Sup Forumsacks with mental illness

Hey Sup Forums, anyone else have mental illness? I have severe ocd and I had a melt down today and almost killed myself. I live in the most agony and personal despair I can possibly fathom every moment of my life. I have relaxed in 10 years. My heart is ready to give out and I'm only 25.

Is there enough awareness of legit mental illness? For me it seems the fake gay shit like thinking you are sexually a finch is overshadowing the real cases of mental illness

I don't think Steven Universe fans care about the people really suffering.

How does mental illness effect you and what can we as a society do to start helping those with real problems? You guys are my true people and I want to discuss this issue with you.

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Bumping for some good discussion

Arimura Chika


I was depressed until Trump restored my faith in humanity.

Dedicate the next 4 months to fueling the Meme Machine

This whole countries fucked for mental issues. The political solution has always and will always be to sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away.

Now if ISIS started recruiting the mentally ill and causing some serious damage, then we might get real political change, but until something that major happens nothing will change.

I was depressed and unsatisfied with my life then I discovered Christ and have never been happier.

Emetaphobia which manifests as some obsessive compulsive behaviors and anxiety: particularly around food, sickness and travel.

I manage. It usually comes and goes over the course of a few years. I try to live as normal a life as I can and I do a pretty good job.

I don't need society to help me. Most people with real mental illness need to see a therapist and maybe get on meds if they can't function. Insurance/public health should make access to these resources more of a priority I guess. People with bullshit politicized mental illness are the ones who need society to suck their cocks all the time. Most people suffer in silence.

I was depressed and unsatisfied with my life then I discovered Chris and have never been happier.

I got a bad case of the existential despair and nihilism then I into bodhi and now I have attained unsurpassed supreme enlightenment

mental illness doesn't real

I sometimes have panic and anxiety attacks and mindfulness meditation kinda helps. I just pay attention to my breathing for a bit and after a while, sometimes even just after a minute, it feels better. There's some neat neuroscience behind it too. My thing isn't so much depression though but I have some major social anxieties. Best of luck bro.

>general anxiety
>major depression

Meh, could be worse. Also

What this guy said. I would have offed myself years ago were it not for meditation.

When I was 19 they put me in some outpatient program, diagnosed me as bipolar II, and tried to put me on lithium and other drugs. Told me if I didn't take them I'd be on drugs or on the streets.

After about 1.5 months of only getting worse, I stopped taking the medication. Now i'm 26, have never been on prescribed meds, and am functioning sufficiently in society (Steady job, pay the bills, relatively healthy social life).

I still suffer from PTSD from childhood abuse - I get startled extremely easily and disassociate a lot, people say I have the 'thousand-yard stare,' I'll laugh and shit and then in a second I frown and a look of absolute dread will take over my face (this has been only made aware to me from other people telling me.)

I medicate with weed, pretty much. Sometimes it makes the anxiety worse and wonder if other medication would help, but I will never fall into the trap of the pharmaceutical Jew.

My brother is full blown schizophrenic and spews Elliot Rodgers style rants and shit. Says he's jesus, never stops talking about his theories, paranoid as hell, occasionally violent. Now he's medicated as fuck and gets disability. I think they fucked him up and coddled him down into a stunted human being.

Tell me, OP, did you suffer from a traumatic childhood? I'm under the impression that depression always comes from somewhere, and it is often a justified experience to an ultimately tragic reality.

I also agree all that Steven Universe Tumblr bullshit has made mental illness as something only libcucks have. I know there are some pilled people going through it here too though - I think the difference is we refuse to see ourselves as victims and believe we are ultimately in control of our lives, not the illness.

I have Aspergers. Real mild, still have gf and I'm not a sperg but gives me some nasty depression and anxiety, and some typical autist tropes. I also have my thinking directly related to movement, I need to twitch or move around to think the best. I think this is why autists spaz out all the time, we need blood flow to think. I consider myself lucky to be able to contribute to society and not be a leeching tard, as well as function socially and romantically. I see other people with autism around me that can't talk to people, creep chicks out, and don't understand basic things like laws. I blame parents for not baring down and teaching their kids to adapt young, our habits set in earlier.

