RACISTS BTFO...Egyptians were black. DEAL WITH IT

If The Egyptians Were White Why Didn't Whites Build Pyramids And Monuments In Europe?
Before you try to claim the older Pyramids and monuments around the Planet remember that when they were made there were no Whites on the Planet, only Black people.

What I am asking about is Egypt and that era. Why would Whites ONCE THEY CAME INTO BEING, build Pyramids and monuments and advanced civilization in Egypt FAR from where Whites come from but not build them in the Northern realms of Ice where they come from?

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Dan stop.

Shit b8 m8

really makes you think


>that pic
>falling for liberal race bait
are you really this dependent on retarded mouthpieces and talking heads to tell you how to feel about things?

Pretty sure Egypt were Arabs even back then, however many thousands of years ago. I mean, it is in North Africa, a heavily Arabic populated area.

Where are you getting this idea that they are white?

We wuz kings and shiet

If Africans built the pyramids, why are there no monuments in Africa? Check and mate

shitposting Americans as usual.

left was TODAY show. right was probably some feminist piece of shit like Jezebel. that's the difference.

I dunno mate, you got me there.

1) The stone to build the pyramids was easier to produce and transport to the building site.
2) the pyramids of Egypt were not a product of being white, but of cultural beliefs specific to the Egyptians
3) Egypt was relatively isolated from invaders which allowed for the stability necessary to develop a culture capable of producing architecture on the scale of the pyramids.

muffet is my waifu


yeah, egyptians were black . :P

We back?

Why didn't Egyptian build any Stonehenge?

Not all cultures are the same just because they are the same race dumbfuck
>nigger logic

Is it working


you are a faggot

>realms of ice

I like the power metal association this has.

But yeah Egyptians were their own race, not black of skin. Certainly tan but not black. Otherwise they would have depicted themselves as black, being some of the first people to make stonework that survive.


Egyptians weren't white... they were Egyptian. Which is also not sub-Sahara African either.

White people most definitely were around when the pyramids were being built. Btw, why are there no pyramids south of the Sahara desert?

No they're not.

>implying egyptians were niggers and not barbaric brown people.

Fantastic austimo supreme detected.


the fact that they tottaly weren't dosen't matter.

What happened to all the blacks in Egypt, I have been there and I did not see any of them.

>manufactured controversy


Pyramids are worthless. Egypt was fucking garbage. It's possible that it was black only because it was dogshit, the type of shit that black people would make, although it was probably brown people.

No one is saying egyptians were white you dumb nigger...They were Arabs..

Your obviously retarted...there's no point in even trying to convince someone so delusional...


Nigger stop making us niggers look bad. Different people living in different regions in the world have different cultures. I though I was a dumb nigger but nigger you even more dumb. You the niggest.

>in public
>not in public

no one wants to see chimps feeding outside of zoos.


Who says they were white (Europeans)?

What we pointing out is the historical reality that they were not black (subsaharan African).

They were and remain North African.

Not black =\ white. Shit bait/10

Egyptians were neither Black or White you stupid nigger, they were middle eastern Pagans, and what the fuck are you talking about no whites at the time, the Pyramids were built roughly around 3000 B.C. white people have been around way before that time even before 10,000 B.C. I know this is bait, but in the slight chance this is real and you are really this retarded please hang yourself



Based Trinidad


You guys think this is bait, but in reality people this ignorant and stupid exist and will find Sup Forums and make a thread about how little they know.


This. You niggers are just niggers. Deal with it.

Blacks built pyramids. Whites were in charge.

Egyptians were arab/north africans.

So fucking pathetic, Niggers have such little worth, and such little culture they have to rewrite history to make it seem like they achieved something.

If your 'idea' is correct, and niggers built the pyramids in 2600bc....that would mean that modern day africans HAVE NOT ADVANCED IN OVER 4000 YEARS.

You literal fucking retard. Niggers are shown in hieroglyphs, alongside egyptians. Niggers did build the pyramids, as fucking SLAVES.

Honestly, get your own culture. Oh wait, you already have one. Rap music, theft, rape, murder, gibs, rampant spraying of your offspring all over the earth.

They were white by actual standards. By Sup Forums's standards anything east of Berlin is a Mongol and south of Milan is a nigger, so no, they weren't white.


they did. its called greece and rome

Why do blacks randomly captalize letters?

When did public breastfeeding become a civil right?

because they know no one would listen to their incoherent ramblings, unless they shouted it or typed in caps

>what is cherry picking

It's sort of like they're saying that "yeah nah our actual ancient culture wasn't good enough"

Think of what their ancestors would say if they knew their descendants would know nothing about them and instead claimed to be other people who their ancestors probably hated. My ancestors are smiling at me, can you say the same, Jigaboo?

It's like "yeah nah fuck that shit we gon keep dat shit secret until lefties let us have egypt and Rome and shiet then we can flame WE WUZ ERRYONE"

I mean why pretend Egyptians and stuff were black when you have shit like this?

'We might be low IQ, inbred, semi-mongoloids now...but 4000 years ago, we built pyramids n shit. Now wheres my welfare cheque'

Even if it was true, and nigs used to be awesome. Guess what...THEY AREN'T NOW. Bunch of illiterate chimps.

If the best thing niggers could come up with are fucking gay triangle buildings, it's no wonder they've been shit on throughout the rest of history.

Some ethnicities are fine but southern Africans are niggers who never achieved shit. Khoisan and Yoruba stand out to me as two groups that pass the litmus test for civilization and not being niggers. Shame that the ones who had no fucking clue how to conduct themselves in war (because they were niggers) were the ones that got captured, enslaved, and brought over here.

Their slaves (blacks and other tribes) built the pyramids
Even us with 10000 to 20000 years of delay built empires :P

>he thinks the Pyramids were built by jews to inter corpses
lel, how bluepilled can you get

All I see in this pic is leftists eating each other

>If The Egyptians Were White Why Didn't Whites Build Pyramids And Monuments In Europe?
>This stupid fuck is not aware of the hidden pyramids of europe
Everything we have been told about human history at school is a lie, was you not aware of that?

Whats so good about a pyramid?

>that ugly ass modern building behind it

I was born in le wrong generation

The Egyptians were Egyptian

Completely different race

The Egyptians were only black after they were buried.



"definite proof that women are the greatest."

proving you have an IQ above 70 and crapping out a future criminal. Lets all aspire to be more like her.

if egyptians were black why didn't they build pyramids in the rest of africa




>Why Didn't Whites Monuments In Europe?

Nigger idiot. We all know that the aliens built thoe pyramids for the white anglo-egyptians

>blacks say we wuz kangz
>tell them you're jewish and they enslaved your ancestors and that they should pay back
make this a thing

>Racists BTFO
>My race must have historical superiority over yours
Wouldn't you BTFO yourself?

Doesn't matter, they were Greeks then Arab muslims in the end.