If Trump never ran, could Jeb have beaten Hillary?
If Trump never ran, could Jeb have beaten Hillary?
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Nah, Cruz would have been the nominee and his chances would habe been about the same as trumps
No. The plan was for Jeb to get the Republican nomination and then lose to Hilldog in the election.
Hillary is the easiest opponent ever. Even Cruz would have flipped Wisconsin. She is the only Dem Candidate that makes blue states purple. Any Republican candidate could beat Hillary. Too much baggage. Can't even hold onto Dem states.
>Cruz would have been the nominee
never ever
Jeb or little Marco would have been the ticket
Sorry, who?
>Hillary is the easiest opponent ever.
Makes me wonder why Bernie never went after her. Just took his beating like a cuck.
More than that, how come none of his followers ever asked that question?
No. Why do you think he doesn't use his last name? Why did Obama win in a massive landslide in 2008?
>implying that the plan is any different with Hildogs buddy Donald
Jeb couldn't have beaten Jeb.
He was his own worse enemy.
As much as he is a little cuck compared to the Don, he would be a great general election candidate because he can greatly pander to Hispanics and college-educated women, better than Trump.
Also he could just generally just lower minority turnout because he is noone that anyone is really voting against to prevent from coming president out of fear.
He would have been great to pick up states like Nevada, Florida, New Mexico and Virginia etc.
>implying anyone's going to take you seriously when you're spouting a 10-month-old meme
Top lel, Turk.
Nah, another bush would never be voted in.
Friendly reminder that Rubio would be beating Hillary by 15 points at this stage
In this tweet, you can see a proud Austrian continuing their tradition of killing jews.
Hahaha joke's on you, he's an ANONYMOUS POSTER!
Absolutely not. Trump will win the election.
Jeb "I trigger niggers" Bush? Yes.
Obama was partially elected as a response to GWB. We despise him. We despise anyone related to him.
Jeb couldn't beat Carson.
This idea of panderibg to Hispanics is meaningless. Republicans have been trying to do that for twenty years without a single success. Hispanics are not monolithic and they often do not vote like elderly whites.
Because they are uninformed babbies who weren't conscious in the 90s and cant even into googling "hillary clinton scandal"
He wasn't running to beat Clinton, he was an establishment strawman.
Jeb lost a one on one battle with a bowl of Guac
honestly he couldn't beat anyone
millennials are so fucking oblivious about Shillary
Goddamn Hitch REALLY hated her. It's a shame he isn't alive to crucify her, she'd have given him so much more material.
I don't get it.
Sorry, what kind of pandering?
I mean I am not for sucking latino dick but it is pretty obvious that half of the republican party is fairly racist agasitn them.
They used to vote republican by 45% just 12 years ago.
he would have been romneyd
>hes rich and out of touch
>hes a republican so hes the KKK
>not competitive in the Rust Belt
>low turnout
>beaten but not crushed by hillary
You stupid nigger you are either a Millenial or a 36+ year old on Sup Forums or ban material for being underaged. In before "But I was born in le wrong generation :^)"
Not to mention Hillary's support is from boomer and gen X old hags, or blacks and hispanics. Not 18-20 or 30 something millenials.
This. It would have become a guacmire for him very quick.
would have been mormonfuck 2.0
About the same as a snowball in hell
millenials remember 'slick willy' as a cool guy from the 90s that turned a surplus...they just assume it will convert over to shillary
Bernie was in the spotlight for the first time ever. He thought it was all about him and didn't know how to debate.
no chance in hell