Why does Sup Forums dislike Mexicans?
>Most Mexicans are white
>Most illegals aren't even Mexicans but from Central America
>Conservative to the core
It makes no sense
Why does Sup Forums dislike Mexicans?
>Most Mexicans are white
>Most illegals aren't even Mexicans but from Central America
>Conservative to the core
It makes no sense
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Bad b8 hermano
Nobody here has a problem with mexicans as long they stay in mexico
Which of my statements do you consider bait?
Yeah no.
Its like this
If you have mexican families in your neighborhood and you think thats bad, consider yourself lucky, 1 black family will litetally ruin your entire neighborhood. I would trade this black family for 20 mexican families
Because most illegal mexicans in the US are not educated at all
Who are you quoting?
>Most of the illegals aren't even from Mexico
We don't dislike Mexicans..
..in Mexico
We don't like illegals changing our culture.. Which is White since 1640..
Pol dislikes illegals. They're not white and by the very nature of being here illegally, criminals
The average American is well aware that USA funds ISIS, that jews run the US to protect Israel and that the EU is letting refugees in against the will of the people with the aim to dissolve national identities.
>white since 1640
That would be true if it werent for all the dindus you imported too
Once they get the illegals out and they stop working for less than minimum wage and start paying taxes, etc, I'm sure Sup Forums is going to agree. Hell they might even start liking you more than Canada. It's going to be a close call really with the current year Trudeau situation.
We don't dislike Mexicans, we dislike illegal immigrants. And actually, we dislike people who are pro open borders more than we dislike the actual illegal immigrants.
>most illegals are from Central America
I'm not sure about that. However, your government does fuck all to help us with them.
>conservative to the core
Democrats love bringing in your illegal immigrants because they're going to keep them in power.
I'll believe it when I see spics throwing kikes live into the oven.
90 IQ
At best we are fiscally conservatives
If you think we really are american-tier conservatives you are deluted
Also, most of them are white? yes, 50% of them say that, but are they really white?
almost all of the mexicans really have native blood in their veins
Most mexicans are low quality mestizo mixes.
They actually used to have a decent genepool, but now it's destroyed.
>Most Mexicans are white
Mestizos are not white. I'm not saying none of them can pass, but most...? Come on, Mexibro.
I don't dislike Mexicans. I look forward to a future where Mexico is considered every bit as advanced and civilized as any other country.
The only whites are the upper class. And those aren't illegals in the US.
Yeap that was a mistake.. Not mine though.. Have to deal with what is going on now.
Time Machine doesn't work..
>whites are the upper class
man, just look at the list of the richest mexicans
also, the capital is really full mestizo land, yet they are the richest state
I guess I will start fighting back the memes
We love our Mexican!
60% consider themselves white, I'd say that around 40% of the population isfull white, because the north was completely empty. You can go to towns in Coahuila and Nuevo Leon where literally everybody has blue or green eyes.
Oh shit I actually did not know this. This is actually encouraging; I'll look into this.
I dislike people who break the law.
ILLEGAL immigrants are criminals.
The rest is just banter, Pablo. Build Wall.
Is around 63% white.
I've heard stories in documentaries about how regular Mexican family fathers can be hired for 1700 Pesos a week, his boss can make him kidnap other families' children and use them to demand money. And kill the child if the extortion is unsuccessful.
They also get hired for assassination jobs and other dirty things for the same salary.
This isn't functional society, it's not what it means to be human.
I once went to a "indigenous" town in Chiapas, they were wither that any norteño I have seen, a menonite group got assimilated back in the day
Man just walk down the steet in Monterrey, they are just mestizos, perhaps a little bit more white but still
Just look photos of mexicans inmigrants in California or Texas, they arent europeans.
gibs me legos
It's 88. Mexicans are almost as bad as niggers.
I might be in the minority here, but I hate Mexicans because most of them are fat as shit, and they breed like crazy, making more ugly fat children to leech off the welfare system. I know this is ironic coming from an American, but Mexico's obesity problem is even worse than the US.
Really! So much that we learned how to make the worlds best nacho burrito taco. You should come on down and try one some time!
this stop attempting to set up a false narrative
I bet you don't even live anywhere near the fucking border. Unless you're a millionaire Mexican. Then you don't even know what a black man looks like outside a tv.
