at some non-whites that we dropped not one but two nukes on them.

If that is true how fucking childish.

America does not want the globalism either, we have been hijacked!

You're stupid beyond belief. The ethnicity of Mexicans is derived from Uto-aztecan native americans and the colonial Europeans, primarily. You're closer to being Mongolian with ancestral nomads coming from Asia and Siberia.

Using your argument, natives from Canada and US should be white but they're not. Follow the fucking language tree

and them fags should go back to Spain

Most Mexicans have alot more then a quarter of Spanish in them

Mexico is a predominantly white country maybe if you weren't busy posting stupid wall memes on Sup Forums you would know this

oderint dum metuant

You have to be at least 3/4ths white before you even get to call yourself mixed

>the rape babies of the natives

Knock Knock
Who's there?
your greatest ally senpai, how would you like your crumbling western civilization?
extra subversive please

>you conquered my people and made me speak your language like half of the globe
>but you ain't nothing on DA STREET, NIGGA


Born and raised in Texas idiot. Wanna try again?

Man, Ireland would suffer another potato famine if all the plastic paddies would suddenly decide to move back "home".

Who the fuck came up with these #NEVERX slogans?

They are fucking awful. Twilight tier shit. #teamedward

Are you retarded or are just a nigger, no human can posibly be this retarded.

Back. It's where you've got to go, Pedro.

Their ancestry is irrelevant.

People that came in legally were documented.

Not all black, brown, or "yellow" people were slaves, but even slaves legally brought/purchased were documented.

>Except the asians
Nigger do you know that most of India and China still shit in the open? All other asian countries are being taken over by islam and is heading goat fucking lands.

If globalisation wasn't being pushed this is how things, more than likely, would have ended up or would be. As usual the Jew sticks his horns in and destroys everything.

Sure. As long as the people wanting me to go pay for it.

IN that case, everyone should go to their ethnic country of origin

Not even remotely true.

It's pretty much unanimous that the reason Europe's original "continental borders" were established to symbolize this.

Even though you are ducking GGG

>rednecks, "safe space" fags, homos, cucks, religous fanatics, libtards
>comming to europe
It is like the shit with the shitskin rapefugees, just smelling a lot less like shit.

Some are, most are dirty Indians.

Would the Europeans let all of us refugees in?