Why did this grill anger you faggots so much? You realize that she was forced here by her parents when she was only 2...

Why did this grill anger you faggots so much? You realize that she was forced here by her parents when she was only 2, right? She also worked very hard and earned what she did. I think you're just butthurt because she's objectively more intelligent than you clowns. As a tax payer, I feel happy that my money is going to help a bright, intelligent young woman, and not a bunch of entitled racist white boys.


Illegal is illegal. If she's so smart she might help make mexico great again.

here is your reply


I'm more upset at her vanity, bitch is a 5/10 in the right light.


Literally who



Were all forced here by our retarded parents being selfish fucks who refuse to acknowledge sex is a tool for procreation only and abuse it for pleasure until, OOPS nature happens like your dumb ass should have expected, and now you're gonna be shitty parents to shitty children who will grow up doing the same shit that put them in a bad position in the first place.

But she's still here illegally. If she were smart she would have moved back to Mexico and gotten her education there, then helped her country.

1. Here's your (You)
2. You had me on your side until...
>tax dollars
>white boys

She was arrogant about exploiting america

stole from taxpayer. rubbed it in our face. gee i wonder fucking why so many ppl got pissed. now exuse me. I have an ICE report to file

The existence of a law is not a justification for it. Immigration laws take freedoms away. It restricts a victimless action. To support it, is to oppose freedom.
Why do authoritarians like you hate freedom so much?

She was arrogant and a law is a law

Exactly. It's the smugness and entitlement that bothers me. She has no humility or gratitude for all that she has been given (for free). She doesn't seem repentant or apologetic, either.

Why do you post the ugly one? Someone post the other illegal valedictorian. The hot one with the boobjob

I know that the current system sucks and it's hard to fault her for something her parents did, but without borders and citizenship a country is not a country at all.

we're all victims of illegal immigration depressing our wages, injuring our markets, and flying in the face of our worker's rights regulations

Supporting illegals is supporting crypto-slavery

Now im interested


>what is the american taxpayer
>what is the hundreds of thousands of people who essentially wait in line to go through the immigration process

Her speech also sucked

What the fuck do you morons mean "her country"? Her country is the US, she's lived here her entire sentient life.

That's a flawless point but I have something to add: why not let legit decent and smart people in? This girl wasn't handed her grades, she worked hard as hell for them. Now she's going to Yale. Nobody just gets into Yale without being an academic badass to at least an above average extent.

oh god those disgusting wretched feet

You poor victims! Having to pay taxes and all. How dreadful! Life sure is hard

That's not now it works, cuck. Anchor babies aren't entitled to the same things the children of families who've lived and contributed here for generations are entitled to.

The beaner prefers Mexico

At least change your pic you gigantic faggot

But is she a US Citizen?


I paid for her her school. Her food. Her housing.

She's going back.

Never fucking reply to me again unless you are contributing to the thread you goddamn NEET.

Because there are protocols and procedures for shit. She needs to go through the immigration process like everyone else, no exceptions, no free handouts.

>brags about being undocumented

Should be smart enough to know not to say she's undocumente

Get the fuck out of my country please.

This is America, the land of opportunity. You don't get to tell people that they have less of a right to opportunities here. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

why didn't she reveal shes illegal BEFORE she graduated? what she wasn't smart enough until she had a cap and gown on? she knows shes a smug entitled little shit. no one is JEALOUS most people just dont like generosity being taken as weakness.

She does have nice legs desu

Yeah. Wonder if she at least has decent tits and shaves her twat.


Because she went online to brag about her family's crime.

If she hadn't said anything no one would know,or care. She decided to flaunt her crime and mock those of us that pay taxes.

American citizenship is a valuable commodity and she is stealing it.

She was an immigrant when she was 2 or 3. She's lived her life just as an American child and adolescent since then. If you want to apply the "she's an immigrant forever" logic then anyone could say the same about you for any controversial shit you've ever been part of. She worked hard and rose above average plebs, and now she's going to Yale. Deal with it

>The existence of a law is not a justification for it.

yes it is, Ignorantia juris non excusat

She's a parasite. She needs to leave and apply for citizenship if she wants to be here, otherwise Mexico can have her.
I doubt she's actually going to do anything to help this country anyway but she can always change opinions by repaying the nation that helped her to reach whatever potential she may have.

Even with old b8, OP can get some bites from summerfags

She's going to YALE you fucking idiot. Who the fuck are you to call someone superior to you a parasite?

Shes not illegal, you fucking dope. Bush signed the legislation that lets her stay n gives her a free ride in 2007.

Republicans giving free shit to mexicans!

>Youd think he was Reagan, huh?

So, you are happy with all the Moroccan crime in your country? Or that half the Muslims in Holland live on welfare? That Amsterdam has hardly any native Dutch people anymore? You call that freedom?

serving the jew does not equal superior you dumb nigger

A parasite takes without giving back, which is precisely what she is doing. Whatever school she is going to has no bearing on that. Not to mention that the education system here is full of teachers who are more than willing to help their students look better than they actually are for various reasons.
She's only starting college, so there's no telling if she is even going to make anything of herself anyways.
Chances are that she's going to end up being nothing more than a symbol.

She will be more successful and be a bigger credit to the human race than you + that other salty tard combined. Stay mad.

>going to Yale for a sociology degree makes her superior

No she's going to University of Texas. The girl I mentioned in is the one going to Yale. And someone has yet to post pics of her hot ass sadly.

So the people that get murdered and/or raped by illegals aren't victims? You're a piece of shit.

Nice strawman.

Fuck effeminate pussy ass white boys.
You guys are massive cucks and the inventors of homosexuality.
Fucking pathetic.

