Trump girl Kayla again. As you know by now, I live in Chico, CA, which is a Bernie-infested...

Trump girl Kayla again. As you know by now, I live in Chico, CA, which is a Bernie-infested, Left Wing hive of degenerates. I really feel like a kike in WW2 Germany when I wear anything Trump-related. People won't even buy me drinks if I'm wearing Trump stuff.
Anyway, I used to pass by this one spot on my jogging route and I would find this sign illegally posted on an electrical pole. I tore it down, and three days later, they put another one up. I tore it down again, and again, they posted a new one. I tore down a third one, and after that, they have not posted another one. I think they got the message.
Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like I really turned this thread upsidedown

Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo!
Really makes you think Kayla

>people won't even buy me drinks
And they say men are the priveleged ones.
You should false flag as a lefty and turn them against each other

That was bad, Kayla.

Oh you show them girl, go girl go.

Just a personal question, since you clearly don't know what to do with your new found fame, are you any good at debating or arguing?

Peach and Lauren southern have been known to do this with hilarious consequences.

I love to debate and argue

Not trolling, but is she really a girl or not?

This isn't my Kayla, the posts aren't autistic enough.

not your blog, faggot

You are badass

I've considered this, but I feel like I'd be unclean for even pretending

where is da booty?

Time stamp m8

Not your country, faggot. This is an American thread. Worry about your own shitty leader while we make ours great again

I'll try harder next time, bb

I am a girl. I could take a picture right now

Are you still buying me a drink, ya little cunt.

holy shit learn how to post

>"i love to debate and argue"

do it faggot

tits timestamp or gfto

sure is summer in here


Yeah, are you good at it? If you're good at it, start making YouTube videos and set up a patreon account. Start with "why trump is better for America than either hilary or Clinton." Make sure to look your cutest. If you do this I'll like and comment on all your videos, least I can do to give you a head start.

Everyone not below average intelligence loves to argue, you have to be good at it though. Attractive people that are have everything going for them, notice how Milo actually sucks at argument? He gets away with it through looks.

Don't even respond, you'll devolve this into robots begging for tits.

Kayla what's your twitter handle???

Yes, go to U bar this Wednesday night. Come up to me if you're feeling brave enough and I will buy you a shot.

I'm on my phone, bro. Formatting is shit.

You're a dude, aren't you?

What time nigga, are you going to be wearing your hat

How long until you cash in on the autism bux of Sup Forumstards

I don't use my twitter

kayla what are u listening to right now

I'd like to say I'm pretty decent at it to say the least. I'm certainly not bad at defending what I believe in.

You should senpai

Make YT videos. You can be American Yoko

Anyways, you should try to get on the Trump campaign staff.

"people won't even buy me drinks"

Star Trek theme songs, desu

someone rotate that picture. im not turning my head to see it

Come to kern county last conservative stronghold in this state

Between 8pm-1am. I will probably be sitting at the bar sitting close by the dishwasher. If you'd like I could wear my hat.

She'll be buying me one.

I bet once I tap her on the shoulder spaghetti will fly out of her pockets though.

I lived in Bakersfield. Fuck that place, m8

>People won't even buy me drinks
Oh no, another victim of the #WarOnWomen!

I've considered it, but I'm on the FHE committee for my church and I can't even make it to those meeting often. I live a busy life.

Is that where your bf works?

So it is a girl. Okay. Hey Kayla :)

Girls from Chico are usually well socialized if you catch my drift

Well, they usually buy me drinks, what can I say? I'm not screaming oppression, but I always have to go Dutch when I go out with my Trump gear. Last Wednesday I had people ask me if my stickers were ironic and they said "Oh, I'm sorry...".
People are autistic.

Don't you guys get that she's worse than a tripfag? Literally whoring for attention!! We need to ditch this hoe.

you faggots all are falling for this meme because of
>muh dick

Might be better to get in contact with trump

You should post these pictures everywhere

Democrats were behind KKK, slavery, and Jim Crow anyways. Fucking dumbasses

You know that theres other places right? Like kernville or lake isabella

Nope. He works elsewhere.

Wearing hats in public is rude. I'm pretty good with faces, I should recognize you once I see you. Just no sperging. I just want to talk to the legend in the flesh.

Kylo Ren isn't going to be there is he? I can't promise that I won't cuck him, so it might be best if you have him with you.

Do you have a kik or a shitty email address just in case you're not there so I can get pissed and rant at you?

You can contact me at,

[email protected]

If you're not there and you don't buy me a Four Horsemen, I'm gonna vote for Hillary.

>what is opportunity cost
>what is networking

Imagine if you were able to get on stage with the Trump himself and give a fiery speech to ignite all the virgin neckbeard hearts out there.


trips of truth

you guys realize OP is a troll right?
>pol is becoming as stupid as b

Do people really go to bars? Is that like a thing? Will I meet MAGA girls?

Spotted the virgin

If repeating numbers we will win the meme war

If repeating numbers we've already won

I have a lot of friends who work at the bars around here is why. I get discounts because of them

You know the rules

Tits or gtfo


Pic related.

Ah, I see. So it's not weird if people meet in bars? Like you just offer to buy them a drink?

Also how old are you?

>the kkk picture forms an H

Fail as fuck this is how its done check em for MAGA

saddest post ive seen in a long time

Remember that if you put up any Trump posters, stick razor blades on the back of them so they cut the hands of anyone who tears them down.

Damn this thread is some weird ass mixture of /r9k/ and normies. USA threads are so boring when EU is asleep.

kek what the fuck am i reading

I've seen sadder.

Btw, I had my Trump niglet friend hold the first sign for me. He supports Trump.

are you saying us euros are fucked up?

Make videos like Yoko and show off your Trump merch

He thinks he's gonna bang Kayla

Well according to you guys, I'm not a girl, so tits or gtfo doesn't apply :^))))


Based black

It's 8:15pm on the west coast on a Friday night. Why you posting on /pol?

post benis

Where did he steal the Nikes from.

I can't believe you fucking morons think this is really him posting

BAHAHAHAHAHA hangs out with niggers and its a trap wew lad Sup Forums hitting new lows..

>the rules dont apply because I say so

You're going to show me some tits or ass, or you're getting the fuck out.

Hey, Kayla. What do you think of based Bill Whittle?

Is he red pilled?

That's where I met my boyfriend. I love the quiet ones who don't talk to anybody.

I'm 22

Rush b is down, what do you expect?

I know where you live, and I'm coming to get you. Be ready.

What if you don't really know about alcohol?

23 and never been

Hilarious how so many robots on Sup Forums REEEEE about women and as soon as one posts they rush to worship

Pretty sad desu senpai

Post a pic of any proof that your actually >her

You were saying?
And I'm a girl

When did I say that? I couldn't fuck Trump Girl on the first date.

Besides, I'm only into raw dogging and she doesn't seem like the type that goes on birth control. I'm not going to risk my white genes getting mixed with a half spic.

I want to arouse her intellectually and see if she really is a Trump supporter and not a phony. Also I want to see if she's fun to drink with.

Trap confirmed

Post benis

>chalking on a friday
nobody goes to school on saturday or sunday, doofus

it will probably be gone on monday morning

good going you fucking faggot

sage in all fields

I'm not a trap
And he's not a nigger, just a black guy


Absolutely haram

take it to /soc/, faggots

Post pantsu.

Since you're off deviant, rate how white i am if you remember.