Why do right wing nut jobs ridicule Islam while embracing Christian fundamentalism?
christians dont bomb people in the name of their imaginary sky friend
Because Christians are capable of creating and maintaining a functioning civilization, while Muslims - as can be seen everywhere in the world and throughout history - can not.
I share a culture and history with one while the other is a hostile invading force
>I posted it again!
because the woman on the right isnt actually going around shooting members of a different religion and performing acts of mass murder
Because we live in a secular nation and christianity has been reformed numerous times to be secular in regards to the state, moron
Because the Christian uses the gun for defense, and the muslim uses the gun for attack.
boobs are a bouncing white flag so you know their friendly
meant left
>right wing nut jobs
You misunderstand. What you've posted is a picture of a Christian nut job. Being right wing has nothing to do with it.
Christianity is civil.
Islam is barbarism.
Sandnigger can't into trigger discipline.
too easy lurk more
You don't need to be a Christian fundamentalist to ridicule Islam.
Christianity is civilized.
Islam isn't.
Because God himself was the first Christian :^)
>taking the b8 of the left girl'so pic meant to further pass of faggots like you after they got BTFO about her chick-fil-a pic.
>taking this b8
It's the bait that keeps on giving
dammit, 5min too late
>Because fundamentalist Christians, while annoying, still adhere to the principles of religious freedom and tolerance as established by the US constitution.
>Because there is no world-wide fundamentalist Christian terrorist organization whose exclusive mission is to use violence and intimidation to subvert the entire world to Christianity
>Because the woman on the left is holding a gun to express her firm belief that she should be able to retain her right to own and operate firearms, and is holding a Bible to express her strong belief in Christian principles; meanwhile the woman on the right is holding a gun as an implied threat of violence to those who do not embrace and submit to the will of the thing she is holding in her other hand
Really, a better question to ask would be: why do left wing nut-jobs ridicule fundamentalist Christians, with whom they merely have what fundamentally amounts to a civil disagreement, while defending radical Islam, which not only goes against every professed principle they have, but actively seeks to kill them?
Because Christian fundamentalism reinforces their culture and way of life whilst Islam subverts it.
Here's your (You) OP
>American christian = middle eastern muslim
>sees no difference
Ok so we've established OP is in fact dense.
Let me make this very clear.
>islam literally translates to SUBMIT
>the cross and the flag do not conflict for these people who have been here for generations and hold post enlightenment christian beliefs
>ummah directly conflicts
I hope the caps lock helps you read. Try reading the Koran and Constitution and think about the things that directly clash.
your flag looks like the mat in my bathroom
Stale bait but I'll bite.
The one on the left is highly unlikly to use that gun to punish those who break the laws in her book while the one on the right very much is.
Welp, this thread is over.
Do you actually have an example of a militant fundamentalist Christian group that believes it is their duty to convert the world to Christianity by violence?
Preferable one from the Western world. If they exist I'd ridicule them. IRA are about the closest I can think of and most people think they're cunts as well.
Why haven't you told your parents about your dildo collection?
>inb4 muh abortion clincs
Of course they'll ignore that the number of people killed world wide by radical Muslims is orders of magnitude more than the number killed by radical Christians
>having mat in your bathroom
for what purpose
Almost 100 % because christfags observe trigger discipline.
Also, they have secular courts and other things based on reality instead of faith.
Need help, what is the most catholic part of the bible?
The one on the left is defending ones right to practice what their book says the other is enforcing what their book says onto others. Content/Context
Don't you sleep? Or work? You post too much.
the one about fiddling little boys
The one on the left posts that image on Facebook hoping Chad thundercock notices her the one on the right is willing to die for her religion
One is with me, the other is against me.
Any other questions?
Right wing nutjob here, also an atheist, fight me cuck.
The Christian woman cheated on her husband while he was serving in the military. Some news site, I think RoK reported the whole story, its out there. Why white men covet white women is beyond me, they hate you for doing it and fuck other men, no matter their values.
To answer your question, anyone who supports Islamic radicalism is a piece of shit. Christian radicals protest abortion clinics and other stupid, wasteful sit. Muslim radicals blow up children, and everything else, including ancient historical art/culture, like the 3,000 year old, beautiful Syrian temple they destroyed this week.
Anyone who compares Christians to Muslims is a cuck, an idiot and a piece of shit. You are less than human if you are a radical Muslim, or one of their western cuck enablers.
You will surely be among the first OP when they happening happens for this comparison.
>Left is Defensive and right is offensive
>Christian fundamentalism
"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.”
( Mat 26.52 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )
>Islam period
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"
Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."
Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"
Their society is fine when it's contained, but it's just that they are intent on exporting their beliefs by killing each other and the kuffar. The worst fundamentalist Christians will do is be annoying faggots who pocket funerals.
One is More Likely To Blow Me Up. There !!!
Freedom to kill the Native Americans, to launch wars of imperial aggression. To enslave Africans for freedom.
Its literally the same shit Bob, don't get ahead of yourself, Radical Islam and American "freedom" are the same shit.
Muh liberate iraqi's n' heapons of rass dhesmruction!
A better question is why you guys love islam and love queers.
>n everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12
This is straying into Sup Forums territory, but if we compare the kill-death ratio of the woman on the left to the woman on the right, we may actually see a difference.
Islamic women are not allowed to use guns, only carry them to the men and give first aid on the battlefield hence the shoddy trigger discipline, zero training. She's more of a lying whore than the American lass.