Bumping again for interwst in this sexy mystery mexica

I don't know if it's the same one, but the Texan spicette is according to one classmate a HUGE cheater. And she wants to become a surgeon.
Fuck that. Even if she managed to squeak by and graduate at the bottom of every class, I don't want a dumbfuck who was too lazy to study for her classes to have the power of life or death over people.

No your argument was that it was a victimless crime. But that is false and statistics show that to be false. Illegals are responsible for over a third of the murders in states where they're predicted to be between 5-11 percent of the population. And it's not authoritarian if they're not citizens because they're literally not a part of the country.

>Sup Forums wants to kick out a high-IQ, top-performing member of our society

Priorities, you fucking imbeciles

>Were all forced here by our retarded parents being selfish fucks who refuse to acknowledge sex is a tool for procreation only and abuse it for pleasure until, OOPS nature happens like your dumb ass should have expected, and now you're gonna be shitty parents to shitty children who will grow up doing the same shit that put them in a bad position in the first place.
go back to /r9k/ faggot

There are thousands of foreign students at Yale, UT and every other university in the country. I consider these girls as foreign as a student from Finland or Nepal. The fact that we're wasting our tax dollars on these leeches and their families doesn't make me feel more sympathetic.

Literally brags on social media how she is an illegal alien.

You're missing the point. It's referring to the literal existence of an illegal, which is victimless by nature.
For comparison:
Being a cardriver - victimless
Willfully driving into someone - victim making
Being an illegal - victimless
Being an illegal that shoots someone - victim making

Absolute butterface.

what about the wetbacks who pay NO taxes but get all the benefits from it and MORE than the average white boi?

Because she's a criminal who is breaking the law.

>earned what she did

not the same thing as earning what was given to her, which was an education funded by taxpayers.

I hope she gets sent back to Mexico and uses her incredible "intellect" to be a foreman building the wall

because she's the top retard in a school full of retards, and brags about it.


>people will grasp at any straws to convince themselves of the summerfag meme
moot debunked this you nigger

>implying tax dollars don't pay for goods and services intended to be consumed by tax-paying citizens
>implying I am not being robbed every time some illegal takes up another seat in a public school thus stretching the resources of our schools further

None of us were angry and those that said they were, well, they were just being ironic. Illegal is illegal no matter how you slice it. She arrived in America when she was 6 not 2. Get your information right. Also, don't you fucking ever call me a white boy ever again. I'm the niggeriest nigger ever to grace Sup Forums and I am proud of that fact. Get fucked you micro penis cuck.

Except she's not a criminal. There are no laws that make unlawful presence or overstaying a visa a crime.

Well hen she's an attention whore who's there legally? It's not like people sought her out, she was the one going "/p-Sup Forums btfo"

Adding to that:
If nothing else, there's criminal and civil infractions; copyright infringement is the latter, and isn't a "crime". And not all laws are necessarily either, if broken. Building your fence too high might be against local by-laws, but it's neither a civil offense nor a crime.

Fuck are you talking about, Corky?

She's a good girl, valedictorian and shit, goes to church every Sunday... and isn't she a hottie guys? ;) Ignore her lawbreaking and let's use her 15 minutes of fame to lobby for open borders so MORE of the people who live in her COUNTRY OF LEGAL RESIDENCE become emboldened to abuse the system you legally pay into.


*this message was paid for by George Soros

Running a red light and not hitting any one is victimless but running a red light and hitting someone does have a victim so it should be legal to run red lights as long as you don't hit anyone.

She has stolen from the American taxpayers.

Running a red light on an active street automatically endangers other drivers.
Being undocumented does not automatically make you a danger to others.

>first post self bump
>the "i made a shitty bait thread: the post" concession

>spends whole life here
>refuses to become legal while leeching off american taxpayers money
>hur dur why you mad user, she graduated top of her class which only 30% of students could pass english hurr dur she finished first in special olympics

Fucking KILL yourself.

As far as I understand it, wasn't she the one who was all like "Hey guys, I got a GPA of 4.5, also I'm an illegal immigrant, teehee". If there's a provision in the law that allows her to stay there as a minor, then she's not actually there illegally and just being an attention whore, right?

>spends whole life here because her parents brought her, not out of free choice
>enters the administrative nightmare called naturalization
>system is so fucked up it takes like a decade to process
>still decides to do her best and outperform others because she's a kid and can't do much else

But yeah, she'd be better living on the streets, sucking random dick and popping out more anchor babies right? :^)

No but since most illegals are criminals it does endanger our lives to bring them here even if some are good people which I'm sure some are.

I doubt >50% of them are criminals.

>process takes a decade
>a decade was 6 years ago for her
>still illegal
>doing her best
>school she attended had 70% of kids failing english

Fucking kill yourself.

I doubt more than half of them make an honest living. If they could make an honest living that wouldnt have came here illegally anyway.

>She also worked very hard and earned what she did

She also gave credit to Mexico, instead of the land that provided the opportunities for her

If she were growing up in Mexico, she'd be a drug mule, a whore or accidentally killed in gang violence


Jesus she has disgusting toenails. Those look like man toes.


White hispanic here. Chicanos are fucking political cancer and need to be removed.

Well there's nothing that dumb, border jumping, spic bitch can do about her busted ass face.

>be born white
>have every opportunity to succeed

>be born illegal
>whole system stacked against you

i can see why Sup Forumscucks are triggered, i mean, i am against uncontrolled immigration also but this girl is the LAST spic that should be on your jerkoff day of the rope genocide list

I want to dick her doWn

This is like saying it's okay to unleash a swarm of mosquitos in your neighborhood if there's only a small chance that they carry Zika.

If she's not illegal, then why do we care?