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How can you guys ever recover from this?

racism = being afraid of other cultures? ok

I guess i'm not racist for thinking whites are on average more intelligent than blacks

i can not be defeated by the brown hoards.

>You don't let the enemy tribe infiltrate you and rape your women, you are so weak.

>no such thing as tribes since the Mongol conquests

Youre being racist mate.

you are afraid of racism culture so you are the racist!

>Implying Ethnic groups are not greater tribes

>You are so weak that you are afraid of being invaded
This belongs in the same camp as
>Too afraid to vote for a hatchet wound.
>Too afraid to raise another man's child

Have you seen other cultures? Other cultures are horrifying. And other cultures absolutely hate every liberal value you hold, especially the ones you use to declare racism bad in the first place.


racism != bigotry
there is absolutely nothing wrong with racism
it means you are not a fucking communist

So in your warped mind, 'strength' means a numb insensitivity to reality?

How does it feel to be so weak you dont defend yourself when someone attacks you?

This is the thing; The thing I find most unfathomable regarding leftist reasoning. How can they ignore the values this people hold and how if given the chance would force convert everyone to Islam. Slamming women back into the kitchen, instituting murderous laws and killing all the gay men and those who do not accept their barbaric rules of old.

How the fuck can you be so blind that it is not discussed at all AT ALL in public. Yet we are so appalled when one western man tells that he might be unsure if this refugee thing is a good idea.

How, how even if you try to close your eyes from the truth you can ignore their barbaric value system and not consider it a problem?

>Liberals attempt to formulate an argument

Trotsky didn't make up the word Racism, he may have changed the definition but the word has existed for a long time, but didn't have the same meaning.

Pretty bad desu.

The Tartars, the Turks, the Slavs, the Russkis even the fucking Romanians. Now the Americans, Westerners and Muzzies. Everyone keeps bullying us.

The word racist had literary examples as early as the 1870s. However. It was never used in a negative, politically weaponized manner. In fact, it was usually considered a neutral adjective to accurately describe ones opinion on race and neither negative or positive.

Trotsky, in his own memoirs, boasts about weaponizing the word, particularly to great effect in Ukraine.

lol with a viking whose people literally conquered, raped and murdered other cultures who their own, sometimes even their own.

Afraid to trust a woman.

I'm still skeptical about Trotsky popularizing it. got proof?

This is the same skewed logic that homophobes are actually afraid of gays.

>picture of a viking
good b8 meme whoever on /pol made this. why dont you go troll facebook like ur supposed to

While at the same time being secretly gay.

that pic illustrates Talmudic reasoning

>being scared of being assaulted for your beliefs by invaders makes you weak, ha!
>chopping off your dick and putting on a wig makes you brave, Caitlyn Jenner!
Liberals, man.

The Eskimos fucked their shit up. Apparently Vikings cannot into innuits.

Dislike =/= fear
try harder

An SJW I'm (for some reason) friends on normiebook with posted this picture. I replied with this and a slew of facts and shut her down. She's one of those "multiculturalism is a good thing" people and claims that these muslims aren't real muslims just like the Westboro Baptist aren't real Christians. She's like Tumblr incarnate.