>For me it seems the fake gay shit like thinking you are sexually a finch is overshadowing the real cases of mental illness


I'm fucked up from my first three years being raised by my single super feminist tumblrina mother (before the internet was even a household word), and then the abusive psychopath she married after REALLY fucked us up. I got the worst because I was male, she hated me more than my sister.

Retarded tumblrinas who all claim to have PTSD should be sent to war. You don't go around broadcasting that shit. I only tell my close friends so they understand why I started making "self defense" mustard gas when my parents decided to up and show up at my front door uninvited and unwelcome, or why when I lose something I'll tear the house apart in a fit of hypervigilance and not sleep for four days.

It's not all bad though. I just view it like I've perfectly adapted as a child to a hostile environment that is nothing like my actual civilization. The changes in Brain structure might have helped me in other ways, as well. It just sucks that I can't turn it off. I've I'm threatened, I become hypervigilant; I'm physically primed to kill an army with a hammer, there's just no off switch until I pass out from exhaustion.

It pisses me off when anyone who's fat with hair cut like Skrillex and dyed like Skittles pretends saying mean things will do THAT to them. These are not a group of people who have been pushed to their limits and found where the line that breaks you is. They're just pathetic and weak, and I don't want to talk about a lot of shit because I'll be grouped in with them by default by most people.

I have gender dysphoria, so yes, im a tranny. I dont like being like this, i never asked for this, and if there was some way to cure this retarded mental ilness id be all for it. Unfortunatly there is no cure and the only way to alleviate the symptoms to the point im not suicidal is to take female hormones.

I know, most of you will hate me and call me a degenerate. I dont really care. I did not choose to be like this and taking hormones was the only way i could survive. I went to therapy for a good 6 years with quite a few different therapists, most of which didnt realize i was trans.

Is it really so wrong for me to just want to live my life without being so depressed and suicidal? I realize im not a real girl, i know il always be biologically a boy, and yes I KNOW ITS A MENTAL ILNESS.

>Hey Sup Forums, anyone else have mental illness?
Ever since I was 9 years old, I've wanted to kill myself. Then when puberty kicked in, things got really fucked up. Like "I want to beat Cho Seung-Hui's score" and "Finding and Eating Dead Chicks is a concept that causes me to have a boner" fucked up. I had a spout of chronic lying in Middle and High school, but that went away for some reason.
I've only acted on the suicidal urges a few times in secret. I was too ashamed in myself and fearful of disappointing my parents to follow through. I will never, ever act on the other urges.
Both my parents were both pretty old when they had me (Dad was in his late 50's, Mom was in her 40's), so I'm sure I've got some other issues I haven't been told about
>Is there enough awareness?
1) NO. Take the Gun Violence fear in America. Everyone talks about Guns and 'Salt weapons, but no one talks about how fucking stupid and broke the mental healthcare is in this country.
2) Awareness is not enough. It's one thing to Virtue Signal on instagram, its another to pass legislation on the matter.
>Steven Universe
No they dont care. The fan base tried to get some chick to kill herself for drawing a thin Rose Quartz. We will never see any representation of serious mental illness on T.V. anyway unless it portrays a serial killer/bad guy.
>Does it effect me?
People say "I act like a robot [unemotional]" or "I'm very kind/polite". So in that sense No it doesn't effect my public life. But inside, I feel dead half the time. I have ambitions, and yet I know I'll never make them. I feel as though I'm an embarrassment to God and my family, only my family doesn't know it yet.

Major Depression
Social Anxiety

Taking Zoloft. Feels ok lads.

Society has no sympathy for men with mental illness. Being told to man up makes me furious. Women hate us. I've accepted I'll always be a lonely virgin.

>taking hormones was the only way to survive

Not true and you know it pussy.

drop the persecution complex

I feel for ya brother

I was abused when I was a kid but only once and it was by a stranger.

