WHY are Europeans always fighting each other?

It makes no sense. Stupid national pride and old gripes makes agreeing on common solutions in the EU really hard. The elites in the capitals are always doing stupid power plays against the others, like the Brexit thing now and the Franco-Greco-Italian push (against Ger-NL-Fin-EE) for Eurobonds earlier. Then the Western push for immigration against the Eastern position on border security. The US zionists can just keep playing us over and over again because of this. If we were more united, even outwardly, it would be very beneficial to everyone.

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"stupid national pride" is the only reason these countries exist

Because they are all cunts ay

War is the only way to advance as a nation.

Yeah that's what happens when you try to unite people with different views on different issues and force them to have a common one

It's an integral part of being Yuropean, it's called competition.


Yeah, try again Giuliani.

>his country is named Nigger Mountain

Looks like wite boi can't even compete

the semen demon looks jewish. I saw her lookalike at the Die Antwoord concert 2 days ago

Giuliani is a very common name, I'm not sure if I get what you are saying.

trains are shit
bike saddles are shit
spectacle frames are shit

are you all retarded rape babies from niggers or something?

You mean, if only we eliminated the countries entirely


Kill yourself Eurocuck.

B-but people around the world is paying a lot for Ferrari, Ducati, Armani, Gucci and the like.
What are you producing? Tulips?

Benelli is good too

>trains are shit
Fyra was inderdaad kanker.

Godverdomme wat was dat kanker.

Maar tegelijk wel de schuld van die flikker die destijds de CEO van de NS was natuurlijk.

Vond het wel een leuke happening toen allemaal kankerplaten gingen vallen tijdens de winter.

Nogsteeds kanker.

Does anyone have that screencap from post about how White Europeans have been fighting each other for centuries and when they are not they fight someone else constantly. It references the two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan at the end.

Funny that these two countries are both way less relevant than Italy

This isn't just Europeans.
Look at genocides of history, it's always two different ethnicities with similar racial makeup killing each other.
Germans and Jews
Turks and Armenians
Serbs and Bosnians
Hutu and Tutsis
The fact of the matter is ethnic conflict within a racial group is more common than ethnic conflict across racial groups.


Well done mate, calling this fantastic GOAT country insignificant.

I like to think that according to historical achievements we're the fifth most NICE country. Saw the graph earlier today, should've saved it.

TRUMP 2020

>Why are Arabs always fighting each other
>Why are Africans always fighting each other
>Why are Native Americans always fighting each other
>Why are Asians always fighting each other
>Why are humans always fighting each other
Same answer

You were definitely significant in the past, I'll give you that. But nowadays? Not so much.

"Just imagine all the fascists... Ruling for today"