ITT: we discuss industrial music
Industrial thread for industrial people
more like /Power Electronics/
I have some industrial music on my top 100.
unironically good taste
Where to start with Ministry? I can honestly say I never listened to anything from Al
Start with The Mind... and Psalm 69 (Their best records imo). If you want it more industrial listen to LORAH and Twitch, if you want it more metal listen to Filth pig and Rio Grande Blood
C93 ok for this thread?
Everything on the pic except the vegan food just makes me melt.
Also, just started getting into NON and loved God and Beast. What could I listen to next?
you should listen to Might! It's not like God and Beast but it's still got some solid stuff on there.
>tfw only ever gotten my bf to listen to ape of naples
>John Balance
>fell off a balcony to his death
what gives
>Sleazy described John's alcholism as him looking down into the abyss for to long and falling
>John literaly looked down from a balcony for to long and fell
Ya can't make this shit up. I really miss them though
> industrial GF
> not BF
Fucked up. Other than that it's perfect. Maybe read a little Crowley together
add something about doing poppers, replace the bit about field recordings with reciting consumer electronics/whitehouse lyrics, and take out the thing about buying a synth aaaaand you have my wife...
girls do poppers?
>spit on me, call me a whore and make my ass bleed
You might as well /thread, that's the best album in all of Industrial.
I love tons of industrial but I will always say SPK really is the pinnacle of the pure industrial sound.lyric wise too. That being sad there are solo many good albums and bands in the genre. Can't even really think of a shitty one besides some post ones like skinny puppy. Also the klinik is shitty IMO
I actually like SP but I see what you mean. Even Genesis P.Orridge had to acknowledge the raw power of SPK. But otherwise I gotta say Post-industrial was (largely) a mistake. Power Electronics and Power Noise are good substitutes and I'll even entertain Industrial Hip-Hop but all the crappy edgy shit that has borne the tag of Industrial will never reach the first wave.
Pre-Swastikas C93 is Industrial
Post too.
Of Ruinne is not an Industrial album
It's so above most other industrial releases it's honestly a bit of a buzzkiller.
You know nothing will top it.
I like having the songs divided but love love love the album cover of the 2-song version.
Wat do?
And Special Plan, My Name, In A Foreign Land and a bunch of others are, your point?
I completely agree with you. Although I'm a faggot who has a soft spot for EBM. The kind of stuff you'd hear in a leather club.
Also Looney runes is the best industrial C93 album YOU FOOLS!
>industrial bread
>no Skinny Puppy
Because sp is garbage
I will always find it hilarious that Ogre called NIN shit when NIN sound basically like Skinny Puppy but with more guitars.
I hope this is all ironic
When did he call NIN shit? He mocked the hype surrounding them once, but as far as I know they always showed mutual respect.
Anyways SP was doing what NIN years before Trent got his first synth
Never got why SP gets so much hate, their output has been solid overall and have their unique style.
they're basically scary stories to tell in the dark over casio beats. complete and utter shit with god awful cringy lyrics. hilarious that people call them industrial also
Literally this. Also indie kiddies first industrial
I don't have a source but I know that Ogre was shitting on Trent in the 90's.
Ogre is such a sad human being and ruined the already shitty name of industrial
one of the greatest albums
great shit
i'll throw a favorite here
the best NE album is Deathday tho
>no mentions of Laibach
Ogre and Al didn't like that Trent took their formulas and made it accessible and achieved the fame that they wanted for themselves in the first place. The immediate result was jealousy and derisvness, the next phase was quashing the bad feelings and making peace
All three men are at peace with each other, or rather, two of them realized they were being total bitches about it.
well you probably haven't heard much NE
ik this isnt industrial per se
but im a big skinny puppy fan and used a roland r-5 on it so it is officially ''''''''industrial influenced''''''
also where go from throbbing gristle? im already a huge whitehouse fan so not sure where to look
>where go from throbbing gristle
SPK - Leichenschrei (the op)
They took the spoopy stuff as serious as The Cramps. They where inspired by b-horror movies like a lot of artists.