I didn't think about it much until my late teenage years when I suddenly developed a strong protective instinct towards boys the same age as I was when I was abused. At the time I released it in a bad way. I never physically abused anyone but I did introduce some kids to drugs and alcohol. I regret it all, and now that they are older I wish I could apologies and help them but its all too painful a place for me to go and frankly I don't have my own shit togethet enough yet to really be an example.

All of this has led to a kinda of depression, but I do not believe its 'chronic' and therefore refuse to medicate myself. I know a few people who have shit lives and are on antidepressants and I think it is a mistake. It just numbs them to how shit their circumstances are and prevents them from taking positive steps forwards ie complacency.

Ultimately the key is to not adopt a victimhood mentality, that is what seperates us from the tumblrians and will ultimately lead us to more fulfilling lives. Having said that it is important to confront the issues and not sweep them to one side. A careful balancing act I guess

Bipolar II fag here. Could be worse but it's still a bitch to live with and makes me crash my entire life with no survivors every couple of years. In the space of about five years I've gone from being engaged, working in a decent job and studying for a degree to being a homeless drunk then halfway back again.

if that pic is you then you're going to be well off I think
most of the people hating on trans people are thinking about silence of the lambs and shit like that, guys with beards in a dress and such
even Trump has no problem with trans people

I have been diagnosed with ADD and PTSD.

Though I now have 2 kids with Aspergers and the more I learn about it, the more I am convinced that I have that as well, or maybe I was misdiagnosed by the specialists on the PTSD and ADD. All I know is that I am happy alone, above average intelligence, really fucking good at a couple of things and shit at everything else, and awkward as fuck around people. Looking people in the eye makes me feel really agressive and I can't concentrate on what someone is saying to me. It's like getting blasted in the face with too much information.

>what can we as a society do to start helping those with real problems

Fuck society, I don't want your help.

When I was in middle school I had pretty bad acne on my back and I was prescribed a medication called Accutane. I didn't know it at the time, but Accutane is extremely detrimental to mental health.

Long story short, I basically developed full blown psychosis. You know how when you're in a dream you just kind of know what you're supposed to be doing and there's no real reason for it? Like you'll just be going to get milk or storming a castle and you just accept that it's what should be happening?

That's how I am, but when I'm awake. So I'll do things like go to meet a police officer at Walmart and only after 4 or 5 hours will it occur to me that I've never talked to a police officer, arranged a meeting at Walmart, or have any reason at all to meet one.

That's just one example. I'll also do things that are a lot more detrimental. Here's a few examples:
>Drove to our little league baseball park and tried to take the pitching machine because I thought it was a bomb
>I thought my grandma was dead for a whole day and got ready to go to her funeral only to be told by my dad that she was just fine
>I thought my sister was missing and got arrested for reckless driving because I was doing 105 trying to drive to Colorado to save her

My drivers liscense was taken away for that one. I've done a ton of other things. I destroyed a wall trying to find a rare bottle cap that didn't exist. I slept in the garage because I thought my bedroom was missing. It's extremely detrimental.

I've talked extensively with dermatologists, pharmaceutical experts, and psychiatrists and basically they're not sure how to help me. Medicine fucked up my head so I'm reluctant to take more.

My friends and family know how to talk me out of it now. I have a few coworkers that absolutely despise me for it but I do good work and my supervisor is really supportive.

Idk. Overall 0/10 would not recommend.

How can you enjoy fapping to Asian whores if you're constantly in agony and despair?

Who /depressionandnightterrorswithwakingsensations/ here?

same exactly desu
btw how are you tilly?

i mean i dont care if you believe me but it really was. I was so severely depressed and suicidal that i had attempted suicide 3 times prior. On hormones iv been so happy and content i havent had a single suicidal thought in about 2 years.

>persecution complex
you obviously dont browse Sup Forums very often if you dont think im gonna get a lot of flack for admitting to be a tranny. Usually its 100 replies of "kill yourself degenerate"

Stop apologizing for being who you are.

Just because you're trans doesn't mean you're a socialist LGBTQAF2#$ activist.

Stand for personal liberty. Keep browsing Sup Forums for the brain food but don't assume the right-wingers are your friends. Most people here would have you institutionalized or killed.

