>Trump vs Clinton is literally going to be a meme war
Trump vs Clinton is literally going to be a meme war
>people who go out in the sunlight
>people who can harness the memes
>trump didn't even ask us to make memes
we already know how this will end
>implying normies can harness the power of memes
Good. Trump has the support of Sup Forums, the source of all Memes.
That's it, now I'm #MentallyHill
If it is a war Clinton wants, then it is a war she will have.
whether you like it or not Sup Forumsitcians we are now conscripts in Trump's personal army.
what is this thing?
Does this pic have only one token white guy?
>implying it's going to be a war
More like a slaughter. If you have to hire a fucking team of marketers to attempt to reach out to young people with memes, then you don't understand memes. Memes aren't something that you can buy with money or brew up in an office brainstorming session. Memes are only strong and effective when they form naturally. You can't force them -- it just doesn't work that way.
And besides that, Shillary isn't even a meme-worthy person in the first place. She's old, tired, boring, gross, corrupt, and retarded. She doesn't fit in anywhere on the spectrum of young or cool.
Kek curse these indolent fools.
Wanna bet and nice repeating digits my friend
>Trump has born soldiers, with dacades of memeing experience
>Clinton has to recruit "memers" which are a bunch of normies that get up before noon
then we shall cry NORMIE and let loose the memes of war!
>Memetic warfare
We have already won.
Knock on my door Hillary campaigners you get knocked the fuckout
Trump has the equivalent of nukes in his meme-arsenal
If it is a memewar they want, then a memewar they shall get
Checked Kek is with Trump
Don't forget that the memes need to get outside of Sup Forums to do any good.
Trump needs full media saturation.
Beautiful Quints
all hail Kek
Sup Forums memers have had over a decade to hone their shitposting, what hope does Hillary have?
>FBI memes
bottom kek
Fucking quints confirm Hillary is done for
Ex-soldier with Secret clearance and intel background here.
Should I sign up as a consultant, make big munz, and feed intel on their campaign to you guys?
They merely adopted the memes, we were born in them, shaped by them
I thought they were supposed to harness memes, not cringe.
Cash Rules Everything Around Memes
Fuck! Beat me to it.
Only, that one feels like we got a deep mole feeding her campaign shit for our benefit.
If I beat you to shitposting, would it kill you?
Not a bad idea, senpai. Feed the Shilldog memes with subtle messages that hurt her.
Well it's going to be fun watching your countrys decline into was known as Sweden but now the first and only Somalian colony.
oh and Vox made a porly written reply to the video
>hillary has to pay people to make meme's about her
top kek
it would be very painful...
She's a big goy
these normalfags don't look like they know the first thing about memeing
You're a big shit poster.
How much is that celeb bitch in the middle getting paid? She's in every fucking promo.
Kek has spoken
For jew
i want to hate fuck her so bad fampai.
did they just glue trumps face onto dat boi and call it a meme?
I have yet to meet anyone that supports Clinton. Who are these people? jesus I just cant imagine what their reason is. They have to be the dumbest motherfuckers
>Chloe becomes a meme warrior
>spends tons of time online trying to create new memes
>eventually stumbles upon Sup Forums
>forcibly redpilled, can't handle the dankness here
>becomes a #TrumpStump
>Hillary's entire meme team falls apart and is redpilled one by one
>Chloe is reincarnated as the queen of Sup Forums, regaining her rightful throne
oh yes this is going to end quite well.
if only she wasn't a cunt
>forces meme is now an electoral concept that will impact a presidential election
I have imagined alot of things but I never imagined shit posting on this level.
They could have at least used this holy fuck
its hip to be as square as you.
these are going to be great memes.
I forsee a lot of cum poopoo and dicks.
Memes are warping reality, and it's glorious
>mfw we memed so hard we broke the universe
Clinton has to pay a bunch of shit skins with inferiority complex to out meme the meme machine and final boss of the internet.
is gonna be a blood bath
>bringing normies to a meme fight
The tears will be delicious
Do minorities look vastly overrepresented there to you?
