Sup Forums BTFO by Cereal Man!
Sup Forums BTFO by Cereal Man!
Yet he's fine with himself being stupid..?
Let me explain why I like letting my wife fuck niggers, even though I am a virgin:
It's because I don't like living in a country with a bunch of white people.
I don't understand what's wrong with this statement... I don't know anything about John Green but the statement in the pic seems to make sense
The problem is that taxation is theft.
because Public Schools are a failure and have been since the 70s when the DoE was set up. They've become nothing but bureaucratic nightmares, and they now teach Transexuality and HOmosexuality in the classroom.
This isn't even mentioning the fact that after 12 years in Public schooling all a person with a HS diploma can get as a job is some place at McDick's or some Clerk work if they are connected.
Then he better be more worried about genetics than that old bull-shit "lack of school funding" meme (they're OVER FUNDED here if anything) if he doesn't want to end up "living in a country with a bunch of stupid people". Dumb cuck. It's good fags like him don't reproduce.
John Green is a teen fiction author. His "history" show is garbage and anyone that knows the field will tell you at least that it skims over most important information at best.
In episodes where he is meant to cover the European middle ages he instead devotes a solid chunk of the time demonizing Europe as a continent and claiming that History is inherently eurocentric, despite already having a video on the islamic golden age he proceeds to rant about it once more in the video about the Medieval period.
He is whiny and panders to his audience like they are babies. Since most of them are young girls who read his terrible twee fiction about a young him meeting a manic pixie dream girl they eat it up. He also married his high school sweetheart that turned him down when he was in high school and came back to him much later after he started making money.
You've probably seen people posting in thread after thread as a bait image. Just like this thread
he has 2 kids.
This is extremely cucked and retarded but it's irrelevant to what he said in OP's pic
>Wanting to be the only stupid man in your country
overall John Green is some tumblr tier pseudo intellectual who panders to the lowest common denominator and is known as "le cereal man" because of pic related
John Green has an incredibly punchable face
continuing, most of his History presentations are skewed to the point of being ridiculous. In his "middle ages" video for example he says that "If you like cities and great poetry, then the Dark Ages were pretty dark in Europe"
and that "Europe was dominated by superstition and boring religious debates about how many angels could fit on the head of a pin"
Both of these are complete falsehoods, but because he speaks in that inane "youtube voice" with jump cuts every two seconds the viewer is whisked past all of the historical inaccuracies that pile up on one another. He admits to having a bias against European cultures and often refers to them as being stupid and backwards. Whenever he does mention one of their accomplishments he follows up immediately after by mentioning a half or unrelated genocide, that they probably stole the accomplishment from [marginalized group] or just start fellating a non european country directly afterwards. The absolute worst part of it is that these videos are shown in schools as a surrogate for proper teaching. I remember sitting through AP classes back in high school and having our instructor just put up videos of this person in lieu of lecturing or bookwork. I've even seen these videos in college from time to time used by lazy professors who want to let someone else indoctrinate for them. Avoid John Green at all costs.
Love Life Anarchy spotted
Education does not fix stupid.
>John Green