If you had the option of having one group eventually die off, would you choose black people or gay people?
If you had the option of having one group eventually die off, would you choose black people or gay people?
one breeds one doesn't you dumbass
If gay people don't reproduce then how are more of them born?
Obviously niggers. Fags aren't going to reproduce anyway and their degeneracy isn't usually as bad as the shit the average basketball American does.
First to go to last:
Niggers, Jews, South Asians, Fags, Arabs, Mexicans
I would choose neither because I don't support genocide.
Goddamn Denmark prevented fpbp
This. Niggers breed, gays don't so the choice is clear.
blacks anytime
Go back to ledddit, if memes are all you care about
Do I have the option to make all black people gay so thus their extinction takes care of it's self?
Blacks, they're a plague.
gays because blacks are easier to avoid by sight
A subset of them force themselves to settle down with women and start a family in order to project a desired social image.
Blacks obviously. There will be 4 billion of them by the end of the century and they'll be pouring into cucked Western countries by the hundred million.
Gays on the other hand, who gives a fuck? Gays are a constant of humanity. Every amazing civilisation you idolise has had gays. Ancient Greece and Rome, Song China, Victorian Britain, Nazi Germany, 1950s USA. Gays didn't stop them from being great, so why should they stop us?
I seriously can't understand how some right-wingers get so fucking butthurt about gays. Everything is about the latest bit of degeneracy you saw on the web that morning. No thinking on the geopolitical, racial, civilisational scale.
Flamboyant homosexuality is just a symptom of our decadence. It's not a cause of anything.
When there are 10 blacks on Earth for every white, and whites are less than 5% of the global population, and whites are a minority in every country, will you still be sitting there muttering about 'muh gays'?
muslims for sure.
you know that gays have literally been around longer than christianity right
Homosexuality are as old as sexual reproduction itself.
Blacks are one of the most homophobic ethnic groups, so I assume gay people would just have the death penalty at birth by that point in time...
How long is eventually exactly? I want to see the results in my lifetime.
ISIS is alt-right
black people, not even a question
Same here dude.
nigger detected
Despite their flaws, they uplift neighbourhoods and work for a living...blacks,,,well....
Blacks. You can change being Gay. Only Michael could change being black
At least one gives me cute boys
When gays are around a neighborhood, it doesn't make the real estate value down. Blacks make it down. The answer is obvious.
> be me
> be gay nigger
am i exempted Sup Forums?
Niggers, jews, then the fag enabling jew-loving anglo-teutonic cucks. Faggots take care of themselves and don'g fuck my women.
Do you know where you are?
Black people.
It isn't gay people who are sucking up welfare or turning Africa into a crime-ridden hellhole.
stop being gay
or better yet stop being nigger