And the shills with their fake stories and manipulated data have arrived, top kek, that iq test was literally done to natives, it doesn't speak for all Mexicans.
>needs flash
wew lad
>"Most mexicans are white"
I'm half spic, wish I wasn't, but I identify as white. Live in America my whole life, build the wall, Trump 2016. We hate Mexicans and we hate your shitty country and your shitty people because you are completely cucked by your Government to the point where it is so shit, they come into OUR country and fuck shit up, live freely, and ARE FUCKING PROUD OF IT.
This is your fucking fault, yeah sure you might have some smart Mexicans and wealthy Mexicans that appear white. Who gives a fuck? Your country is literally third world status, being rich in Mexico is like winning the special olympics, good for you, but you and everyone else is still a fucking retard.
We resent you fucking beaners and your whole fucking country for the burden you place on ours. Take care of your fellow countrymen, because we are fucking tired of it Paco.
What racial census isn't self-reported? Also your guys look mestizo as fuck.
Dude Sup Forums thinks Mexicans are brotier
lmao listen to yourselves
you unironically talking about traveling to pseudo-mythical villages where there have been rumours of families with blue or green eyes...as if it was a good sign?
Top Kek, complete denial.
I'm not bullshitting you.
>Horisont: Blandt engle og lejemordere
>I Mexico har en narkokrig kostet mere end 100.000 mennesker livet. I byen Juarez, der ligger lige ved den amerikanske grænse, har alle indbyggere volden og doden tæt inde på livet. Horisont er rejst dertil i forsoget på at forstå brutaliteten.
Google translation:
>Horizon: Among angels and assassins
>In Mexico, a drug war claimed more than 100,000 lives. In the city of Juarez, located just off the US border, all residents violence and death, around him. Horizon has gone there in trying to understand the brutality.
We dislike ILLEGAL Mexicans who feel they're entitled to live here and get the same benefits the rest of us do.
We dislike LEGAL Mexicans who sympathize with their brethren and tell the rest of us we're "racist" just for wanting rule of law to take precedence and for the illegals to either get legal or GTFO.
What you're doing is taking 2 elementary points that are very clear and trying to obfuscate them with emotion, which is a complete failure by blanketing all Mexicans as one. So, to be clear, there are two types of shitty Mexicans - those who are here illegally, and those who aren't demanding they all go home as the rest of us are.
If it weren't for them, I'd have not one single issue with Mexicans in general, but since Mexicans seem to think they're special snowflakes for who rule of law doesn't apply, and I hate to tell you, but THEY HAVE TO GO BACK.
Why is it the ones who come here, or have been here for a generation turn to total shit? Waving your flag while you burn mine ON MY FUCKING SOIL!
If you're a mexican in mexico, I call you a patriot and I hope you do something about your cartel puppet state.
>blaming central Americans
You really are the Dindus of Spics, you know that Paco? WE DINDU NUFFIN, IT WAS THE HONDURANS AND GUATEMALANS N SHIEET
You better give me her name
And when I say identify as white I don't mean like those fucking faggots who Identify as a plant or a goddamn dragon, I appear white, am treated as white, only know the white side of my family.
>self hating mexibro
We'll expect you here at home when Trump wins user! No hard feelings.
Mestizos calling themselves white doesn't make them white.
The illegals and the mestizos are the problems.
I'm a legal tax paying citizen who loves my country, I won't even vacation in your shitty country, I refuse to support it in any way. Fuck off bean.
Is this you?
See you in November!
Self identified.
In other words they have delusions of whiteness while being mestizos.
I scored with a mestizo peruvian chick once just by telling her she looked white.
>88 IQ
>leech welfare while paying no taxes
>breed uncontrollably
>no respect for US laws or citizens
The one good thing about Mexicans is their women LOVE white dick.
I for the most part understand the drumpfs supporters arguments, even the hispanics ones
But how does it feel that you and your descendants no matter how washed they get will be target of discrimination? you are nothing but a self hating latino, and beeing this
Jerk you cant expect more
Fuck no, My skin is as white as a pure bred European.
Mythical? Everybody knows it, that's why the term "guero de rancho" exists.
That's the worst and most outdated source there is
>30% native
lmao. They're 6% of the population nowadays.
