>What's that? One of the greatest influential hockey players of all time died?
Oh, he's white, who cares?
>What's that? One of the greatest influential hockey players of all time died?
Oh, he's white, who cares?
He has a little white dick, who cares?
What's that?
>Doesn't know about hockey
Only Canadians care about hockey
Damnit that sucks
Fuck you buddy, ruskies and scandies also care. Go fuck yourself with a spade you dumb fucking merikan. Guy.
>knowing anything about hockey
> I stand corrected
cucks and dumb polacks care about hockey... goes shovel down some poutine, foie gras and labatt blue and die of cardiac arrest you fucking leaf.
>still this salty about Sochi
C'mon, guy. It's just a fun game between buddies. Instead of feeling sour just think about all the things that make America great: electing a black president, being the birthplace of modern progressivism, being unprecedently tolerant and accommodating towards undocumented labourers...
It's because Gordie wasn't a loudmouthed nigger and hockey has avoided normie bandwagoners for the most part.
Yeah you're right... I shoul look at the bright side- Canada gets cucked by murica every NHL season and can't win a Stanley Cup despite hockey being the nation's pastime.
Poutine is fucking great and cardiac arrest is already endemic to your population.
I care
RIP Mr. Hockey
His best season was when he was 41. Crazy.
Naturally. You have more money and can hire top grade Slavs. We're stuck with Swedes.
Quite so.. some ignorant brain dead muslim nigger who dolled out cerebral traumatic injuries to other dumb niggers is the toast of planet earth and this elegant sportsman who I remember from my young s=childhood gets a tiny little blurb..
I really do despise this world.
>Gordie dead
>Marcia Wallace dead
Edna Krabappel and Woodrow are finally together in heaven.
Muhammed AliAckbar and Nigger Prince combined get like a week of constant news coverage. All over magazine covers, documentaries about how great they are. Gloss over Ali being an anti-white black supremacist, talk about how great he is.
Gordie dies, gets 10 minutes of talk on Global. "Oh by the way, another sports suprestar also died recently. Muhammed Ali...."
It's insulting.
He probably said fuck this gay earth when you legalized animal sex.. I know i would.
>implying the teams that win aren't carried by Canadian players