> if there was some way to cure this retarded mental ilness id be all for it.

There isn't. So you gotta live with it. You have the choice to either love yourself or hate yourself. No inbetween.

>hurrr durrr but I'm a degenerate and I should be euthanized for the greater good of humanity ;___;

No one cares.

Real enough to get welfare, that's all that counts.

I had childhood schizophrenia.

When I almost killed myself I lost just under 2 liters of blood. For some reason I woke back up after passing out, otherwise I'd be dead.

I really don't know why.

Shit son, that sounds grim.

Taking any meds? I've tried medication and therapy but I'm still miserable, though I can cope better in daily life, going outside a bit more

I have severe anxiety and aspergers.

>how are you tilly?
im not i just used her pic because shes cute and it says trap on her necklace. Shes my bff and she posts her pics on Sup Forums all the time so i know she doesnt mind if i post non nude ones. Iv never pretended to be Tilly

Sorry this day and age as a white male you can go fuck yourself

Viva la liberalism!!

I would like to enjoy a fukushima dolphin kill with her.

I feel bad for you, but you still have to inhale all the gas

>Iv never pretended to be Tilly

so do you hear voices or do you see things that arent there. If you dont mind going into details i always find it interesting to talk to schizophrenic people to see how hard it must be for them to deal with.

I'm agnostic and I'd say this is good advice. If you're suffering as an intelligent person, dumb yourself down with religion. I'm not being sarcastic.

did i say that pic was me? Tilly lives in the US, i have a candian flag silly. I kinda look like her only younger and my hair is blonde

I see and hear things a lot. Pretty sure it's schizophrenia or something, but I don't give a shit enough to get checked out, and I like my guns.
I pretty much manage to ignore everything I see, but I've got really bad visual snow.
Hearing your name called randomly all the time is freaky though. I also sometimes see spiders all around and on the pillow I'm sleeping on, which is kinda fucked up because I'm terrified of spiders.
I'm a total normie to everyone though. No one suspects a thing.

is posting back to normal?

Recurring bouts of depression from 4 years of unemployment. Been in therapy for 3 years. Suicidal tendencies. Antisocial behavior. Medication and therapy didn't do shit. People will fucking hate you and fear you the second they know about it, and you're basically unemployable, turning it all into a dark spiral. The only thing that sent me on a path to recovery was getting a university degree, something my therapist urged me not to pursue because of the pressure. But I finished it. I worked hard, I got it.

Now I got my degree, and I'm back to unemployment starting next week. The spiral starts again. Meds and therapy doesn't fucking work. What works is fucking doing something, especially those days where every fiber in your body says there's no point. I'll give it another year or two, and really try, then I'm probably gonna check out. No point in wasting space.

>have panic disrobed from my military service
>but get disability from the VA


>0/10 would not recommend
Holy smokes my sides

You're going to make it user. With an attitude like that, you're going to be alright.

bexe? elanna?

I have a mate who's schizo and has stories similar to yours. I would get on some anti-phycotics if I were you but loosing that kinda grip on reality freaks me the fuck out. Its your choice and your brain but I would seriously consider it. This shit could get dangerous or just fuck up your life

>Unfortunatly there is no cure
Research Pimozide.

Do you understand how much misunderstanding goes into major depression/general anxiety? These people are fucking lepers, while your identity politics earn you pats on the back from every liberal in the west.

Oh yeah, and sometimes I sit in front of mirrors and watch my face change into tons of different things. That's pretty fun.

I have schizophrenic type thoughts, but I recognize them. Just waiting for the day when I lose it and no longer recognize that those thoughts are irrational.

I take trazodone to get to sleep because otherwise I would probably choose to stay up all night. Trazodone makes me almost pass out after an hour so that is good.

