Nazis were literally anti-intellectual dindus

Nazis were literally anti-intellectual dindus.

Germany has always been at the vanguard of everything (religion, art, music, technology, politics, etc.)

Architecture was no exception. I find the fact these buildings were constructed during the 20s simply jaw dropping.

Classic, Gothic and Baroque architecture sure are nice, but to think Nazis would dismiss these stylish, sophisticated and functional new styles as "degenerate" really helps you get the picture on wrong they were.

Other urls found in this thread:


>architectural styles are more important than the safety and success of a country's native people, and if you disagree you're a national socialist who wants to murder Jewish people

Why the fuck doesn't anyone care about anything important anymore?

What harm was modern Architecture doing to Germany?

Check my soundcloud senpai

Again, who the fuck cares about architecture when your people are starving because of Jewish bankers putting a stranglehold on your entire country? Fucking idiot get some goddamn priorities and straighten them out.

modern architecture is disgusting garbage.

is this your mixtape

nah man

Most of the architecture that looks completely shit was done by a jewish architect

they can't do any kind of art, no matter how hard they try. If you don't believe me, just google for some jewish architects and take a look at the buildings they designed.

That looks boring as hell. Not even a nazi sympathizer, but you'd have to be retarded to believe the Weimar republic had better architecture.


It's because ashkenazi jews have low visual/spacial IQ. They have above average verbal and linguistics skills but they suck at pretty much everything else.

that looks like a prison block for its new brown inhabitants



You have shit taste and belong inside of a computer with your robot mind.

>Soulless concrete blocks
>Jaw dropping

Germany was indeed a center of academic excellence pre WW1. But Weimar Germany was a degenerate shithole very reminiscent of the modern western world.

>Germany has always been at the vanguard of everything (religion, art, music, technology, politics, etc.)

You're baiting, right?

That building is even more ugly than commie blocks. I'm glad the nazi's didn't like it. Also hitler's fantasy model of Berlin also looked like shit, so it's not like I don't totally disagree with you.

Modern architecture sucks the soul of the city and destroys any chance of a city having an identity.
Modern architecture is a globalist campaign to unify us all into one people and one nation. When all the worlds cities look the same, when we all dress the same, when we all speak the same language why not become one country?

and that Bauhaus crap is among the worst.

bauhaus was ugly as fuck, it was born out of the trauma of ww1, we still havent recovered from the damage it has done to modern design

How do you enjoy being shot up Honduran?

Yeah nazi architecture is bad, as bad as commie and all the shit alike.

The better one is italian fascist, but still bad.

And post war modernism architecture manages to be even worse 90% of the times.

>at the vanguard of anything

Literally looks like a prison had sex with a high school

Fuck off ya Plebes. Brutalism came from Bauhaus and there aint shit wrong with that. In fact it's the best style there is, imo. Modern day applications could include translucent concrete. Way better than blinding glass and steel


Without the sign you'd think this would be something the commies came up with.

That's the impression. I don't know about you but i want a building not to be my friend but to intimidate me