I hope she accidentally shoots her kids in the face.
Yes, the moral christian's who killed all the Native Americans(the fking irony in that picture you just posted) because of god, being the last nation to finally end slavery, and constantly waging wars of imperialism.
Fucking hilarious as you compare the sanctions which killed 500,000 Iraqi children to a few terrorist groups, which you literally created. That have only killed 16,000 people. Using that excuse of big bad terrorists to bomb more iraqi children.
left is us, right is them
>Return of Kings
>news site
Whatever you say Mi Familia
They want to kill us because we don't agree with them. We will defend ourselves and kill them when they try and kill us. We KNOW Yeshua rose from the dead. They say he was just a prophet.
>native americans and slavery
Total strawman
>every right wing opinion I don't like is literally George Bush
>radical muslims and american freedom is the same thing
>personal responsibility amidst some crony capitalism and laws we civilly disagree = totalitarian religion and rule of law that criminalizes thought and actively encourages you stay on offense towards all nonbelievers
Is this your first time stepping outside of the liberal echo chamber? Is this your first time on Sup Forums?
Even the most extreme, fundamentalist Christian groups out there are just full of talk. None of them actually live by the Bible even remotely close to 100%. Meanwhile the average Muslim happily tosses gays off buildings or behead women for practicing witchcraft.
ISIS is alt-right
>Explain the difference
Left is fuckable. Kike.
Because they engage in the same kind of self-righteous narcissistic bullshit. Theyre the same motherfucking animal, but 100 times more self-righteous
No, they just bomb abortion clinics and shoot fucking doctors, you cunt
gotta love the bardock
Christianity isn't a political ideology and a religion.
In the West we have separation of church and state.
In Islam there is no such distinction, law and government is all codified in the hadith's and surrahs.
oh yeah cause that happens so often
the girl on the right is a suicide bomber named reem riyashi who blew herself up killed 4 jews
i never knew whether this pic is implying that the girl on the left is supposedly a terrorist/murderer, or if its trying to imply the girl on the right is just a normal functioning member of society but either way its fucking hilarious, leftists are literally THIS stupid
Well, we can't have witches running around turning everybody into newts can we?
I'm a newt myself, got turned into one a few years ago. Ruined my life, lost my job, my wife, my house.
Luckily, I met a guy who runs a newt sanctuary.
Pipe down, Jethro. Notice you didnt say i was wrong. You need an icepick in the ear, cunt
go suck a fuck
>Freedom that causes you enslave African people
Muh logical fallacies, murica' din du invade iraq.
Yeah ignore the 72% support for invasion of Iraq cause you fucking racists thought it was all the brown skinned men that did 9/11
Muh, muh logical fallacies!
Christianity isn't nearly as civil as you'd think. There's the Aryan nation, a bunch of different groups in Ireland, the KKK, the Concerned Christians (who were ironically kicked out of Israel for planning terrorism against Muslims), and the Christian Identity Movement. Going into even bloodier territory, there's the Lord's Resistance Army, the Tripura, the Antibalaka, and the Eastern Lightning. Nobody hears about these guys (particularly the last few) but they're responsible for a lot of deaths.
the one on the right has a grenade
How many, exactly, is a lot? I seriously doubt they're anywhere near the scale of Islam.
>Aryan nation
Anyways, those groups are retarded if they're Christians, unless they have their own churches with only whites and don't help non-whites.
Many churches house and support illegals.
Shillary's chan outreach program isn't working so well.
The insurgency started by one of the bloodier ones (Lord's Resistance Army) in Northern Uganda alone has killed 65,000+ people and created hundreds of thousands of refugees.
the one in the right will likely explode
It couldn't possibly have been the constant lies told to us by the government. That would be crazy. All Americans being racist is more likely, and it fits my narrative!
That's just the US, IIRC.
It's more civil than most (leftist) people think. They keep their hate to themselves more any other group. Where muslims would throw a homosexual off a building christians scowl and say they're going to Hell in private company.
'Murrican chick just wants you to get off of her land.
Islamic grill wants to kill you for being an infidel.
In the West that's true. It doesn't hold true in many other countries though.
The girl on the left is a conservative American and the woman on the right is a Islamic terrorist.
Islam is always backwards.
American (left)
Mossad (right)
>not bombing baby murdering factories and their evil mad scientist murderers.
>Because the Christian uses the gun for defense, and the muslim uses the gun for attack.
This statement is:
>true in 2016
>but only for certain interpretations of Christianity
>Explain the difference
Sure, one of them still has physical integrity, while the other does not.
Just stop
Here is a tiny introduction for you, chew on this for a while and get back to us
>Not all right wingers are Chistian Fundamentalist, but the almost majority of Muslims want a theocratic government where the Quran is the law of the land.
>Christian fundamentalism has been plumitted in relavency over a hundred years ago, but Islamist is a very real threat, especially in Europe and the Middle East.
> It seems more likely that a Muslim would kill people for religious reasons than a Christian due to European influences that tamed Christianity while Islamic nations only furthered the radicalization of Islamic interpretations.
one uses her gun and faith responsibly to protect herself and her family
the other uses them to attack their countrymen and foreign entities for not following the same faith
>jews have killed more than neonazis
>explain the difference
Most human beings (even Muslims) would fuck the one to the left, but not the one to the right.
The universality of such acknowledgement of fuckability results in a Kantian categorical imperative:
>we shall work towards the achievement of left pic rather than right pic