I have been going to therapy and right now I am trying EMDR which has been interesting to say the least. It is trying to tackle the root reasons as to why I have the nightmares I do. I tried doing meditation and rewriting my nightmares, but when I did they just started changing and becoming even more violent. Being tied up and having a hellish boar with acidic saliva licking and eventually devouring me. With that one I could feel a burning sensation on my foot where it had licked when I woke up. Another was a worm in my left arm slowly eating away at me and when I tried to pull it out it would eat through me. I woke up with pain in my left arm.

tl;dr Nightmares suck

no and no. idk if i should say my name or not

>I have a mental illness
>better start taking hormones further fucking up my brain chemistry and eventually mutilate my own genitals, then I'll be perfect

You don't have to worry about the Day of the Rope, you will have offed yourself well before that point

You into vore mate?

I have terrible social anxiety and drink to cope

I don't recommend either.

>get trolled online
>claim PTSD, rape, etc
The very people who say they are the most tolerant marginalize the truly ill.

I have depression and gender dysphoria

I probably have depression because of my gender dysphoria and no one in my family loves me

I probably have gender dysphoria because I am XXY but I already look like a girl but it distresses me that I'll never be a real girl

It's funny because you fucks still use gas chambers for executions.

I don't have a diagnose but some kind of anxiety. I only feel relaxed when drinking and for a minute or two after waking up. I often look behind me even when home and prefer to face away from a wall. Sometimes it gets worse and I can't sleep until I get rid of it because slipping into sleep feels so unreal and unpleasant I get jolted back out.

I manage it fine but I hope it doesn't take a physical toll on my body over the long run. I know spooked / stressed animals don't live very long.

>I've talked extensively with dermatologists, pharmaceutical experts, and psychiatrists and basically they're not sure how to help me. Medicine fucked up my head so I'm reluctant to take more.

Opps, we fucked your shit up with our medicine. Nothing we can do about it, not sorry that our under researched quick cash scheme ruined your life. Thank you for your money asshole.

>Research Pimozide.
YOU research primozode. The "study" you have read was a case study done on ONE SINGLE PERSON who was not even trans, they were a crossdresser with borderline personality disorder who thought they were trans. Primozode has never been proven to work on anyone else. You are retarded. Im not reading the rest of your post.

>further fucking up my brain chemistry
actualy my brain chemistry was fucked before, with hormones its perfectly fine and stable.
> eventually mutilate my own genitals
>making huge assumptions
Did i even once anywhere in this thread even imply i want to mutilate my genitals. Did you just assume all trannies get the surgery? Would you be surprised not even half of us get it done? Why the fuck would i mutilate my penis for a fake vagina axe wound that doesnt even work.

>Clinical depression
>Panic/anxiety disorder
>possibly Psychosis
>possibly ASD

The depression is bad (suicide attempt) and I started getting panic/anxiety attacks when I took Good Goy pills.
The panic attacks are fucking hell before I was getting them 8-12 hours a day for half a year. I ended up being admitted to the psychward for a month. It only got better when I stopped taking my meds despite the kike doctors begging me to keep taking it.

Could you deep throat my dick, choke on it, and swallow my nut like the good mentally ill faggot you are?

I also have OCD. It's not to the point where I feel crippled, but it's still pretty bad. Im trying to confront my ticks and triggers, and I'm actually making some progress. I just can't seem to get over the biggest hurdle and my biggest tick, which is washing my hands.

It's probably linked to my literal autism, though I'm high functioning. On a side note, it really bothers me when people tell others not to say the word "retarded". I wish I could tell them to shut the fuck up, but nobody save for my immediate family knows I'm autistic and I don't want to blow my cover. But it's just a word and people need to chill out.

But do you have a feminine penis?

Not at all. Those are simply the way they change after I try responding to them when they are more ordinary. Most of the time it is just a recurring theme of helplessness and powerlessness.

Most of them are about either being bullied during middle school to the point where suicide didn't seem like such a bad thing and the inevitable lack of self-worth afterwords in tandem with a huge martyr complex.

The other primary piece was I was in a relationship with a really crazy, abusive, and overall psychotic girl for a year in a half. She was borderline yandere during the better parts of our relationship. She ended up cutting me after having wild delusions about being posessed and made me do things I really didn't want to do.

