What do Sup Forums tards think about Filthy Frank? I recently started tto watch his videos, and even subscribed him today.
Well, he as potential, but keeps away from politics
What do Sup Forums tards think about Filthy Frank? I recently started tto watch his videos, and even subscribed him today.
Well, he as potential, but keeps away from politics
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Redpilled buck.
It's confirmed he visits Sup Forums, he's the hero we need.
He's not funny. Tries too hard.
IRL Shitposter.
I don't enjoy gross humor (like puking and stuff) at all. Anything he does aside from that is usually hilarious.
I don't see him jumping into politics though, it would be too down to earth for his standards.
franku's fanbase is too broad and generous to allow Franku to speak out on politics. I get the feeling he hates Trump from his sarcasm on "gentleman's club" or "white people club" vids
He's what I would have found funny in late middle school early highschool so he has a place in my heart but I don't actively watch his shit
He did shit on Shillary in one of his raps though
Joji is pretty good guy.
dis tru?
>It's confirmed he visits Sup Forums
I'd say he maybe visited this place a couple f times, but i doubt he his a constant visitor.
Well, sometimes his videos are a little too forced, but overall i enjoy him alot
Is he croatian?
google jojivlogs, that's his real personality
You will notice that both him and h3h3 don't mention Trump in their videos because they know most of their 'fanbase' are trump supporters
I liked his offensive performance and shitting on weebs idolizing japan. Also funny when he was wearing unitards and scaring school children.
But he's meh now.
It's hard to tell between how much he really hates his fanbase, being stuck doing videos like this and wanting to kill himself and how much he just plays the act.
Sometimes he's funny
But a lot of his shit is super forced and cringe worthy
He is half japanese half australian
his accents are dead-on
>mfw FF lore is coming back
The Papa in Papa Bless is actually meant to be Trump now
Read between the lines
Don't ever leave questions unanswered
I don't think Frank seems like a Shillary or Bernout guy either. He might be one of those people who doesn't really like any of them.
He is jewing around with "i got money but let me scam people out with a fake lawsuit" h3h3
Jap/american mongrell , i guess. But it's a question i have. I
can't find anything, only a reddit link
that's an understatement
h3h3 is a confirmed bernout. It makes sense for h3h3 to be a bernout since he's the practical meaty incarnation of NEET pepe and he lives off his channel and patreon. This is where lefties thrive. Franku and H3h3 live off the clicks/generosity/sales of their fans. I think Franku is most likely feeling the bern. I could be wrong. Franku could be any political stance.
Like said, he's Aus/Jap
Its where his shitpost strength comes from, its in his genes.
Don't speak ill of Papa u Bradberry bush
George has said before he doesn't monetise the videos.
How's 9th grade?
>A fucking leaf
I don't belive in him. His he a rich guy?
That's what I tell people. H3H3 posts stupid videos every day on reddit, they get 1000000 views guaranteed, ask for donations and have a patreon. What else can they do to milk money? They are smart and I wouldn't trust them. Also, they are advancing Israel and all the jew propaganda.
>pol is underaged faggots who watch youtube daycare
He seems to come from Money. I mean, his parents sustained him in New York, went to school in new York city. That place you can't live without paying at least 2000 bucks a month on rent and food and utilities
I masturbate to his videos twice a week
Epic dude
Be sure to post it on redit to get those upvotes
In the meantime keep posting shitty fucking garbage normie meme redit trash you fucking loser
He's in college for now I think.
He doesnt make vids full time, its just something he does in his spare time.
I wish I lived in jewyork so i could be his friend
It was a long time ago
He gave me cancer.
wew lad you're getting redder in the face than the leaf on your flag!
Are you 15 or smth?
Then why do you post redit garbage and watch normiecore trash
Epic, simply epic
Don't you have some dogs to fuck, leaf?
t. a 16 y/o
It's almost like I'm adult enough to watch content for its entertainment value while retaining my own political opinions
Nope mate.
So tell me what kind of humour is for "grown up" people willya?
Thanks leaf, I'm a #trudeautosser now
Frank has spoken about how his character is antithetical to his actual personality and beliefs. He has said he's scared of his fans. He's just an SJW that doesn't speak out.
