
This is not even an argument. How does it BTFO Trump. Is it just it's bluntness of the Tweet that draws in the pol crowd?


It's her shills you dumbass

>its bluntless that draws the pol crowd
No, its because it gives us an excuse to laugh at you for a being a cuck.

Literally only CTR shills think this is an argument

either you are shitting up the board, & i hate you

or you believe this is true, & i pity your poor inbred failure of a brain

I think you overestimate people. To many of these idiots saying, "shut up" is a witty and valid criticism of anything they don't like.

We know it's not an argument, but it got a gorillion retweets from spics and kids too young to vote.

Americans....you are not voting for this crazy women right...?
Tell me your not this crazy.

Feeling threatened over there conservacuck?

forcing memes, like that kardashian butt photo everyone was talking about but really no one was giving a fuck.

it's literally tumblr: the tweet

That typical kind of leftist authoritarian politician appeals to leftards and the SJW crowd. They NEED an absolute government to dictate their every move in life because they are pussies who can't do anything by themselves

Meme magic is real

I'm on the trump train Frenchie

It's a version of the "DELETE THIS" meme from Sup Forums, so it basically means that shillary is a weeb who lurks Sup Forums and will make anime greater than Trump.

I'm on the Trump train Frenchie

No, there was like 20 retweets of the same line, so its a lot of bots liking the tweet and what not.

If Trump had tweeted this to Hillary Clinton, you would have thought it was hilarious.

>Hillary defaults to "delete what makes me look bad"
>Trumps twitter account makes her look bad
>Hillary can't delete Trumps twitter

She literally blew herself up. She's obviously trying to get the muslim vote.
>Allubiba Snackshiba?

BASED! I was a berniebro but now I am hillary

>greater than Trump

More like force "diversity" making it awkward and unwatchable.

Simple solution :

Simply start the trend #DeleteYourEmail

Something like :
Hillary wants trump to delete his account. He doesn't play that game, #DeleteYourEmail

>now I am hillary

No you are a Hillybillymissle you racist idiot.

It's just the whore showing her authoritarian nature.

its an abstract kind of argument

however it worked, in polĂ­tics thats what matters




Leaf you need to try.


It shows she's a strong, independent womyn

Delet this is supposed to be ironic and self-aware, unlike this tweet, which is closer to something a 11-year old would say on Xbox Live.

>she can't even meme, so she has her shills to do it for her

What a president she'll be.

Even when she tries to be original, Trump does it first.

Shillary is basically saying the equivalent of KYS to Lord Trump