>You know how when you're in a dream you just kind of know what you're supposed to be doing and there's no real reason for it? Like you'll just be going to get milk or storming a castle and you just accept that it's what should be happening?

I once had a professor explain schizophrenia and similar mental illness as "dreaming while you are awake".
Hearing your story, it makes a lot of sense.

Whats the visual snow? Can you describe it? I feel like I've had a similar thing but maybe just from standing up too fast/light headedness.

How old are you? If you're around 20 (I'm 20 myself) maybe you shoukd get it checked out as I hear it can get worse from this point. Obviously dont get on any meds but if this stuff is on your medical record it could really help doctors out if you go full blown schiz at some point

Damn you guys are really fucked up in the head.

Abused as child, aspergers, anxiety. LOL no wonder why you faggots are on Sup Forums glorifying chink women since your mental illness prevents you from getting white girls while accusing white girls of being coalburners.

To vote for trump

I don't know.

The only reason it was done on ONE SINGLE PERSON is because the powers that be want transsexualism to spread. I won't name names, but this is reality.

If you're familiar with the study, you'd know that said patient completely stopped desiring crossdressing/being transgender after taking a regular dosage of Pimozide. Taking it away, he immediately returned to his degeneracy.

i feel like i'm overly conscious of what people think about me, like a paranoia... i can't "be myself" around anyone, it feels like i'm wearing a mask all the time. i have other problems, but for now that's what i wanted to share.
btw OP, i'm depressed most of my time and sometimes i even feel suicidal. one thing that helps me stop myself from killing me is thinking about my family who i love. they don't deserve to suffer because of a piece of shit like me so... the best punishment for me is to live anyway. this keeps me focused sometimes. maybe you should adopt this mentality as well.

I hate drinking so I can't even resort to that to deal with anxiety. I wasn't always like this, it's gotten worse over the years. I worry about where I'll be in the future, it all seems hopeless.

Look up Stefan Molyneux video on the truth about mental illness. And don't take amphetamines or SSRI's, any other antidepressant or anti-psychotic drug. DO NOT TAKE. Use therapy instead.

>The depression is bad (
Find the root cause of your depression. Go to youtube and look up guided mindful meditation. IF you get really good at it you can learn to not only go inside and find out the root of your depression but there are also meditations that really help with anxiety. Here, try this one

Theres lots of good ones on youtube just avoid any of the retarded ones that talk about spiritual BS

I shit you not, if you really get into it meditation can change your life.

I always had a theory that the biggest losers and mentally fucked up people are those who constitute the alt-right and Sup Forums

This thread confirms it for me. Western society has gotten too soft. If hitler was alive he would have purged all you mentally weak faggots.

>I don't think Steven Universe fans care about the people really suffering.
No Tumblrites do.

Tumblr works like this: The less privilege you have, the better.

Therefore, you need to weasel your way into unprivileged groups [the mentally ill, for example] so that when you get into a cripple fight you can point out you've got ADHD, Autism, Schizophrenia, Depression, Bipolar, and so on. Because the other people has n*-1 illnesses than you, they need to shut the fuck up and listen to your experience.

That they end up overshadowing or trivializing the genuinely disadvantaged means nothing: You've only got say, one mental illness - they have TEN - so from their own perspective you're the bastard even if your mental illness is actually serious while theirs is "I like to look at the clock sometimes... guess I'm autistic!"

Exactly (I'm that poster at a different location so my id probably changed). I always try to avoid framing it like "I was dealt such a shitty hand in life" and instead frame it as "look how well I'm playing this hand, even though it's shit." I wasn't always line that though, but everyone has to grow in their own way. The way I see it, right now I'm winning, even though it's not and never will be gone forever.

My depression is beyond chronic (think wanting to kill yourself at least once a week for 12 years), and I have self medicated with cannabis, but I refuse to do this forever. I'm not a very social person so I'm content sitting and learning stuff all day, including neurology and brain chemistry. I'm figuring out in my own how best to "reverse engineer", "diagnose" and "hack" myself and my brain into being/getting better and not smoking nearly as much as I used to. I don't see shrinks because psychiatry is bullshit and most "studies" done to put shit in the DSM can't be replicated, ergo, it's not a real science.