Papa Franku is our lord and savior
Wew lad, how do you justify your shit taste in """"entertainment""""and that its equivalent to that od a 16 y/o
this times 100. Reminds me of modern artsy fartsy bs,
>sick burns
Well, even if I were 16 years old I wouldn't watch this piece of shit
Is h3h3 a jew?
he's alright i guess. he's not the kinda of person i would take time outta my schedule to watch. i'd have to already be free and bored outta my mind. he was funny when he first started popping up senior year but he got old quick.
Because his content is by and large not politically oriented, and I find it funny. Also, he speaks out about censorship, something I think everybody on this board is pretty strongly against.
Probably a bad idea for anyone to express political opinions. These are probably people who waste too much time on their content to form an intelligent political opinion.
I actually respect Dunkey less now because he slipped into one of his videos that he doesn't like Trump.
Im a huge fan of Joji as a content creator.
One of his creations is the Filthy Frank show, a satire of everything a person should not be (according to his channel bio).
So yes, Filthy Frank is redpilled as a sarcastic character, so I doubt the real George is anything like that.
Still, he is a really cool guy, a shame his fanbase keeps him trapped to this video format.
>how do you justify your shit taste in """"entertainment""""
So do teel us all what kind of entertainment is superior?
>i'm 16 and my humor is fucking superior
it's time for the kids to leave. go make the best of summer don't waste it on the computer. you have the rest of your life to do that
>visited this place a couple f times
I highly doubt that this is more than an assumption and meme.
>Is Ethan Klein jewish
Yes, Hila is an Israelite Jew, Ethan met her while working in Israel. They also roomed with a gay jew in Israel.
Nah, he means this
fanbase is cancer some videos too forced 8/10
"Go suck your dog's dick, leaf" now.
I agree that his vids are hit or miss
It's easy to understand why would someone watch him though
90% non sequitur humour, 20% cooking and 50% cancer
Any which doesn't consist of a guy freaking out on public or saying "penis" and "shit" multiple times
I literally said in my post that it was a assumption.
But it's somewhat safe to say he visited Sup Forums at least a couple of times
Already watched.
I mean, I assumed so, there was just a little part of me that didn't want it to be true. But it definitely makes sense thinking about it.
>inb4 Monty Pithon
He is entertaining, but not funny
It's for Papa John's Pizza retard.
You can't be serious. Nearly all of their fans are Bernie fags
Why don't you go show your dog a good time with some Pepsi Max and a Poutine 'Za from Papa Johns.
He did mention Trump actually, said that his tweets are clearly inspired by his act
What are you talking about? Every time he's in Israel all he mentions is that it's a shit hole and that he'll be glad to get out
Once a Jew always a Jew
I'd guess a large part of his fan base is teenager, so unpolitical.
Unintentionally cringe.
the only good video filthy frank has ever made is the vomit cake series
all the rest of it is garbage.
his fake voice schtick was never funny
pinkguy was never funny
he is annoying and only appeals to the h3h3/early-highschool crowd.
>you now realize most posters on Sup Forums are kids
>you now reazlise you've been getting into serious arguments with these kids
>you've been reading their crazy theories
I need to reexamine myself.
>that "im 16 and my humor is fucking superior" still hasnt been post
I feel sad for neo-neo-Sup Forums
Too autistic for even me to handle and just not that funny, desu.
He has his moments, see weeaboo video and vegan one. But overall his humour is something an edgy teenager would find funny.
TFW your gamer tag is papafranku
I love his schizophrenia , his multiple personalities and self loathing, the notion he always wants to kill himself. Classic
>pink guy was never funny
Not cool boss
Funnier than Sam Hyde
Filthy Frank is OK I guess
This tweet scared me but I'm still here bitch! Haha! I wonder which country got the boot.
I don't dislike him, but it's lame to be a fan of his dipshit average comedy.
Just watch an episode of pink guy and see how cringe his channel is. Seen him in a couple funny videos on other channels but his content is cancer tier shitposting
He's Australian, what do you expect?
This man was a product of race-mixing.
Sup Forums utterly BTFO.
This happened a while ago, thread wasn't up long though