If only listen to casiobeats when listening to Vivisect I feel sorry for you, cevin is truly talented, even if you dont like SP you have to admit he's done some amazing stuff
The music is actually really good but you are terrible at mixing mate. And screamed vocals are not the best either. Scream throgh some distortion and delay until you get better at it.
Meat Processing Section > Leichenschrei
> mad about making a genre literally for the white ghetto working clads people accsessable.
> trying to get fame from making industrial music
Yep like I said he's a trash human being
You say it like he's famous or something, maybe in Canada but in the rest of the world SP are as popular as Xmal Deutschland.
hahaha ok buddy
im fully aware im terrible at mixing, you should have heard the version prior, vocals were dry as fuck
and thats actually a very good idea, thanks for the genuine feedback!
thanks nigga, been re-listening to tg and have had a real pang to find some more similar stuff
I think Nivek was far less fame seeking than Al was. Al was pretty blatant about it until Trent achieved success, then he went into full fuck the mainstream mode.
Do we have a general industrial chart?
I want to get into it
I've already listened to tront's discography
Precusely why I made that post. Leicenschrei had it so well put together it signalled the end for the first wave. Sure you had stuff like Esplendor Geometrico making music but the dark, noisy energy was too intense to ever be replicated.
what's some other good industrial to come out this year?
Skinny Puppy fans are vocal as fuck, and fuel the anti Nine Inch Nails fervor based on the fact Trent said that early in his career SP influenced him and his very first single sounded like one of SP's songs. Meanwhile, Trent never even attempted to present himself as an industrial act beyond the first 3 odd years of his 30 year NIN career. It's just a label critics tossed at him because they don't know how to pin him down, because he's thrown out the formula so many times.
Inferiority complexes are a hell of a thing.
>and thats actually a very good idea
Yeah man, overdrive does fucking wonders for screams. Delay/reverb drowns them out a bit and makes them less in-your-face in the mix.
I'd say listen to the following
Auto De re - SPK ( technically under seppuku) this album will really cement THE industrial vibe and atmosphere
Mix yourself / no way out - a;grumh
Criminally underrated industrial and this is a great l.p.
Looney runes - current 93 again cementing the perfect industrial vibe with a hint of Neofolk
just great electronic heavy synth and samples from Henry portrait of a serial killer. Industrial bliss
Those should get you going. I love this genre and love giving recs. I'm also a huge faggot so you can trust my taste lel
Aaron Dilloway
Genocide Organ
Never met a fan, maybe I don't hang around in industrial forums or live in Canada, but probably if the first song I heard was "Dig It" on top 40 would probably hate them too. But got into the when I found Bites and TDP in a bargain bin and they blew my mind as a teen that only knew about Ministry, NIN and Front 242.
And tbqh every old industrial artist shat on NIN in the 90s, even though most got into the genre bcs of "jesus built my hot rod" and "head like a hole". Something similar happened in the 80s when Depeche Mode where sampling Einsturzende Neubauten.
Most ppl only care if the music is good, not the drama surrounding it (and industrial elitists secretly enjoyed NIN and DM)
Lingua Ignota's latest record is fucking fantastic
have you heard hear first from this year? it's not getting as much hype but it's almost as good.
Is there any good new industrial, or am I just shit at searching? Even shit like Aggrotech was better some years ago.
Cold meat industry and hospital productions still puts stuff out. Slot of industrial is mixed with bleeps too or is just straight power electronics. Bandcamp can have some good projects
I'm one of those faggots who found about Lingua Ignota through a recent Fantano video where he talked only about the second one, so no.
Will give a listen though.
>Cold meat industry...still puts stuff out
they do? i though they quit some years ago?
according to discogs they stopped putting stuff out in 2014. A lot of the acts associated with it are still active though
I love industrial music
Here is my favorite album
Is this chart /industrial/ approved?