I've had experiences like that after intense nightmares. One time I ended up walking around at 2am like it was normal. One time I woke up at a similar time and started brushing my teeth and getting ready for class at college because, in my mind, it was time for school. Lastly one time I saw a weird black spider-esque thing walking on my walls and when I looked behind a book case to find it, it wasn't there.

actually i dont like men anymore. my titty skittles made me like girls for some reason. Go figure.
>it was done on ONE SINGLE PERSON
actually it was tested on thousands of people and it only worked on 1. There is no conspiracy, get over it.

You really think only 1 trans perosn in the history of the planet has ever taken primozode? Are you really that retarded?

You sound similar to me. I love my family, though I don't think I deserve their love. I try to be generous and altruistic. And I know exactly what you mean about wearing a mask. I've never opened up to anyone really, I hate myself too much.

At least my mental genes wont be passed on.


>you have one mental illness, they have ten
They just self-diagnose

Amphetamines and SSRIs are fucked, I've been on both. But did he really so no anti-psychotics, I feel like schizophrenia is in another ball park. I mean can you really get a soft diagnosis on schizophrenia?

>with hormones its perfectly fine and stable

Literally every psychologist will disagree with you but I'm wasting my breath, you are just another 'muh fee-fees' faggot who will just ignore blatant facts.

Visual snow is just like looking though an old television that doesn't have a good antenna connection. Staticy looking filter on everything.
Doctors have said I'm fine before, and I really don't want my guns or license taken away so I'm not fucking saying anything.

Hi ! Whats your OCD exactly ???
What does it makes you do ? You check that the door is locked every minutes or something ?? I'm just curious.

For myself, I am paranoid since 18 yo. I always had a tendency to be on my guard. I also have some nervous ticks since I'm 8 (cracking my fingers, neck, knees and elbows (YESSS!!! MY ELBOWS....)).

I used to be depressed about it for some time but hey !?? What the fuck! Being paranoid is cool actually when you can control yourself without any medication !!!!!!


I can see and think stuff that most people would not go there... It's like if my brain reacted disproportionaly to some messages and extrapolate an explanation for something that does not need any....
It's annoyingly fun !!!!!

Hey, I saw you in a thread about me. It's Trump girl Kayla

I'm a severe hypochondriac. Diagnosed OCD and anxiety disorder.

>Literally every psychologist will disagree with you
except that they wont . Are you really going to make me go look up some studies?

>muh fee-fees'
gender dysphoria is literally my fee fees. My fees fees made me super sad depressed and suicidal before, now im super happy content outgoing and i contribute to society.

Iv probably voted in more elections than you have ;)

I have very mild borderline autismo. I finished my freshman year of college a month ago and the whole time I roomed with this total sperg. He was completely insufferable in every way. I don't feel like getting into it but one thing he did was that whenever he heard a girl in the hallway he would stand in the doorway and stare until she acknowledged him. He also would try to talk to people about Destiny (video game) lore, totally unaware of the fact that most people haven't even played it, let alone even give a shit about the story. Nobody liked him, but others in my dorm would regularly stir him up because his sperg outs were funny. Anyway, the whole experience was like taking a cheese grater to the brain and definitely made me nervous about the way I was perceived. It also made me not want to reproduce and run the risk of creating such a defective human being.

Sup Forums is filled with people with mental disorders, who would have thought that?

This kinda shit is why I use cannabis. It just saps motivation, but even then with enough willpower and discipline you've okay.

No gibsmedats program in the US pays enough to offset the stigma. "Mental illness" is rapidly becoming the next big media bogeyman.

>Trump girl Kayla
You should stop posting your pics all over Sup Forums. I mean you are cute and all but the attentionwhoring is getting kind of old and eventually it will backfire on you and people will start to get annoyed.

I mean, you REALLY are cute, but yeah, maybe dont post as many pics.

This is literally one step above ASMR. Complete bullshit that only hippies buy into. If only inner peace were as easy as listening to some smooth-talking you into complacence.