>>Most Mexicans are white
>leech welfare while paying no taxes
The Mexicans on welfare is just a meme most Mexicans refuse any government assistance because they prefer to work
Hello ahmed
Dont get your point , I in fact was starting that white mexicans are mestizos themselves
I don't give a shit about Mexican culture, it contributed nothing to me. America gave me the tools to make myself successful, America gave me the opportunity to work for myself, be my own boss, and help my fellow Americans every day. Mexico doesn't do shit for anybody, period, you are a stain on the world.
Yes really Mexico is a predominantly white country
I bought cholula once,It wasn't as good as tabasco
Look at these shills going out in full force. There ar castizos that identify as white, but they don't make up most of the white population of Mexico, they'd be 1/3 max.
dont need to be nationalistic to anyone
but you sound like you have a complex and self hate yourself
nothing you say will ever have value because of this
Lol why would I hate myself? I worked very hard to make money in a great capitalist country. America really is the best country in the world, don't listen to the nigger memes. If you aren't a lazy piece of shit, have some pride in yourself, and are even decently intelligent, you can live very comfortably doing pretty much anything that interests you (not gender studies).
I think both Mexicans and Americans are to blame. Americans for grouping hard working illegals together with the gangsta anti-white drug-dealing chicanos, Mexicans for not only advocating their crimes, but literally resorting to fascist and violent means to silence the political opposition, which by the way isn't racist, no matter what they tell you.
Just hear at you
see you in november
either you get deported or we flod your country
Yeah, keep posting images of high class Mexican schools maybe you will be able to convince someone that Mexico is white.
They look like Turkroaches. No offence.
So how dark or light skin is your Spic parent? I remember back in high school, a girl was half Mexican but she looked totally white.
>accuses others of hatred
>dreams of white-genocide
wew, jose.
>those children in that image
those aren't the faces of white children
>by the very nature of being here illegally, criminals
Its funny that this is the point that Sup Forums uses, one one hand you guys argue that the law is stupid when it favors SJWS, on the other hand you guys will go on and on about the law when it benefits you guys.
I mean, you guys understand that morally there is no difference between illegal immigrants now and the European settlers back in the day right?
There is still a 2 minute clip here you can see. It's only a short clip out of the whole documentary but it's better than nothing.
He's also speaking in mexican.
The article is also google translatable.
What about legals?
desu those are middle class schools, but the delusion from some mexiposters is high as fuck it's not self-hating is being realistic about the state of your country and the people who live in it.
I think everyone gets blinded by words like "racism" and shit and forgets that Trump is only trying to get/keep the ILLEGAL immigrants out. We aren't gonna go around in death squads and round up everyone with a sombrero on and put one in their head... (You know, the same way that your cartel leaders do to your innocent civilians in your country while the crooked police watch.)
How can we hate white people if the mere basis of white genocide is fucking white women?
>beeing realistic
neither the inmigrants neither us are european tier
dont get me wrong I actually like our color
if just we werent fat
You keep dumping your human refuses in our country.
alia janine
Latinos and Native Americans are Mongoloids, not even Caucasian. If you're not Caucasian, you're definitely not White,
First image on Bing of Mexico school.
Because a mexican migrant worker shot my cousin in the face.
Mongoloids can still have very high IQ potential.
They just need a country of safety and peace to nurture that potential intellect onver a long time.
Mexicans should stay in Mexicanland and try to make it great again. Not leech on USA.
You've got your own problems. Fix them first.
Wherever they belong it isn't the USA
Most Mexicans are mixed Caucasian/Mongoloid, that's why they look so much like Turkroaches who are also mixed Caucasian/Mongoloid.
i'm talking more about the intelligence of your average mexican, don't care about the skin color
We don't.
But illegal immigration subsidizes Mexico's corruption.
There is a massive difference.
Those settlers brought to a savage land and a savage people civilization, technology, medicine, the rule of law, democracy, civil society, human rights, engineering, safety and security. Okay there were some uh bumps along the way at the start, but given the constant state of war and absolute Hobbesian savagery the natives lived in they ended up with a net gain.
Mexican and third world immigrants today bring almost the exact opposite; savagry, rape, violent assaults, contempt for the rule of law, racial supremacism (la raza), targeted hate crimes against whites, hatred, break ins, robberies, riots, the destruction of the education system, and contempt for civil society.