This. Normies can't meme, it's a fact.
Holy fuck. Kek confirmed holy protector
what the FUCK is this I must watch gives sauce plox
Their memes are weak
It's kind of cute seeing normies trying to meme. Like a bunch of high schoolers changing Spongebob subtitles to be about how exams are hard.
Before the Mandela shitposters come here saying that CERN is changing our reality...
This is how the bullshit Mandela movie quotes are made.
>If I [something], would you die?"
Not "would it kill you?"
>"it would be extremely painful"
Not: "very painful".
Please get it right or people will repeat the wrong ones and then we will get new "examples" of Mandela effect.
It's fucking beautiful
We live in the first time in known history where the average man is involved in a propaganda war, and the only way to win is to go with it, not try to harness it.
I fucking love this world, and all it's sights and sounds.
Someone screenshot this.
Fuck yes. I'll be waiting.
I'm listening to NPR in my car, and they have some fucking "meme expert" or some bullshit come on talking about Shitlary's "meme" attempt with the whole "Delete your account" fiasco, and talk about how she's "in touch with the younger generations" or some bullshit like that.
The entire time I'm listening I'm just getting more and more fucking pissed off. Normies can't even into memes, they don't even understand them, much less create them.
But then, afterwards I got a smug feeling of satisfaction. Lads, we're about to witness a meme slaughter, and we will be the ones to deliver it.
Kek is merciful and just.
I think we really need to step up our information warfare.
It's time to redouble efforts to subvert and co-opt not just the Hillary campaign but social justice movements in general.
I'm going to finally do my part because I have time to fuck off at work. I'm going to start with a Shill Twitter. Any suggestions? I want to be believable. I'm thinking I'll be a Latina girl, 25, past victim of a rape, and as soon as I have some trust I'll start 'questioning my trust' in Hillary and provide soft justification for gun rights down the road.
Tips? I might not change minds, but even if we can plant doubt, its a start.
Magic cannot be wielded by force of will. You can't "decide" to make memes happen. Meme mages merely tap into the current of arcane forces, but the flow of that current is ultimately beyond their control. Kek is but one personification of the occult forces of the universe. No one here controls Kek. No one here guides meme magic. Competent users are simply able to recognize the short patterns of order on the chaos, and then they ramify it through repetition, which multiply exponentially in the collective consciences, the consequences of which eventually coalesce in material reality.
These level 1 mages are going to burn their eyebrows off trying to summon forces beyond their control.
>Keks Magic has become so powerful it has begun to spill into reality, to the point where it can sway presidential elections
>so much so that meme-magic has actually been acknowledged by an opposing presidential candidate, and she puts together he own team of novices to try and counter it
Lads this ride is too fucking intense I can't take it
They could be half-normie daywalkers
even out here you see bernie supporters all the time but all i've seen for hillary is one bumper sticker.
quints confirm
Oh fuck nigger... What have you done??
aka reddit
incoming rage comics and advice dog hillary memes
>posting about how great Sup Forums memes are
>not a single good meme in the entire thread
Quote them if you disagree
Don't do it at work.
Here is an idea. Pretend to be the girl in this.
But she's already a meme?
I can't believe this shit.
Political correctness and humor don't coincide.
Be a mixed breed instead. like half latina half asian so you can't be pointed out as "White", but you can still use language like "as someone with Hispanic blood, I identify with the Hispanic Community."
Remember, go believable and restrained.
>Clinton has resorted to attempting to force memes
She already lost.
How much of her staff do you think will become inadvertently red-pilled during this war?
Some are well beyond repair, but, there are going to be at least a few who lose the libfeels in this meme war.
quality post and quints of truth
My favorite forced shit meme has to be the stupid Despicable Me Minions with random ass captions. Like, totally fucking unrelated, but they figured if they put it with a Minion or three it would somehow be cute or funnier or some crap. How do they not get it?
I can't wait for the first captioned Hillary Minion forced meme.
>Memes are only strong and effective when they form naturally. You can't force them -- it just doesn't work that way.
But Donald Trump is basically the "Forced meme" of political candidates