Also, where the fuck do I listen to these records? I can't find half of them anywhere, not even for streaming.
have you tried soulseek?
>Halber Mensch
>Test Dept.
this whole thing is a joke, right?
Test dept is so fucking good and loves secret domain and NON. Also the sleep chamber album. Fucking use also you loser or buy th e records
Those are all excellent industrial albums besides foetus. Wtf is wrong with you.
>he actually thinks this is industrial
lmao dude I kinda feel bad for you
Decent band choice's but the albums don't really make sense a lot of the time. The Godflesh pick for example is fucking retarded.
I did, but results yielded only some of them. I've only gotten limited success with good ol' blogspot hunting, but that's it.
Assuming you're not baiting, how in the ever living shit are Halber Mensch and Leichenschrei not industrial?
they're post industrial. built around cleaner electronics and beats and lack the timbres and textures you find in industrial
it is literally only you that is making that distinction.
yeah dude everyone else agrees HM sounds 100% like early TG I'm such a fool
> SPK is post industrial and lacks texture
Holy fucking shit in actually triggered. I know things to be b8
This has to be*
So you're one of the wannabe elitist fags that think only Industrial Records stuff are industrial but conveniently forgets all the poppy shit that came out of it eh
>Industrial is exclusively limited to TGs works from the 70s! Everyone knows this!
IOU is industrial but Leichenschrei isn't. Basically just bland ""scary"" electronic music that borrowed from TG's cheesier stuff
lmao no the grand majority of the shit on IR wasn't industrial either. "industrial" was originally used to describe shit like what TG was doing in the 70s. Other artists FURTHERED the sound and BUILT on it (NWW, Whitehouse, etc.) but most of the ones in the chart just took a few of the sounds and mixed it with already established conventional genres.
epic pepe >:D
>the grand majority of the shit on IR wasn't industrial either.
What the actual fuck. Name me 5 bands that you consider pure industrial, right now. TG excluded.
nice job posting from a bad album
> when non industrial fans pretend to be industrial fans
Sad lad
The guy saying Leichenschrei is post-industrial is probably the same shitposter that thinks Cabaret Voltaire isn't industrial fyi.
so many good artists but god awful album choices. like they chose the SYNTHPOP album for Cabaret Voltaire how does that make sense? Why the live album for NIN and not TDS or Broken? I'd disregard that chart not just for that but choices like Terrorfakt and Feindflug are just awful.
Not him but while he's right "grand majority" is an overstatement. Clock DVA's output at that time was post-punk and Leather Nun was punk. They don't fit the retroactive definition of "industrial" but because they were on the label it's "industrial music for industrial people."
early NWW, Whitehouse's 80s material, Club Moral, Etat Brut, Le Syndicat, NON, Z'ev, Merzbow's early stuff, Consumer Electronics etc.
think that'd be y'all actually, you're literally using the term incorrectly considering what it originally described
almost all CV stuff isn't but like their early experimenta are
most of the artists weren't, the purpose of a genre (what industrial is) is to describe a sound not a record label
>Feindflug are just awful
The debut Feindflug is actually one of the few good albums in it's sub genre. I'm not even meming.
Like every industrial thread...shitflinging occurs.
also this
That agrumh album was great
I will not bulge. Feindflug is a good record and a fucking master piece compared to other electro-industrial/aggrotech albums.
If you knew shit you'd know "industrial music for industrial people" was the description Monte Cazazza gave for Industrial Records. It wasn't til the second wave when SPK's first two LPs and Neubauten came round when industrial became a literal futurist meaning. Then there were other groups coming out with a common professed influence from those Industrial Records artists that the press would take notice on. When EBM came to the states the press called it industrial dance noting the Industrial Records influence but they'd just shorten it to just "industrial" and it just snowballed to mean anything with a distorted beat.
Please leave the thread your making something decent into a shitshow