You can only post in this thread if your state is the birthplace of a U.S. President

You can only post in this thread if your state is the birthplace of a U.S. President.


I didn't think Michigan had a single president?
>inb4 Kenya posts

Actually this pic is more accurate sorry. That's their primary affiliation, this one is birthplace. And I can't post in my own thread anymore. Fuck.

Cruz dropped out, leaf.

Where is Kenya on this map

Woodrow Wilson allowed for me to post in this thread. Or was it Grover Cleveland?

Tennessee Masterrace for the first time in my life, feels good man

Franklin Pierce bitch!

>thread is about birthplace
>map isn't about birthplace


Hi there. :^)



Greastest state is the homeland of the greatest president, Ronald Reagan.

feels good mang

ohio masterrace, checking in
eagle scout too, i hear a lot of presidents are eagles as well (except obama)

Andrew Jackson.
Most based prez this side of the Mason Dixon.

Ohio here as well

Eyyyy fuck you fuccboi. You really think you cant stop me from posting? Really? Youre fucking nothing and Ill post if I want to post. Maybe Ill contribute to the political discussion. Maybe Ill post Big Black Cocks. Maybe Ill post haram Islamic women. This message board is my plaything and youre just a fucking worm inhabiting it.

Ohio master race. Best football, best presidents, best astronauts

We had Lincoln and Davis
What does this mean?

Ohio boi

New york nikkas

Based Kingston, TN shitting on shitskins since the 1800s

Until white settlers moved to the area, the wild hills, forests and waterways of Roane County were the land of the Cherokee.

Rights to land and property would become both the defining cause and the tragedy of the Cherokee in Roane County and East Tennessee.

The first four decades of the 1800s were marked by the Cherokees relationship with white settlers and their struggle to maintain their property and lifestyle.

In 1826, an attorney representing local Indian Toka Will, told a Kingston court, He perceived his nation, with all the natural advantages belonging to it, to be gradually melting away before the brighter sun of civilization moving onwards from the East.

It was an accurate sentiment. Another renowned Roane County Cherokee, Pathkiller, was granted a 640-acre reservation, including a ferry service across the Clinch River.

The agreement was not to last. Pathkiller was evicted from the reserve and for years fought in court to regain rights to his land.
In 1807, Cherokees in the area fell prey to a scheme executed by the state of Tennessee.

On Sept. 21, Kingston was named the capital of Tennessee to fool the Indians into ceding one square mile of property in the vicinity of Fort Southwest Point. Kingstons capitalhood lasted just one day.

Iowa here, sliding in by the skin of our Hoover.

>this pic is more accurate
No. It has Hawaii but not Kenya...

Hey that reminds me of that thing I did a long time ago where I mapped out the towns of where presidents were born. Autism is a hell of a drug

Representing the greatest president of all time, Buchanan from PA!

im not proud of jimmy carter so im out

>tfw based Andrew Jackson was born in your state

So where was Barack Obama born if not in Hawaii?

Your map is not good. North Carolina as Andrew Johnson and James K. Polk.

The next president after trump will be from the 51st state.

What's so special about Ohio Sup Forums?

They're looking for any reason to get out.

can't believe he got cucked out of the 20$


I are Kenya. Can I post?

Theodore Roosevelt and future president Trump

Westchester NY representing what's up faggots.

small town ohio is right.

So which president was born in New Jersey? I'm assuming an early one since nothing good has come out of NJ in 100 years, easily.

Fuck off Obama.

Grover Cleveland

>Woodrow Wilson
Of course it's Wilson

Cleveland, Wilson, and Madison.

Oh damn, he's a good one, too.


Not sure if troll, but Iowa has the birthplace of one. Could've been two had Kennedy not picked worthless nigger-loving Johnson as VP to placate the South. He was just about to get rid of Johnson for his next term too

Wilson and Madison were both born in VA, not NJ

Ohio master race

Um excuse me, what about Woodrow Wilson's home country of Ireland? God you guys are so bigoted. I'm going to post this on my twitter so i can get more attention.

Good old Buttcrust, Ohio!

Gerald Ford

so we've only had 19 presidents?

Can tell if Michigan nigger or Indiana redneck

God Bless California

Go fuck yourself, I'm an American and I can post where I want mother fucker.

>Based Jackson.
>Based Polk.

TN represent.

It is not certain whether Jackson was born in North or South Carolina.

Aka (In Cincinnati) Bucky-Russ

Try to fucking stop me

If they're gonna give Lincoln to Illinois, they've got to give us Zachary Taylor

Why does Georgia have the shittiest President born here...

sorry for Jimmy carter, guys

more like most corrupt state

florida is the reason bush won so fuck you im posting